Saturday, July 27, 2024

I did not sponsor a tournament to fight anybody in UPND, says party member who was not adopted


Ruling United Party for National Development (UPND) official in Ndola’s Chifubu Constituency Victor Imakumbili says he is not fighting anyone by sponsoring the recent football tournament in the constituency.

Mr. Imakumbili, the UPND Chifubu Constituency Vice Chairman, in his personal capacity over the weekend sponsored the inaugural Chifubu Constituency Pre-season Soccer tournament which attracted eight teams.

Mr. Imakumbili last year applied to the UPND to contest the Chifubu Constituency Parliamentary Seat prior to the 2021 general election but was not adopted.

The UPND adopted Lloyd Lubosha who went on to become Chifubu Member of Parliament after last year’s general elections.

Speaking to the crowd that gathered at Chifubu Grounds during the tournament prize presentation ceremony, Mr. Imakumbili said he sponsored the competition as a citizen of Chifubu Constituency.

Mr. Imakumbili said he wants to contribute to the well being of Chifubu Constituency.

He declared that he loves the people of Chifubu Constituency and that he wants to see the area progress.

“Firstly, I want to say that I love you, the people of Chifubu. I love you so much people of Chifubu Constituency, which is why we have come here to watch football together. Our wish is that we start working together here in Chifubu Constituency. We want to bring unity in our community of Chifubu. When we bring peace and unite here is Chifubu you will find that things will be working out well. We want to see unity, today we have used sport. We have used football but we know that we have many other sports activities here in Chifubu. We want to ensure that other sports disciplines have support. As a resident of Chifubu, I want you to count on me for the progress of our constituency. In the small things God has given us we will help each other. We will be walking together so that when things happen and we succeed it is not me who is going to succeed but the people of Chifubu,” Mr. Imakumbili said.

“We will move together and we will help each other using the little resources God has given us. I am asking our colleagues who may think I have come to fight people here in Chifubu; I am here to serve as a community worker, so that we bring progress in this constituency. We have a lot of work to do. Let us focus on things we can improve here in Chifubu. We also want to appeal to the office of the Member of Parliament to say that through CDF, look at sports as well so that many people benefit,” Mr. Imakumbili said.

He also appealed to the business community in Chifubu to support newly promoted FAZ Copperbelt Division One side Chifubu Bullets who won the inaugural Chifubu Constituency Pre-season Soccer tournament.

Mr. Imakumbili said Chifubu Bullets need support to progress up to the FAZ Super Division.

“I want to thank you all for this game you have played. I know that our team Chifubu Bullets was promoted into FAZ Division One and this team needs our support as Chifubu residents. I want to take this opportunity to appeal to the business houses of this constituency to come to the aid of Chifubu Bullets and these other teams we have in our constituency. We want to see business men ploughing back to the community of Chifubu. Together we shall be able to build a strong team through Chifubu Bullets. God has blessed this team it has been promoted to Division. God again will promote the team to the Premier League but this won’t work until we work together to support the club. What we were doing today is just a curtain raiser. We have a huge task of working together here in Chifubu,” he said.

Mr. Imakumbili has pledged to continue supporting sports activities in Chifubu Constituency.


  1. Zambia is a politically volatile country. Even any innocent gesture risks being misconstrued. So it’s important that those that wish to embark on programs such as the sponsorship of such a soccer tournament do it through institutions. The NSCZ Act provides for establishment of community Sports For All committees that can be used as vehicle for such programs, alternatively seek guidance from sports officers at district or provincial level. This applies to other donors. You can’t walk into Ndola Teaching Hospital and make donations on your own, do it through the church or NGO. So it can be concluded that this gesture has an ultra motive. You’re trying to undermine the incumbent and that’s not good politics. Elisha Matambo is both the UPND Provincial Chairman and Minister whom you…

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