Saturday, July 27, 2024

HH’s pressure on ECZ and Judiciary will destroy the two institutions’ credibility


Socialist Party President Fred M’membe has warned that the pressure being put on the Electoral Commission of Zambia(ECZ) and the judiciary to give President Hakainde Hichilema what he wants will destroy the credibility of the two institutions.

Posting on his Facebook page, Dr M’membe further warned that when people lose faith in the electoral process, they resort to voting with their blood and this may not be what Mr Hichilema is seeking but will be the consequence, the result of his decisions and actions.

Dr M’membe said that President Hichilema is putting the Electoral Commission of Zambia and the judiciary under a lot of pressure to do things his way, to give him what he wants. This is destroying the credibility of the Electoral Commission of Zambia. And we all know what happens when people lose faith in the electoral process. They resort to voting with their blood. This may not be what Mr Hichilema is seeking but will be the consequence, the result of his decisions and actions.

“There’s no doubt that Mr Hichilema is putting a lot of unnecessary pressure on the courts with unjustified litigations, by refusing to accept unfavourable court judgments and move on.

“When and where will Mr Hichilema’s determination to block Mr Bowman Lusambo and Mr Joseph Malanji from being candidates in the Kabushi and Kwacha parliamentary by-elections end? Is this what Mr Hichilema meant by his use of the idiom “come rain, come sunshine” the elections will be held in Kabushi and Kwacha constituencies.

“He may in the end get what he wants but in what state will that victory of his leave the credibility, and public trust of the Electoral Commission of Zambia and the judiciary?

“Again, let’s not forget that the exercise of power must be a constant practice of self-limitation and modesty,” he concluded


  1. The beauty is that Zambians know how to deal with such nonsense. We dealt with KK who was by far the most powerful President that Zambia ever had. We dealt with FTJ’s 3rd term despite the large amounts of money that he threw around. So who is HH to think he can get away with the wrongs he’s doing? Leave him, he’ll get the shock of his life. Although he has never accepted any election defeat, the next will be very painful to him because he’ll be in charge with his stooges. Nipano tuli

    • HH will win the next elections. The reason why he lost the last first 2 under Lungu was cheating. HH is an honest, law abiding man, and useless people like this tribalist Mmembe, attack and accuse him without reason. As long as HH improves things in Zambia, he will easily win reelection. None of his opponents have the financial means or the political credibility to take him on.

    • No you dont know how to deal with anyone utimately they get away with it….look at Lazy Lungu he should be in the courts by now for his abuse of his powers and the constitution but he is enjoying temporary retirement. This is a President who was close friends with Drug dealers and Gun merchants …ships were being impounded flying the Zambian flag with arms.

  2. Ayotollah reduce your jealous HH is not number three after chiluba therefore you were suppose to mention the reason why you voted out rupia Banda and this poor man who became billionaire after getting that seat of the president before mentioning HH . Edgar lungu was a evil man who could pretend to be good.mmwembe you are very useless because you HH for no reason we know you from the beginning.

    • I can’t be jealous of HH because we’re not in any way connected and I don’t vie to be President. I mentioned KK and FTJ because they have so far been the most powerful Presidents. LPM, RB & ECL were weak Presidents. MCS was sick most of the time. LPM ruled with less than 30% support country-wide. RB didn’t have an agenda except he just stumbled on the Presidency like ECL. HH won but he’s still a weak President. Don’t mislead him, if the PF recoup their lost support in the 6.5 provinces then he’s gone. Let him concentrate on service delivery, that’s what will count. If he continues on this path I can assure that he’ll kiss the dust come 2026. Let him impress on the people to understand his policies then he’ll be safe

  3. Ayotollah reduce your jealous HH is not number three after chiluba therefore you were suppose to mention the reason why you voted out rupia Banda and this poor man who became billionaire after getting that seat of the president before mentioning HH . Edgar lungu was a evil man who could pretend to be good.mmwembe you are very useless because you hate HH for no reason we know you from the beginning.

  4. Ayatollah
    M’membe is just one loud mouthed failed businessman and a finished politician. How can he run a whole company owing so much tax to the government. This is the so called politician who called the people of Southern province bantustan for not voting for the notorious Patriotic Front. Politicians anywhere in the world do comment on the court judgments whether in favor or the negative. A perfect example is the overturning of Roe vs Wade by the US Supreme Court a country with best democratic principles.

    • Dont mind this man he is full of hate…remember how they borrowed money from DBZ for their airline Zambia Airways only for them to fail to payback anything..then get away with it; today he is here writing about this and that foreign investor who has come with his own money. He has no fiber in him that points to him having socialist principles …he is sly capitalists though and through dont change like that overnight.

    • Fred wasn’t wrong to call Southerners as Bantustan. They are the only province that beat and killed people from other regions, especially Eastern and Northern when he lost elections in 2015 and 2016. They’re the only province with a unique voting pattern. See facts and the reality. If 6.5 provinces vote for their people like Southerners have consistently done then what do you expect? Or if they choose to now listen to the likes of Kambwili because Cornelius Mweetwa is helping to make CK’s message become the truth. Let me in fact commend Douglas Syakalima for the mature manner he handled the teacher recruitment exercise. He has quickly become a leader and not the foul mouthed character he was. Bravo Douglas! You’ve done us proud under extreme pressure from zealots like Mweetwa

  5. Glad, Zambian lawyers are already showing him they are not that cheap. Our law abiding Zambian lawyers will soon bring normalcy to ECZ to the way it was a year ago. Guess what, our hard working Zambian lawyers are already aligning ECZ. Kudo Judiciary.

  6. The self delusional man Fred Memmbe is back …as Sangwa SC stated its just as bad using Lazy Lungu’s govt as your yardstick to measure UPNDs governance performance but the ECZ and Judiciary was worse under PF, if PF won and those two Kwacha and Kabushi candidates were in opposition PF would have dealt with them swiftly through their “corrupt go to magistrates” like David Simusamba in the courts with sentences to stall them. UPND needs to do far better….Fred will never say anything remotely nice as he harbours so much hate inside him he thinks he can be an Editor and a Political Party President (Rich Socialists) at the same time how laughable is that.

  7. Cde Membe AKA Mwansa kapinga on LT……..

    hates HH with a passion from time immemorial………….

    His post newspaper tried to Bury HH with vile underhand tribal attacks………

    We do not expect anything less from him, especially now he see his fortunes tied to PF………

  8. Leka umunobe ateke, how much is PF paying you? Let them pay you in advance, otherwise bazaku gonga.
    BaPF were warned about their industrial scale corruption, but were consumed by power and greed. An example needs to be set, so that future thieves disgued as politicians will have to think twice about abusing public resources, violence/gassing, nepotism ,,.
    How come PF and its associates were able to build mansions and buy brand new SUV’s while the rest of the citizens wallowing in poverty.
    Leka umunobe abombe!

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