Saturday, July 27, 2024

Taxi and bus drivers welcome revised age for obtaining a PSV


Taxi and mini bus drivers in Zimba Town, Southern province have welcomed the revision of age to 20 for obtaining a PSV licence.

Government has revised that persons aged 20 can now get a Passenger Service Vehicles (PSV) driving license.

Victor Mweemba, taxi driver in Zimba says the revision in age would attract more young people to be employed as drivers in both government, public and private institutions.

ZANIS reports that Mr Mweemba said in an interview that the age limit imposed in the recent past discriminated youths from contributing to the country’s socio economic development.

“The revision from 25 to 20 in which a person can get a PSV driving license is welcome. We young people constitute the majority of our country’s population,” Mweemba remarked.

He added that youths form the majority of Zambia’s population hence their challenges should quickly be addressed.

And George Hyade, bus driver said limiting to 25 for one to obtain a PSV driving license allegedly pushed many youths out of employment.

Mr Hyade said in a separate interview today that the revision to 20 years would enable the youths to gain experience and dangers associated with driving on the road.

“More young people will get experience when given a PSV driving license at 20 years. RTSA should be commended for this move because this is ample time to be mature when on the road,” he said.

Previously, the law only guaranteed the Licence to youths at the age of 25 and above.

Recently, the Ministry of Transport and Logistics working closely with the Road Transport and Safety Agency (RTSA) revised the Road Traffic Amendment Act No.8 of 2022 obtaining a PSV licence was brought down to 20 from 25 years.

This development has elated the Bus and Taxi Driver’s Association Of Zambia, motorists as well as other stakeholders in the transport sector in the country.

This amendment addressed concerns from taxi drivers of 25 years had a negative effect of pushing most youths out of employment.


  1. Car rental companies will never rent a vehicle to anyone below the age of 25. There lies a problem in this decision.

    So, we may wind up with an elevated accident rate. Because those below the age of 25 are considered a high risk worldwide.

  2. Give the 20-24 year olds a chance I guess, though they should know that should they have an accident they will be liable, just like everyone else, to be tried as adults.
    We can always revise it back up again should the “kids” prove unworthy of our trust…

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