Wednesday, October 23, 2024

PF must Account for Enormity of their Transgressions Before we Pardon them


By Prince Bill M. Kaping’a (Political/Social Analyst)

Patriotic Front national chairman Davis Mwila says one year after losing the general elections, the party has repented and reflected on several things that upset the Zambians. He’s further pleading for another chance to rule the country after the 2026 elections. Nonsense!

Without sounding very religious, we would like to remind the PF what the scriptures teach about repentance. We believe the party still has some clergy within its ranks or better still, sympathizers such as Pastor Sumaili, Apostle Amata, Apostle Sinyangwe, Pastor Ngosa, and Pastor Banda, among others. We’ve no doubt these would’ve no qualms sitting down with them and delving into the scriptures to help them easily comprehend such fundamental Biblical issues.

In 1 John 1:9, the scriptures teach thus, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” Romans 10:9 further states; “That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.”

What do we make of this?

One can only be said to have repented of their SINS once they take the trouble of divulging the full extent of their transgressions. Well…..if the PF national party chairman claims they have repented, for which SINS have they atoned?

There were a lot of atrocities that occurred under their watch; the nation would be keen to know whether they are indeed remorseful. And if indeed they are, they shouldn’t just be making blanket statements that they have repented! They ought to take a step further and confess their SINS; there and then, citizens can then go an extra mile and forgive them.

For instance, does PF as a party still accept responsibility for condemning people into misery by retiring them in the so-called national interest? What about estranging young couples by transferring them to far-flung areas, do they admit that marriages collapsed while a lot of individuals became vulnerable to HIV/AIDS infection? Was it acceptable for senior PF members to fuel tribalism and division in our nation by ostracizing a certain ethnic group through their careless utterances?

When the gassing of innocent citizens with dangerous chemicals into their homes commenced in Chingola, the Copperbelt police chief Charity Katanga, a lawyer by profession, informed the nation that suspects were turning into cats whenever confronted; really! We’d still want to know who was behind this Satanic operation and whether it is protected by some kind of OATH under the state securities act or not! What about those PF cadres that clobbered us, tore up our party regalia, and hurled expletives at us, was it in order?

If the PF would be courageous enough to CONFESS all these transgressions plus many others, only then can the people of Zambia forgive them!


  1. The reading today comes from the gospel of Mathew 18 vs 21 through to chapter 19. If this pseudo prince is Christian will understand that forgiveness is unconditional. If someone looted state coffers arrest them without any acrimonious intentions….a thief is a thief. But the way this man is going about the issue of PF is like the intention of the Upnd is to revenge and no other agenda should be full filled until PF members are wiped out of the face of the Earth. Shame

    • PF was a criminal enterprise,……..

      Leading was a convict fraudster, lungu……….

      Be patient for the main event ……….

      Lungus appearances in courts……..

    • 1. There is a serious problem with the so-called learned individuals such as this Author. Academic qualifications never give you wisdom, you still have to go on the Life’s Personal Development Program to become wise, sage and noble. The 18m of Zambia are not keen on the past demons of PF. They kicked out PF, loud and clear. The 18m people of Zambia are living in the present, looking forward and waiting to see what HH has in in-store. People who live in the past such as Kapinga, cannot move a needle forward. They go on roundabout failing to exit out. It’s like drawing water from stagnant water well. You are exposed to water-borne diseases and poison. Running water is cleaner – it lives in the present time and moving forward.

    • 2. Now, If you get AIDS by sleeping with someone it has nothing to do with a political party in government. Anyone that got AIDS during PF regime cannot blame PF. And anyone that gets AIDS in this UPND Government must not blame UPND or HH in the future. This is a personal responsibility that every mature person must exercise. It’s called *Decision-Making*. As an adult, you are always a product of the decisions you make in life. To the author, this is irrational reasoning but just seeking *attention and *significance

    • 3. The Zambian Experiment – cannot work with such mindsets. HH or any future president will need those with megaphones to be the voice of reason, inspiration and stimulation, not this everyday trash. There is never an iota of inspiration in Prince Kapinga’s articles. He writes on impulse and surely cannot reason but promote division. He shouts *fire, *fire while he pours gasoline to inflame it more, meanwhile he uses the Bible to hide is vindictiveness and hatefulness. Asking PF to confess the sins will not improve Zambia. Asking HH & UPND to work **hard and **smart is what will improve Zambia.

    • 3. The Zambian Experiment – cannot work with such mindsets from Kapinga. HH or any future president will need those with megaphones to be the voice of reason, inspiration and stimulation, not this everyday trash. There is never an iota of inspiration in Prince Kapinga’s articles. He writes on impulse and surely cannot reason but promote division. He shouts *fire, *fire while he pours gasoline to inflame it more, meanwhile he uses the Bible to hide is vindictiveness and hatefulness. Asking PF to confess the sins will not improve Zambia. Asking HH & UPND to work **hard and **smart is what will improve Zambia.

  2. The PF are just paying lip service ……….

    They have not repented , because to repent is to admit to the criminality they enjoyed…

  3. When you want to forgive there are no conditions set and one who want to forgive just do it willingly and again if you have not forgiven then you are living in sin because to God sin is any wrong doing to God.So dont be an christian by saying what is not biblical and stop being an democratic and just know that everything as time and time will come for giving way.

  4. Only in Zambia does one find the nonsense of asking for forgiveness after intentionally and wilfully plundering the resources of the country. Same trickery FTJ used after his MMD plundered the country’s assets. Duped Zambians into declaring Zambia a Christian nation for his personal gain. Wake up Zambia. These plunderers need to face the wrath of the law. They deserve prosecution wether forgiven of or repented from their sin. Please don’t take Zambians for granted.

  5. You poor Zambians.
    Zambia was truly ruled by a bunch of SAVAGES.
    These people should be tried for crimes against humanity.
    They should NEVER rule in Zambia again.

  6. The worst enemy of PF is the Mobil phone video recordings of their criminality being constantly played on media like FB by koswe and other on line media…………

    Zambians are being reminded eveyday of The excesses of their criminality…….

    Worst of all , lungu was warned but insisted those criminal caders we are seeing on SM are part of his office……………

  7. If anyone wants to totally finish PF…………

    just keep playing the videos of their caders brutalising Zambians and of them flashing money………….

    It is not lies or propaganda, but essential history of zambia………..

    There is no need even for GRZ to do anything and be blamed to finishing PF off……….

  8. When I just the name Peince Kaping’a I knew it was the usual anti-PF drivel and nonsense which I couldn’t waste reading.

  9. The author is a nuisance and upnd cadre and a tribalist who cant read the bible. There was more to privatisation of governenment assets. One will go with it. Only a fool cant forgive a neighbour.

  10. The writer is 101% effed up. This nigga’z heart is loaded with hate. No wonder one ECL’s life is in danger.

    “They ‘er tradin war stories.
    These outlaws on the rise.
    Jealous niggaz I despise.
    Look in my eyes.”

    An Extremely sick article. What a sham! What wasted years we have ahead of us with Niggaz like this.

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