Saturday, July 27, 2024

Kitwe governance activist still happy for voting for UPND


A Governance activist on the Copperbelt says the change of government that resulted from the August 12, 2021 general elections, has liberated the country from various social injustices that Zambian people were subjected to in the past.

Reflecting on the change of government on August 12, last year, Gerald Mutelo said Zambians are now free from the rampant violence that had characterized the country during the election period.

Mr. Mutelo noted that the United Party for National Development (UPND) government has eradicated violence and caderism, as the country has started witnessing peaceful by-elections in various constituencies.

“There is a lot to reflect about August 12, general elections but it is a day when Zambians were liberated from political violence, power of the cadres, infringement of the freedom of speech and assembly among other social injustices and human rights violations,” Mr. Mutelo said.

He noted that citizens are able to enjoy the freedom of speech and assembly, while the media is also operating freely without fear of having their operations closed by government.

Mr. Mutelo further indicated that the government is also making positive strides in eradicating poverty by creating jobs, as demonstrated through the recruitment of over 30,000 teachers and 11,000 health workers.

He urged government to continue maintaining peace, national unity and creating jobs for youths.

And Anti-Voter Apathy Programme (AVAP) Copperbelt Coordinator Poster Jumbe said the current government has brought sanity and development in the country.

Mr. Jumbe explained that the electorate wanted leaders who promote peace and development which the UPND has so far delivered.

He noted that opposition political parties are now able to speak and mobilize their parties freely without the interference of the party in government which he said was not the case under the previous regime.

“Under the New Dawn government, we are able to see more disadvantaged people such as women and the differently abled participating in the political governance of the country which is in line with the Zambian constitution,” Mr. Jumbe stated.

Last year on August 12, Zambia went through a general election where electorates turned out overwhelmingly and voted the Patriotic Front out of power.


  1. Still trying to attract the attention of HH? My friend you may support or even come from the same region but if you are not a member of the inner circle, even bu DC is only a dream for you.

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