Sunday, January 19, 2025

ECZ Sets 15th September as dates for Kabushi Constituency and Kwacha Constituency by-elections


The Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) has set Thursday 15th September 2022 as the date on which to hold the Kabushi Constituency and Kwacha Constituency by-elections on the Copperbelt Province in Ndola and Kitwe respectively.

The recently nullified Parliamentary Seats in Kabushi and Kwacha were held by former Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo and former Foreign Affairs Minister Joseph Malanji respectively.

PF lost the seats after the Constitutional Court upheld the High Court’s decision to nullify the election of Mr. Lusambo and Mr. Malanji last year.

ECZ Corporate Affairs Manager Patricia Luhanga said nominations for the two by-elections will be conducted on Thursday, 25th August, 2022.

“Notice is hereby given to the general public that the Electoral Commission of Zambia has prescribed Thursday 15th September 2022 as the date on which to hold the Kabushi Constituency and Kwacha Constituency by-elections in Ndola, and Kitwe City Councils respectively of the Copperbelt Province. The polls will take place from 06:00 hours to 18:00 hours. Nominations for the said by-elections will be conducted on Thursday, 25th August 2022. The vacancies in Kabushi and Kwacha Constituencies have arisen after the nullification of the elections for the respective Constituencies,” Ms. Luhanga said.

She also announced that ECZ has suspended the continuous registration of voters in Kitwe and Ndola with immediate effect due to the scheduled by-elections.

“The Electoral Commission of Zambia would like to further announce the suspension of continuous registration of voters in Kitwe and Ndola with immediate effect due to the scheduled by-elections in line with Section 12 of the Electoral Process Act No. 35 of 2016. The voter registration exercise will resume on 16th September 2022 after the polls,” she said.

Ms. Luhanga highlighted requirements for the candidates ahead of the nomination day.

“Aspiring candidates in the by-elections should lodge completed and attested statutory declaration and nomination papers subscribed before a Magistrate, Local Court Magistrate, Head of a Government Primary or Secondary School, Principal of a College, Commissioner for Oaths, Election Officer or returning officer on Thursday, 25th August, 2022 between 09:00 hours and 15:00 hours. 2 Male aspiring candidates for the Parliamentary by-election will be required to pay Fifteen Thousand Kwacha (K15,000), while Female and Youth aspiring candidates are expected to pay Thirteen Thousand Five Hundred Kwacha (K13,500) non-refundable nomination fee,”

“All Candidates in the by-elections must also present certified copies of their Grade 12 Certificates, as a minimum academic qualification or equivalent. In view of this, the Commission wishes to advise aspiring candidates who may wish to contest in these by-elections that failure to comply with these requirements shall render the nomination papers null and void. Media personnel and Registered Non-Governmental Organisations wishing to monitor/observe the elections are advised to apply for accreditation in the respective districts which will take place from Monday 22nd August to Wednesday 24th August 2022, for Nominations and Monday 12th to Wednesday 14th September 2022 for the Polls,” Ms. Luhanga said.

She reminded all political parties and candidates to adhere to the provisions of the Electoral Code of Conduct.

“Accreditation for participating political party officials or representatives of candidates wishing to monitor elections in the districts shall only be up to a maximum of 10 members per political party. Please note that only a maximum of 5 accredited members per political party or candidate and two accredited representatives of NGOs shall be authorised to represent their respective political parties or NGOs at the Collation Centre (Totaling Centre). Only five (5) senior officials of any participating political party or candidate with Electoral Commission of Zambia accreditation will be allowed to accompany aspiring candidates into the Nomination Centre during the filing of nominations. The rest of the supporters should remain outside the 400-meter parameter from the Nomination Centre in accordance with the law. Note that the campaign period for these elections commences on Thursday 25th August 2022 after 15:00 hours and will end at 18:00 hours on Wednesday, 14th September 2022. All political parties/candidates are expected to adhere to the provisions of the Electoral Code of Conduct that is contained in the schedule of the Electoral Process Act No.35 of 2016. In addition, not more than two (2) political party members/candidate representatives per participating political party/candidate shall be allowed to witness the counting of votes at the Polling Station,” she concluded.


  1. Let lusambo throw his weight behind endowments and campaigns, since he is so popular…..

    PF should have no trouble keeping kapushi……….

    Even without violence and handouts……

    Let the best man or woman win of the peoles free choice………

  2. Such a short time, I think. However, what’s the point of stopping the continuous voter registration now? Perhaps allow this to continue till the day of filing of nomination, this being Thursday 25 August. At close of nomination you will have the number of would be voters and can print out the required number of ballots. Why deny new voters the chance to cast their votes by stopping the exercise now?
    A side note: and someone screenshot this. If Bowman and Malanji stand, their legibility will be challenged, and Bowman may be ineligible on account of Art 70 concerning violence.
    And when this happens, all candidates have to pay again for the same election. This law needs to change.
    Also, feminists, we are charging women less, are you happy?

  3. I hope the PF loses these two seats just like ECL lost to HH and i will be glad to see tears again in KZ’s reddish eyes.

    • Big men like me don’t cry. Am not like your father who used to cry in front of you. You are a fruit cake

  4. An afterthought: HH shouldn’t be seen campaigning for his choice in either elections.
    He has stated that he has 5 years for now unless the Zambian people decide to have him as their puppet after the 5 years is over.
    He has said his focus is on delivery now and not politics.
    I would be very impressed if he left this election to the SG and team. Don’t drag anyone on government payroll to by-elections please, focus on governing and don’t be distracted by politics.
    I wish we could prevent government officials from campaigning by law.

  5. Malanji’s G12 issue was dealt with.. The man does not qualify and must payback monies gotten during his tenure as MP on a GCE certificate that has only two subjects passed

    For Lusambo violence acts = Automatically disqualified

    • But Malanji does have a G12 certificate. That’s not in dispute, what is beyond understanding is why he didn’t file the document at nomination and why he didn’t produce it at the High Court.
      And also very surprising, is how he possesses one now. I have read the ConCourt judgment, they rightly ask why Malanji was quick to show the High court judge that he went to a certain school for his grade 9 and produced it but failed to show where he went for his G12.
      He has it, and if he files it during this nomination, there is no challenge to his legibility.

  6. @Kuinks …it’s good that you know your upnd government can’t win the two seats if the two of Mps recontest the elections, right now your tu upnd government are busy looking for something to pin down the two from recontesting … knowing very well that they can’t win..The cowards are looking for something to pin down the two former Pf Mps..Upnd are cowards, test your popularity allow the two pf Mps to stand, foo.lishly they even reduce the fuel price because of the by elections…after the by elections fuel will go up to K 30.00…These upnd chaps thinks that Zambians are du.ll !

  7. Kabushi is gone. UPND did not lose by a compelling margin there in 2021. As for Kwacha, this depends on whether Malanji can contest or not. Malanji is generally strong there having done many charitable works.

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