Saturday, July 27, 2024

Sean Tembo described President Hakainde Hichilema as a shallow-minded president


President of the Patriots for Economic Progress (PeP) Sean Tembo has described President Hakainde Hichilema as a shallow-minded president after the president told voters on the Copperbelt that Government can only deliver development when they elect a United party for National Development candidate.

Speaking when he appeared on Radio Ichengelo three days ago, the President said that the only way his government can deliver development to the people of Kwacha and Kabushi is if they vote for UPND candidates.

Posting on his Facebook page, Mr Tembo said that the remarks by the president are not only an affront to democracy but exemplify the extent to which Mr Hichilema is a shallow-minded President.

Mr Tembo said that the President should be reminded that the money which his government uses to take development to the people is contributed by taxpayers of different political affiliations including those from PeP, UPND, PF, Socialist etcetera and added that the President has no right to segregate against constituencies that are held by opposition MPs.

“Mr. Hichilema should be further reminded that the Zambian people have a right to affiliate with a political party of their choice without fear of persecution or reprisals. President Hichilema must immediately withdraw his threats of reprisals which he issued against the people of Kwacha and Kabushi. Going forward, the President should desist from issuing shallow-minded statements,’ concluded the statement.

Recently Mr Tembo was slapped with the offence of Hate Speech contrary to Section 65 of the Cyber Security and Cyber Crimes Act No. 2 of 2021 of the Laws of Zambia after spending five days in police cells.

However, Police Spokesperson Rae Haamonga said that the police should not be blamed for Mr Tembo’s prolonged detention because they wanted to charge him but he insisted that his lawyer needed to be present.

He said the police obliged but up to then his legal counsel had not appeared making it difficult because they did not want to abrogate the law.

“We wanted to charge Mr Tembo but he told us that he needed his lawyer to be present so we waited and up to now nothing has come up,” he said.


  1. At the disciplinary hearing we asked a player who had been charged with using insulting language against a referee. He called the referee chobe. The player simply asked us: Bushe tabakwata
    We were confused on how to answer his question.

  2. Government can only deliver development when they elect a United party for National Development candidate.”
    He did this in reverse as opposition leader… any Upnd official in Southern Province who tried to work with government was expelled from the party and consequently lost their seats.

    • How is this reverse,,,these are completely two very different scenarios but you want to twist it to fit your narrative for thumbs ups…without any shame whatsoever…at the time in hindsight that was a strategic move as UPND would have lost a lot of good MPs as PF did not know any boundaries they bought off anyone with taxpayers money just look at the faces in PF now,

    • How is this reverse,,,these are completely two very different scenarios but you want to twist it to fit your narrative for thumbs ups…without any shame whatsoever…

    • At the time in hindsight that was a strategic move as UPND would have lost a lot of good MPs as PF did not know any boundaries they bought off anyone with taxpayers money just look at the faces in PF now.

    • Tarino Orange.. you amaze me… here the opposition was refusing development from government… now the government is denying development in areas held by the opposition. Very simple but made complicated by a fixed mind.

    • I listened to that speech by HH. What he said in Kitwe and in Ndola was CBF funds were disbursed. In both Kwacha and Kabushi constituencies, the sewers were still blocked because the PF MPs there did not care about the people. He said that if the people voted for the UPND candidate, that candidate would make sure that the CBF funds were used to clean up the constituencies. He never said that the government would withhold money from opposition held constituencies. This what the tribalist governments of Satan and Lungu did, not what UPND is doing or will do. PF took money from the provinces which make it and poured it into the ones which do not make money. Southern and northwestern had their money taken and used to build two universities in Sata’s home province for example

  3. To be fair, this is shallow minded. Similar to the words that Lungu would say, if you don’t vote for the ruling party, your constituency will not develop.
    Terrible and dangerous thinking. I expect better from HH.

    • HH never said the government would not develop certain areas. HH said that the PF MPs would not bring about development. On the other hand, he claimed that UPND MPs would care about the people and use the CBF funds to develop the constituencies. In Kwacha consituency, I remember him telling Mulenga, the UPND candidate, to start working for the people the moment he got elected, and to make sure when came to Lusaka, he brought their concerns with him. HH was attacking PF and promoting UPND. He said nothing about government priorities. HH is the only president to distribute development funds equally to all constituencies. No one else has ever done this before. Other people took all the money of the country and poured only their provinces and their pockets

    • So what do you want him to say when he’s campaigning ? Vote for the opposition MPs? Tekufulugana uko? You campaign for someone you will best work with and who will not deliberately disrupt your development programmes. Already in Kabushi, the former MP complained when CDF was increased from 1.6m to 25.7m. How do you work with someone who sees more funding as a problem? Because him, he’s used to stuffing his pockets and making the poor people of his constituency to lining up and getting handouts from him, ati babamone ati ni bamwine. Old ways of doing politics.

    • @3.1. He can say whatever he wants, we should challenge him when he is saying something incorrect or harmful.
      Further more, our president should not issue statements that seem to suggest CDF is only given to UPND MPs or that it comes only from UPND members. That is everyone’s money and the use of that money should not be limited to a ruling party.
      Let him campaign factually without falsehoods. Let’s stop supporting lies and mediocrity, we are not helping the President.

    • At the same time the president should know that it’s not MPs who bring development to a constituency. Mps main role is to formulate laws.

  4. Sean Tembo has a memory of a fish …if you call that shallow minded then why are you working with PF and supporting their candidates in Kwancha and Kabushi?

    • He has started again with his careless statements when our dull Police interprete that literally it will defamation or slander and he will be back on another charge,

  5. At the disciplinary hearing we asked a player who had been charged with using insulting language against a referee. He called the referee Cheecolor chobe. The player simply asked us: Bushe tabakwata icheecolor?
    We were confused on how to answer his question.

  6. He is shallow minded, meaning us who voted for him are shallow minded. Its ok, us the shallow minded will remain with our shallow minded President

    • Fake logic. If I say the president is very clever it doesn’t follow that clever people will vote for him. He may be clever enough to notice that there are more fools than clever people in his country so he appeasl to foolish people

  7. If you tell a short person that he’s short, it’s not an insult but a reminder that he should buy a bicycle that he can be able to ride.


  9. ALL former Presidents except KK have uttered these words. Vote for my party if you want to see development. It is a shame that the man I supported to be President is now following the same undemocratic way. An MP is elected to be a voice for the people in PARLIAMENT and not to bring development to a constituency. THIS is the job of government. Government money belongs to every Zambian not the UPND or any party in power. Why is HH shrinking into the same old gutter politics we have seen in the past? Mr President, please wake up from the stupour that has bewitched all your predecessors!

    • But who should he campaign for when he’s on the podium and in font of the people? And exactly what should he say? Vote for any MP, any which way, development shall come? Politics is all about increasing your numbers, especially in Parliament. So all those saying the opposite are not being pragmatic. Even in the USA, the President campaigns for his party’s Senators and Members of Congress, because they will support his policies and agenda. People, let’s be practical. Ba Sean Tembo is unrealistic.

  10. Dullness will never be expelled from many Zambians including bitter hate filled Botswana Embezzler Sean Zero Tembo leader of PeP! Under PF, One Edgar Chagwa Lungu would traverse the width and breadth of Zambia telling the citizenry that voted opposition would see no development stretching it further into appointments and denial of CDF! HH uses the same narrative but in different perspective in that a UPND elected representative would be easy to work with in delivering party policies while the opposition has their party policies! Unlike PF, all constituencies will receive their CDF irrespective of party affiliation by the elected representative!

  11. As derogatory as it may sound “shallow mindedness” is not slander in today’s politics. What is slander is the what Kaizar Zulu (now in hiding) pukes on this forum. Thank God he’s got his tail between his legs and disappeared. HE WAS THE REAL KAIZAR, who when I cautioned he would soon meet his fate, bolted like a hyena from the grip of a lion. Don’t use this forum to insult the head of state under the disguise of freedom of expression. Tarino Orange you are the shallow minded.

  12. the President said that the only way his government can deliver development to the people of Kwacha and Kabushi is if they vote for UPND candidates.
    This was what Sata and Lungu used to sing to citizens and HH would strongly object. Now he is the one singing the song and he wants us to dance to it. How crazy!
    Hypocrisy now rules us all the way from community house

  13. A man who only manages to get zeros during presidential elections is describing the current president as a shallow minded person, it speaks volumes really. I’m sure ST would have important and focused issues to discuss if indeed he is not shallow himself.

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