Saturday, July 27, 2024

Conversation Lower Zambezi donates houses to DNPW


Conservation Lower Zambezi (CLZ) has donated four houses, a radio room and a boom gate worth over K1 million to the Department National Parks and Wildlife (DNPW) in Luangwa District of Lusaka Province.

Handing over the donation, CLZ Chief Executive Ian Stevenson stated that the donation is aimed at helping to mitigate the continued human-animal conflict in the district.

Mr. Stevenson said the construction of the boom gate at the entrance of the lower Zambezi game management area, will help to increase revenue collection by the department of national parks and wildlife in the district.

He noted that the district has not collected revenue from the game management area entrance for the past 20 years due to the lack of the boom gate.

‘’My hope is that the infrastructures benefit both the local residents and government through revenue collection by the department of national parks and wildlife,’’ said Mr. Stevenson.

And Luangwa District Commissioner, Luke Chikani, applauded the Conservation Lower Zambezi for supplementing the government’s efforts to eradicate human- animal conflict in the district.

Mr. Chikani noted that the key aspect of the infrastructure is revenue collection from both local and foreign tourists entering the game management area through the boom gate.

He also added that the development of four houses will help to address accommodation challenges faced by the National Parks and Wildlife staff in the district.

“This donation has come at the right time as it will help to address accommodation challenges faced by the department”, observed Mr.Chikani.

He further stated that government has put in policy interventions which are meant to ensure that every Zambian has access to good accommodation.

Meanwhile Chief Mphuka of the Chikunda people thanked the government for providing a conducive environment for the investors in the district.

The traditional leader said National Parks and wildlife Camps which have been set up in the community will attract the villagers who deserted their settlements due to human – animal conflict.

“The officers will help to reduce human- animal conflict, hence the villagers who deserted their homes in fear of the wild animals will come back,” he said


    • Where is Mwembeshi resources and the Mine they promised? We the youth need jobs not this conservation nonsense!

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