Saturday, July 27, 2024

President Hichilema fires Ministry of Mines PS


President Hakainde Hichilema has dismissed the Ministry of Mines and Minerals Development Permanent Secretary, Dr. Sakwiba Musiwa.

In a statement made available to the media by State House where no reasons were given for the dismissal, the President has since appointed Mr Mooya Lukamba to replace Dr. Musiwa.

In the same vein, president Hichilema has appointed Mr Jonas Anthony Mulongoti as Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry and Mr. Himba Cheelo as new Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Energy.

Former PS at Ministry of Commerce, Ms. Chawe P.M. Chuulu has been deployed to Cabinet Office, Special Duties.

The decisions were made in accordance with Articles 91, 92(1), 92(2)(e) with immediate effect.

Below is the full statement


  1. He’s Mooya Lumamba not Lukamba
    Though he’s from the PROVINCE I was wondering why he was skipped for the position of PS in the first place.

    • Spaka Lumamba is a personal friend of mine and I know he’s very capable and ready for the task…. what do you mean when you say thieving bembas.. isn’t that being tribal.
      I wouldn’t mind if a person like Lumamba is appointed because he’s got the credentials… just to make you understand. By the way I said province..I didn’t mention tribe or region.

    • Tribal bigots always think of tribe first , no matter what is being done……….

      If it is good and does not involve their tribes men……it is bad

      If it is bad but involves their tribes men…… is good.

      If it is good and involves their tribesmen…… is good , like Deja Vu above……..

    • Kachema

      FYI I am from Eastern province.

      The perceived tribalism you see in me is reactionary and in defence of the marginalised and victimised.

      Tongas were being brutaly attacked right here on LT…….I was one of the first to stand up to the bigots by giving them a taste of their own medicines………..

    • Spaka and Ngombe, problem is you see other people as tribalists and yet you are the ones who very discriminatory.
      In any case if I was tribal would I be visiting Lumamba?

    • @Spaka I said Spaka is tribal. I never said he was from this or that province. Are you saying there are no tribalists in certain Provinces?

  2. Mr President you can replace as many PS as you want but if you still retain dullards for ministers like is the case in Mines and Information Ministries ,,,the problem will always be the civil servants. Look at what at happened at Information Ministry last week Maureen Nkandu was appointed as a Director at ZNBC only for the decision to be later rejected for whatever reasons other than you have an illiterate as Minister who is intermidated by the presence of another Zambian woman who is not only intelligent but has beauty and class which the minister will never attain in her life time.

  3. These powers of the President of firing civil servants without reason has to end…give reasons if someone is under performing or corrupt…this is no different to Lazy Lungu retiring civil servant’s in the “national interest” look at Minister of Information were you have created a position for a cadre as Director of Media

    • These powers were just created from thin air. The president has never been given any such powers to hire and fire Permanent Secretaries. His appointments end at Cabinet level. However all presidents have taken advantage of Zambians’ docility to give themselves these powers. And with toothless unions like CSUZ of Zambia Presidents think they chair the Public service Commission. Someone needs to challenge these fake powers in court for the constitutional court to settle this usurping of power by State House

    • This is a ministry that just chews taxpayers money. It’s not needed. What does it do? If not to control media? In a democracy government doesn’t control media. That control is unconstitutional. Thats why you have crazy appointments like Maureen Nkandu and Jere given CEO jobs today which are withdrawn tomorrow. Political interference in freedom of speech must be challenged

  4. You can fire as much as you like but the problem is right at the top and will continue to persist until hh is removed from power

  5. I was expecting Ms Kasanda to receive a letter too. She has survived the chopping……kikiki

  6. This is a ministry that just chews taxpayers money. It’s not needed. What does it do? If not to control media? In a democracy government doesn’t control media. That control is unconstitutional. Thats why you have crazy appointments like Maureen Nkandu and Jere given CEO jobs today which are withdrawn tomorrow. Political interference in freedom of speech must be challenged

  7. You need to design proper and relevant systems and then employ smart and knowledge people to run the systems to produce the desired services, In UPND GOVT both systems and people are defective and flawed respectively. This is happening because of divisive leadership and Favoritism.

  8. All civil servants are employed for and on behalf of the President.Civil servants are at his becon call and has al powers to change his pawns if they faiil to comprend and assimilate his vision for the country.He has the right to reveal not to reveal reasons for a firiing becuase the fired pawn is still a humanbeing whose reputation must be protected as he goes to fend for himself.That is why he aways thanks the fired person for the input while in office and wishes them well in their future endevors.Thats civility.You dont have to humiliate your former employee by sending out a negative testimonial.You will lessen people’s chances in life.
    Of late thier has been dangerous calls to tie the presidency in a straightjacket.The president must publicly declare his assets.The president must…

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