Wednesday, October 23, 2024

SANAC disappointed with LAZ statement on Lusambo and Malanji eligibility


The Southern Africa Network Against Corruption (SANAC) has expressed displeasure over the statement issued by the Law Association of Zambia (LAZ) on the rejection of the nomination papers for Joe Malanji and Bowman Lusambo citing that it lacked legal backing as the Association failed to refer to any Constitutional provisions in their submission.

The Southern Africa Network Against Corruption Executive Director Gregory Chifire noted that it is worrying when LAZ starts to make pedestrian statements such as the one on the illegibility of Mr Lusambo and Mr Malanji when there mandate according section 4 of the Law Association of Zambia Act Chapter 31 is to promote constitutionalism, rights of citizens and the rule of law, therefore, LAZ must never veer off from its sacred mandate as it stands to lose its credibility.

“Such statements can fuel anarchy,” Mr Chifire noted

Mr Chifire stated that LAZ needs to put itself in order and there is need for urgent reforms so as to retain the place of integrity and good standing the Association has enjoyed in the eyes of the general public.

“We humbly ask senior lawyers to help in this regard,” he said

He highlighted that it is disappointing that LAZ in their submission failed to cite any Constitutional provision when it is a matter of common sense that issues concerning the Constitution must be debated using the Constitution.

Mr Chifire added that Zambia has a constitution, which is a Supreme Law of the Land and any other law that contravenes with the Constitution is null and void according to (Article 1[1]) of the Constitution.

He said that the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) was actually being charitable by informing the Patriotic Front well in advance that it will not accept the nominations of Mr Malanji to recontest in the Kwacha Constituency seat and Mr Lusambo to recontest on the Kabushi Constituency seat in the upcoming Parliamentary By-Elections slated for the 15th of September, 2022, in order for the party to consider finding replacements in the twilight.

He mentioned that the Patriotic Front just wanted to attract sympathy because if they were serious, they could have replaced their candidates.

“As it stands, they have lost those two seats, thanks to their arrogance that was backed by ill advice from LAZ,” Mr Chifire mentioned

Mr Chifire explained that the next time LAZ debates on the Constitution, they should be ready to make reference to the same because whatever a lawyer submits that has no authority, amounts to nothing regardless of volume of submission.

“What LAZ submitted on the matter at hand is nothing, it has no legal backing thus it is as good as a tavern discussion,” he said

He said that it is an open secret that LAZ has had few internal challenges such as issues involving its members that were being used during the Patriotic Front (PF) regime as conduits for money laundering and the Association has failed to deliberate on that issue.

Mr Chifire added that there is an allegation in the public domain that Equitas Legal Practitioners, the firm where the current LAZ President, Lungisani Zulu is a partner, was used for payments in excess of K5 million that raised a red flag.

He further added that in a situation as one involving the firm for the President of LAZ, Zambians would be inclined to conclude that in making the statement on the issue of Mr Malanji and Mr Lusambo, Mr Zulu’s judgment was influenced by the relationship his firm enjoyed with the former Ruling Party.

“It is only natural that as human beings we seldom take positions that seemingly disadvantage our paymasters, current or former,” Mr Chifire said


  1. The was no need to the constitution judges to say you have been diss qualified as LAZ seems to say. The judges said the agree to the high court nullification of the seats.
    Then you need to go to the constitution and read what the implication of upholding the high court judgement very simple.
    If you caused a nullification not by dearth, being expelled from a party, dying you do not qualify to stand again.
    ECZ is on very firm ground

  2. It is the cause as stated in the constitution which disqualify you. Why would the constitution judges tell you that when it is in the constitution?

  3. Given Lubinda and Mr binoculars man have just cost you two seats
    Time to close shop and go home and apply for CDF it has been increased

  4. Du,ll Acting President – Lvbinda, Nakachinda, Lvsambo, all are useless !!! They are focussed on drama instead of adressing the real issue. Their st,upidity has lost them an opportunity to feature a candidate. They had all the time from the moment Concourt upheld the high court decision, because they are disorganized and used to lawlessness, they ignored the Constitution.
    Let them continue making new billionaire in the name of their lawyers – wasting PF resources. no wonder they can’t hold a convention…Shame !!.
    Have you noticed that Kambwili has gone hiding, he must be disappointed and maybe planning something. When you see the likes of Davies Mwila being in the forefront, just know that is trouble.

    • These people caused the bye election and are guilty; how can they be allowed to stand again so that they can cause another, and another… God forbid. Please respect the constitution.
      God bless Zambia!

  5. The criminal and Gangster Pf has continued to display their stupidity and arrogance they had in Government, this will cost them dearly. This saga is the final nail in their coffin. We glorify God for sparing us from this Party of thugs.

  6. Mr Chifire added that Zambia has a constitution, which is a Supreme Law of the Land and any other law that contravenes with the Constitution is null and void according to (Article 1[1]) of the Constitution.
    Why hasn’t Mr Chifire not seen that the defamation of the president law contravention the constitution? His sight is very selective.

  7. Mr Chifire added that Zambia has a constitution, which is a Supreme Law of the Land and any other law that contravenes with the Constitution is null and void according to (Article 1[1]) of the Constitution.
    Why hasn’t Mr Chifire not seen that the defamation of the president law contravenes the constitution? His sight is very selective.

  8. Yeah. Yeah. Various dictators have since 1991 used a law against the constitution: The defamation of the President law. Why hasnt Chifire used the loudspeaker he is now using to protest this defamation law? Because the President would lose his protection from citizens?? All politicians must understand that the rights we have fought for are not only for politicians but all citizens, In Zambia it looks like we only fought for the President to enjoy these rights.

    • @North Korean
      I hope you are privy that the Public Order Act and the defamation of the president law are currently in review by all concerned stakeholders.
      Tell your PF to wake up and start contributing to the review instead of wasting time always providing press conferences in front of police stations. The review is REAL, no binoculars are required!!!
      BTW, have you heard anyone making noise around POA since the review started?

    • Everytime I see these organisations in the press with titles like Executive Director I just know they are one man briefcase organisations looking for a handout. We need some order especially for an entity to qualify as an organisation when registering …the Registra should ask for minimum 1000 signatures of members with NRC numbers or Passport numbers.

  9. some lawyers are quite a let down. they are not helping to promote sanity in zambia because they are still connected to the tendns of corruption. at the moment only brothers and friends of kaizer zulu can allow and support support a court declared criminal to stand

  10. LAZ a bunch of clowns. What hope does Zambian legal fraternity have when we have substandard individuals heading one of what is expected to the mind of reason of an institution?

  11. i wonder if laz in its current form can be on solid grounds on anything these days…thanks to all these colleges offering law degrees like ground nuts for sale in the market place.

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