Saturday, July 27, 2024

Some foreigners deny access to census enumerators-Kamalata


Lusaka Province Census Chairperson Robert Kamalata is concerned that some foreign nationals are resisting to provide information to enumerators in the ongoing census for population and housing.

Mr Kamalata who is also Provincial Permanent Secretary said this may compromise the purpose of the exercise which is intended to collect data required for planning of development in the country.

Mr Kamalata revealed this during a media briefing in Lusaka, that some foreign nationals are denying the enumerators entry into their homes while others close their shops for fear of arrest because their stay in the country is allegedly illegal.

Mr Kamalata explained that government has engaged their embassies and their associations to encourage them to comply with the enumerators stating that such actions may affect development planning.

He observed that resistance among residents has also been reported in areas such as Kabulonga, woodlands and Kamwala despite sensitization programmes that were carried out.

Mr Kamalata appealed to the residents to find time and meet the enumerators if the exercise is to be successful.

“Some of the people in such areas leave home early and get back late after the enumerators have knocked off,” he said.

He however observed that the census is going on smoothly in areas where the government had anticipated resistance.

“We are not having problems in areas such as Chibolya and Kanyama,” he said.

Mr Kamalata also announced that two enumerators were attacked by unknown people who stole tablets that were being used to capture data.

Mr Kamalata said police have been informed about the matter and that investigations are ongoing.

“I would like to warn those behind such activities that they will be arrested as the tablets are installed with GPS and it will be easy to locate them,” he said.

And Provincial Census officer Kennedy Chimpa said some foreigners have been referring the enumerators to their embassies, a move which he said is difficult.

Dr. Chimpa who in the company of police officers visited long acres following reports of resistance by some residents found a Chinese national who resisted to open the gate claiming that the owner of the house had gone out with the keys leaving the gate closed.

The occupant of the house near JCS foods who spoke to the team through the closed gate said he could not open the gate saying the census team should go back another time.

Dr Chimpa said though the census may not include the foreign nationals, the infrastructure is supposed to be captured as the exercise includes housing.

And one of the enumerators, Christabel Manyoma saidin Long acres that the process was difficult because some of the residents, especially the foreigners, were not willing to comply and rejected entry to their homes in some cases.


  1. It’s a problem if we keep employing 19th century strategies in the 20th century. People should have been allowed to do these things online otherwise the government should have declared a public holiday and allowed people to stay home for the exercise.

  2. Please crack the whip instead of complaining in the media. A Zambian can’t do that in another country and be allowed to get away with it

  3. You have to go into houses and actually count the people there. That is what is done in the US. They will knock on your door over and over again, until you give them the information they want. The only thing a computer is good for is to tell them what house or apartment has not complied. I am not sure what happens if your refuse because I finally just had to give in and fill out the form; and this was in 2020

  4. It is because you have employed majority upnd cadres to do this census. Even I wouldn’t trust them inside my home

    • Kalya-Nyoko, what house? A cell a Lusaka Central or Chimbokaila, together with Johnathan Mutawire aka Chagwa Chakolwa aka Edgar Lungu, Naka-shinda, Bowman “Little Man” Lufyono, etc and 75 other PF looters and crooks; because that is what would happen were to show your ugly mug shot in Zambia

  5. With the rise in petty crimes why allow complete strangers on my property they must come in a marked vehicle with proper attire marked census 2022 including head gear, shirts and proper ID…the shirts should be marked with the holders name and full id number… could even have patrol vehicles that can rush to areas where people are in doubt to explain the process…but of course you just organized cadres and sent them on foot looking hungry and some of them when they enter our property the first comment is I didn’t know this place has such houses….a thief speaking

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