Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Edgar Lungu Foundation is nothing but a covert political project


By Prince Bill M. Kaping’a Political/Social Analyst

The Edgar Lungu Foundation which was launched last Friday by the former president is nothing but a covert political project aimed at endearing and keeping him connected to an otherwise skeptical public as he prepares for a political come back in 2026. Those in doubt, watch this space!

Immediately Lungu lost power; a coterie of individuals with ill intentions didn’t waste time constantly flocking to his place, ‘whispering’ to him, like the Serpent in the Bible, the sweetness of power! Didn’t he himself recently confess that some individuals such as Antonio were urging him not to concede defeat once it became clear he had lost to one Hakainde Hichilema in a landslide victory?

It appears Lungu has finally yielded to the seduction and he’s plotting a comeback! The so-called foundation is nothing but a cover-up. How come he hasn’t publicly denounced his involvement in politics and told the nation that from now onwards he’ll be devoting his precious time to community work? Isn’t that what others do?

For someone who was out-rightly rejected and thumped by a million votes and booed in the Heroes stadium, the wisest thing to have done was to take a sabbatical far away from the proverbial snakes in Lusaka; preferably in a serene and green environment such as South Luangwa National Park. To be entertained only by Mother Nature as he embarks on a soul-searching exercise! There and then, he would have savoured solitude to reflect on his time in office; and possibly taken time to write his memoirs even if he may have trouble doing so. His peers, whether it’s in Zambia or in other countries elect to disengage themselves from the public for prolonged periods of time before deciding to step back into the limelight. It’s too early for Lungu to start engaging with the public when some of us are still hurting due to his poor leadership.

Does he need reminding that our people were gassed in their houses during his time as Commander-in-chief of the armed forces? What about the burning of our markets where poor people lost property worth millions of Kwacha, who was behind it? Police brutality was the order of the day during his tenure – does he go to bed peacefully knowing that a lot of people died and got injured at the hands of his police or indeed ended up being condemned to cells smeared with fecal matter on tramped up charges?

Lest we forget, the notorious PF cadres reigned supreme and terror in our communities – urinating in our mouths, knocking out our teeth, gorging out our eyes, and maiming our limbs as long as they suspected you of being opponents or critical of the government. This shouldn’t have happened to our country in the first place. Our almighty God is surely going to punish some people when the time of reckoning comes.

Whoever is advising the former president at the moment doesn’t love him, and is surely doing it for selfish reasons. This country isn’t short of capable leaders to weather the storms and take us to the Promised Land for him to start flirting with the idea of running for public office again. Somebody on social media challenged us that we are dead scared of Lungu, hence the reason we feel uncomfortable each time we see him in public.

You’re joking! How can we be afraid of a man who shamelessly allowed our nation to be polarized to alarming magnitudes by tolerating tribal politics? Didn’t we see corruption spiraling to record levels during his tenure? Was he in a hurry to create jobs for those youths we saw desperately turning up for census jobs? As somebody once said, it was parte, after parte, after parte! The sooner he abandons his political maneuvers and concentrates on growing spinach in his backyard as he sings to the cameramen, “mulekopa…..mulekopa…..” the better, otherwise he’ll end up being bruised, irreparably!


  1. This is just a very stupid and shallow opinion of the writer. A waste of space on social media. Not worth reading it

  2. You are a son of a beech for writing such an article. Your f00Iish father should have wore protection. Let us respect our elders and especially a statesman. Go eff yourself

  3. If this is the real Kaizar Zulu, am hardly surprised! It represents the debased and morally bankrupt leadership that Lungu stood for!

    • If it is not the real one, then the real one should sue LK for character assassination. This is the real one as depicted in the profile. No one would allow to use one’s image in such SICK madness and scandalous language. Don’t be deceived by the flag. HE IS THE ONE!!!

    • You see nothing wrong with an article that disrespects a former head of state and yet you see everything wrong with me reacting to the f00Iish article. You are also a f00Iish dog.

  4. What do you want the former president to do? To just waste away in his house? I am not a supporter of the former president but on the decision to start a Foundation I commend him 100%. This is what he should have done immediately after handing over power. The late great Nelson Mandela started a Foundation soon after leaving office. The Mandela Foundation sourced for funds from multinational companies and the corporate world in general to support schools, clinics, etc in rural areas and neglected places throughout South Africa. The only problem with Zambian foundations is that they are not anything to write home about because they tend to be regional; supporting only projects found in the region where the founder hails from. Wako ni wako is a big problem in Zambia.

  5. Kapinga a prince is a noble person not one who is hell bent to provoke vendetta. If PF were responsible for gassing and market burning incidents you think Upnd would have kept quiet about it up to this time… considering the speed at which they have ressurrected ghost cases and rewarding people like Mrs Chief Mukuni. You are unconsciously opening a Pandora box.

  6. You are have been scared of your own shadows since you cheated your way into government. Now Zambians are seeing through your lies of improving their lives. So when Edgar forms his ELF( Edgar Lungu Foundation) a non political organisation you start shivering panicking. Lies have short legs.

  7. It seems the UPND are so obsessed with ECL that they can’t do anything without bringing his name into it. ECL is gone and will never come back to politics. The earlier the UPND realizes that the better for the nation. HH’s next serious opponent won’t be ECL, it’ll be the Zambian people, especially the youth that he promised jobs and a good life. It’s HH that has everything to lose because ECL is gone. Let him enjoy his retirement. UPND won’t gain any political mileage by demeaning ECL and his family. When it comes to political violence and associated crimes, the UPND is as guilty as the PF. It’s better they concentrate on delivery than to continue flogging a dead horse

  8. Offside here, very offside. I have reason to believe this foundation is in response to the demands that Edgar becomes a statesman.
    I do believe he has no intention of recontesting for the Presidency.
    Surely, should everything Lungu does have a connection to him wanting to go back into public office? Lungu is done and dusted, let’s leave him alone to his farming and his Foundation.
    Why raise dust over your own fears and assumptions?

  9. 1. To the author, start by fixing {YOU}, the person you see in the mirror. Being human, you have limitless possibilities and if you use your God-given faculties, you will perform wonders and take Zambia Forward. This also goes to other writers/authors such as **Kapya Kaoma** who may have valid points to critic HH, but prefer to go extremely negative against HH. You all have an audience that feeds your narratives & misinformation to promote division and hatefulness.

  10. So called prince thinks Lungu should have gone to some desolate place to cry over his loss to Kainde… my God isn’t that the attitude of a sore loser. He lost but life must go on… he wasn’t born president, he just became one and there’s time for everything. I wonder what this pseudo prince wants to achieve because everyday he’s always attacking a ” dead man”

  11. 2. Your today’s article adds nothing to the Zambian Enterprise, but just hatefulness. Don’t drink poison and expect someone else to die. Cause the only person you are destroying is you, cause that what hatefulness does. Nothing you say will stop Lungu how he wants to live his live such as setting up a foundation to make a difference. Zambia has so much challenging issues, and to waste time promoting Hate, Odium, Revulsion, is really sad state of affairs.

    • Independent observer

      How can we move on without addressing the past ??

      Zambia went through a very traumatic period that included gassing and unabated cader violence…………

      I think for the nation to move on , former President lungu should atleast pen an article addressing his record in office……….

  12. You will see how this start to recieve cash donations in suitcases.
    This Lazy Lungu doesn’t know what to do next..he should not be on taxpayers funds he is still defacto PF President hoping to stand in 2026.

  13. Great article! This drunkard thief & his bunch of PF looters should NEVER be allowed to hold the echelons of power ever again!

  14. Let ECL alone you people he is also a zambian and he has got a life to lead, every thing he does you pork your nose in his affairs like a big why.Let the big man alone why is he a threat to you,what is the problem.Do you honestly want him to go and register a foundation in Malawi or DRC.Mr President 4get about your critics and forge ahead sir.

  15. As much as you are following every activity ECL undertakes its a sign that he is a thorn in your flesh and you are really afraid of the man. may adverse to you is UPND are in power stop living in the past yes ECL and PF are gone as you always put it but from the look of things you cant afford to sleep with your eyes closed. let ECL be and do what he wants with his time and life, the so called new dawn had told youths to form cooperatives which the youths up to now have not done .stop attacking ECL write and teach the youths on how to write business and project proposal so they can utilize the much talked about CDF. time for politics are gone its time to work,shamelessly attackes wont build the nation.

  16. No one is their right mind can trust lungu…………

    Lungu must be the only president and former president who can not give a free interview…………

    What kind of a former President is this who is afraid of the press ??????

    • What can he say to the press..he can not articuate anything it had to take his bodyguard to stop him talking to the press last time he was complaining about victimising him and his family of crooks

  17. Lungu has got so many skeletons hidden……….

    That he is dead scared of any journalist asking him any free questions…………

    Put him in front of journalists, not those PF hanger ons and see how he takes cover……

  18. covert political project? You mean he wants to do a Donald Trump? I think ulibe story. Lungu is too tired to come back to politics. It shows even on his face

  19. @ Spaka when you ask ‘how can we move forward without addressing the past?’ What is the definition of the past regarding Zambians being stolen from by people in politics and business? As a genuine Zambian I would like if HH has evidence that ECL stole from Zambians he should bring the evidence out since now all government records are under his control and authority, otherwise he should do more infrastructure than PF did, Zambians should have a better life than it was under PF etc. Because if we say we bring the past in the equation of solving the problems of today, for us who started work in the 90s and before, the past includes those who got rich from privatization, those who were with late RB and now are in the current government etc. So we should not cherry pick the past but be…

  20. My word what a poorly thoughtout article? I am not sure which constituency this article is wrtitten for. Mr. “article writer” please take note that today’s odience are different from those of the yester year’s. Do you think that ECL has no life after state house? or do you even want to insinuate that he has no right to anything?

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