Saturday, July 27, 2024

Increase in pupil enrolment is due to UPND Government’s good policies – Vice President


Vice President Mutale Nalumango says the increase in enrolment of pupils in schools is as a result of good policies brought about by the government.

The Vice President said the education sector is now a success story for government and the people of Zambia.

She said free education is not a coined political statement as some people thought, but a reality that is inclusive and will not leave anyone behind.

Mrs. Nalumango said this today at Lubuto secondary school in Ndola after inspecting the school infrastructure.

The Vice President is a former member of staff at Lubuto secondary school.

She said government is aware of the challenges that have come with the free education policy and it will do everything possible to address hurdles in the sector.

The Vice President was responding to Copperbelt Provincial Education Officer, Stephen Chishiko who informed her that the province is facing infrastructure challenges following the increased enrolment.

Dr .Chishiko said the province has recorded an increase in enrolment this of 853, 596 from 756,279 pupils in 2021 representing an increase of 97, 317 enrolment.

Dr . Chishiko said the increment in enrolment has posed infrastructure challenge in the province.

He however thanked government for the recent recruitment of teachers where the province has received 2, 737 teachers.

And the Vice President said government is aware that the recruitment is not enough to respond to the increasing enrolment of pupils and will employ more teachers next year.

Mrs Nalumango also called on civil service workers to have a mind set change and be committed to duty if the country has to develop.

Meanwhile, Vice President Mutale Nalumango says the United Party for National Development (UPND) administration looks up to God for guidance as it governs the country.

Speaking at Lubuto United Church of Zambia (UCZ) in Ndola today, the Vice President said God commands a blessing where people are united.

She noted that it is government’s desire to unite Zambians and ultimately attract God’s blessings.

Mrs Nalumango urged the women in the church to emulate Deborah in the Bible and intercede for their families and the nation.

Lubuto UCZ Reverand in charge Friday Sinkonde said government’s message of national unity is in line with the UCZ theme for this year which says “All One in Christ”.

The Reverand urged the people in the country to love one another and help one another as commanded in the Bible as Christians living in a country declared a Christian nation.


  1. If pf didn’t build schools and spend on infrastructure then you wouldn’t be able to employ those teachers or have more enrolled. Fuseke

  2. PF only got us into massive debts,corruption and falling GDP indicators. At least HH is slowly nursing Zambia back into health politically ,economically and in education.

  3. “Meanwhile, Vice President Mutale Nalumango says the United Party for National Development (UPND) administration looks up to God for guidance as it governs the country.” LT.

    That went over my head.

  4. Self-deceit is a very serious political disease. In his prime, KK used to attend church at UCZ Kwacha Congregation and used to pull crowd even in prior to the 1991 elections with Alexander Kamalondo at the center. He lost terribly. RB held a mammoth rally at Changa na Mai just before the 2011 election with Bonanza at the center but both were beaten hands down. Witna Kapembwa can pull crowds but the people of Kwacha know what they want so we’ll wait and see. Hon. Zanama can camp in Kwacha till election day but the people of Kwacha know what they want and we’ll see it soon.

  5. Yes, you can increase enrolment of pupils in schools. But what is the pupil-teacher ratio? It does not make sense to have over 70 pupils in a classroom with only one teacher and not even an assistant teacher. This cannot guarantee quality education. UPND leaders should tell the nation whether they are educating their own children in these overfilled classrooms. If not, let them tell us why they are not doing so. Which teacher can single-handedly supervise a class of over 70 pupils? How does such a teacher deal with slow learners? We had been through this situation towards the end of late Kenneth Kaunda’s rule when the country had balance of payments problem and there was not sufficient money to maintain existing schools and build new ones to match the corresponding increase in population…

  6. UPND should do things differently from the time of UNIP when the economy was on its knees following the oil shock of 1973 and the nose-dive in the price of copper, the country’s main foreign exchange earner, from the mid-70s. Instead of employing more diploma teachers, UPND should have employed better qualified degree holders. Then it should have made diploma holders to be assistant teachers. Countries in the developed world that are leading in terms of better educational outcomes have masters degree holders teaching at pre-school and primary school level. We should be raising the entry qualifications for teachers to ensure quality. ZCCM-run schools had assistant teachers to help teachers deal with cases of say slow learners. Grant-aided schools have also had better educational…

    • Hypocritical liers the DNA in upnd… Shameful, think for a minute if Pf didn’t build schools! And what policy are you talking about if your government have not reviewed the terms and conditions of the IMF deal! Upnd are shameless liars, lying is extremely a life style.

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