Sunday, February 16, 2025

Zambezi youths protest against Census recruitment


Hundreds of youths in Zambezi district, have gathered at the district administration office in protest against the recruitment of enumerators for the 2022 Census.

The youths who are drawn from both Zambezi East and West constituencies are demanding answers from the district commissioner as to why the list of successful applicants contains party cadres who did not sit for the aptitude tests.
Speaking in an interview with ZANIS, one of the protesters, Eddie Kasweka, said it is unfortunate that people who did not sit for the aptitude tests are on the list of successful applicants while those who obtained high marks were left out.

And Zambezi District Commissioner (DC) Simeon Machayi has refuted the claims saying the sentiments by the youths are not true.

Mr. Machayi said the number of applicants were many compared to the required number by Zambia Statistics Agency.

He said all youths who turned up were given an opportunity to take part in the aptitude tests to prove themselves including those who did not apply.

“We understand this is a government programme hence the priority was given to youths who are unemployed hence we allowed everyone who came to write so that no one is disadvantaged.

He said no relative for the district census committee or party cadres are on the list, adding that the selection was done on merit.

“More than 1,000 youths sat for the aptitude test against 289 positions which were given to the district. You don’t expect everyone to be picked as a result, they have speculated rumours that we picked cadres and family members,” he said.

And District Census Coordinator, Kalombo Somili said the candidates were picked based on the scores one got in the aptitude tests.

Mr. Somili said the training of enumerators in the district has since commenced.


  1. Publish the names and scores on local notice boards so that people can verify if it was on merit or out of favor.

  2. The youths have a genuine grievance because lists of successful candidates were known on the very evening that aptitude tests were conducted, at which time were they marked and scores tallied to select top scorers? Soon we’ll begin to see answer sheets in markets used to wrap tomatoes and public toilets being used as tissue. Don’t deceive the youth, Some of the people selected are known cadres and they’re boasting. Just accept that the process wasn’t as transparent as is being portrayed

  3. How do you explain why someone who had the highest score was left out? What was the criteria used other than that apttitude test?

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