Saturday, July 27, 2024

Sean Tembo’s remarks are disrespectful and demeaning and an outright insult to women-NGOCC


The Non-governmental Gender Organisations’ Coordinating Council (NGOCC) has condemned in the strongest terms the sexist and demeaning language used by opposition Patriots for Economic Progress president, Sean Tembo.

In a recent Facebook post, Mr Tembo equated the monthly fuel revision to women’s menstrual cycles.

NGOCC Chairperson Mary Mulenga said that efforts to engage the opposition leader by some concerned women and stakeholders have been downplayed, undermining the critical role that women play in the development process of the country.

Mrs Mulenga has since demanded that Mr Tembo retracts his offensive and insulting post and apologizes to the women and citizens of this country, adding that Mr Tembo’s illustration is not only disrespectful and demeaning but an outright insult to women. Mr Tembo was apprehended by police on Thursday this week for allegedly defaming the President.

Below is the full statement


The Non-governmental Gender Organisations’ Coordinating Council (NGOCC) condemns in the strongest terms the sexist and demeaning language used by opposition Patriots for Economic Progress (PEP) president, Mr. Sean Tembo.

In a recent Facebook post, Mr Tembo shockingly equated the monthly fuel revision to women’s menstrual cycles.

Efforts to engage the opposition leader by some concerned women and stakeholders have been downplayed, undermining the critical role that women play in the development process of the country.

Mr Tembo’s illustration is not only disrespectful and demeaning but an outright insult to women. We expect our politicians to be gender sensitive even as they conduct their politics.

The comparison of monthly menstrual cycles to fuel revisions is an insult and a mockery of the women’s physical make-up for which they have no choice.

As a women’s movement, we demand that Mr Tembo retract his offensive and insulting post and apologizes to the women and citizens of this country. We would like to reiterate our appeal to politicians to practice issue-based politics devoid of insulting, sexist and demeaning language on any gender.

As a national leader and one aspiring to the highest office of the nation, it is our considered view that Mr Tembo would conduct himself as a role model for women, men, girls and boys alike.

Mary S. Mulenga


    • Sean Tembo’s remarks are disrespectful and demeaning and an outright insult to women-not to HH. Ba Zambia Police here is a complainant who should be bringing a case in court but you think its HH who has been defamed. Has he complained like the women are?

  1. It was figurative speech. Where were you when we leant that in school? You can use figurative language there’s no harm in that.

    • Yes, it can be insulting if you have limited knowledge of what figurative language is – which is the case with most under-educated young generation Zambians.

    • No Limited knowledge isnt what would make figurative speech insulting. In fact it is the opposite. If I dont know what s the meaning of your figure of speech I wont be insulted

  2. Iwe selako. This is just a figure of speech misunderstood. It was not directed to you even. Look at this human being. Why do you want to mislead people? Are you also being used like Ray and Remmy?
    Bukopofye bwenu ubu. Ubututu

  3. Sean Tembo is from the school of bad publicity is better than no publicity at all . I can’t imagine any other aspiring future president publishing such juvenile remarks in pursuit of attention. Essentially de-campaigning himself among half the voting public. Who is going to stand in public and proudly proclaim Sean Tembo is my president?

    Sean can’t decide whether to be a serious candidate or a shook-jock.

  4. It’s in bad taste depending on the society… ours regards this as a taboo. That’s what he should be charged for not defamation.

  5. Am worried for my daughters with Women who lead NGOCC. She never said anything concerning the banana video. Just a mere semantic mention of menstruation in a sentence has brought all this fuss. Menstruation is a natural process and not an assault on women. Tell women the truth. Hypocritical

  6. Ngocc has nothing to offer. I concur with ninomwansah . This woman kept mute on banana video. The Ngocc is not supposed to be there cos it weak for nothing. Sean Tembo be charged for taboo not defamation

  7. in ciyanja we use MAILO to mean tomorrow or yesterday. e.g maria azakabwala mailo, and maria enze anabwala mailo one word two diffirent meaning so before ba NGOCC start giving demands understand the grammar used.

  8. Even in the bible there are figurative stories and speeches and these NGO are not even ashemed to come on this platform,when children are made to drink Lutuku they are quiet, when peoples rights are taken away they are quiet but they are active to speak on things that are worthless shame on you all NGOs who are there for money praise singers shame on you and come out of that slambers together with some judges be like malawian judges kkkkkkkk

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