Saturday, July 27, 2024

Woman’s Arm Rots After ‘Fake’ Family Planning Injection


A 31-year-old woman of Lusaka has had her arm amputated, after a self proclaimed medical doctor of Chazanga Compound allegedly administered a family planning injection on her.

The injection reportedly caused the arm to start rotting.

The woman is currently admitted to the University Teaching Hospital (UTH) intensive Care unit in Lusaka.

Nancy Musonda of Lusaka West area, had the injection administered to her by a self-proclaimed medical doctor in Chazanga area, where she owns a shop.

The family of Ms. Musonda, says after the injection was administered to her left hand, it became swollen, before it started rotting and was eventually amputated.

Meanwhile, UTH Public Relations Officer, Natalie Mashikolo says Ms Musonda’s condition is critical.


  1. Women are always susceptible to such manipulations. It’s always women who will buy herbal medicine sold on the buses by quacks. I once asked one woman why she would buy medicine from a person she won’t trace if something went wrong after taking this medicine, she just smiled..

  2. I hope this doesn’t put women off obtaining family planning from more reputable sources. Zambian women should have the same access to contraception as women in richer countries, so that they can plan when to have children when they want.

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