Saturday, July 27, 2024

Justice Minister Haimbe in the UK for Queen’s funeral


Justice minister Mulambo Haimbe yesterday arrived in Britain ahead of Queen Elizabeth’s funeral.

UK Department for International Trade Minister Jesse Norman received President Hakainde Hichilema’s special representative Milambo Haimbe today at Lancaster House to sign the book of condolence following the death of Queen Elizabeth II.

Honourable Haimbe expressed Zambia’s grief and commiseration to the British people over the passing of Queen Elizabeth II.

The late Monarch died last week aged 96 and is set to be buried at St. George’s Chapel within the grounds of Windsor Castle, one of her favourite homes and where many royals have been laid to rest before her.

Her funeral today will be one of the largest gatherings of heads of state and government in one place in British history and up to 4 billion people worldwide are anticipated to witness the funeral on television and other platforms.

Over the weekend, President Hakainde Hichilema flew to New York, US and said that his trip to New York is one of its continued efforts meant to build a good reputation for the country.

Mr Hichilema said building a good reputation for the country is one of the agendas his administration has set.

The head of state said this at Kenneth Kaunda international airport prior to his flight to New York to attend the 77th session of the United Nations general assembly ( UNGA).

The President observed that in today’s world, no country can live in isolation adding that through relations and interactions with other country’s helps in developing other countries.

He said that this channel will continue so that the country’s wealth, peace, security and stability can translate into economic growth and trade investment.

Mr Hichilema said meetings with investors have been lined up in a bit to market the country for economic development.

The plain carrying the Head of State and his entourage among them being First Lady Mutinta and Justice minister Haimbe Mulambo.

And President Hichilema said that Trade and investments is what will rebuild the economy and in turn provide meaningful jobs for our citizens.

Mr Hichilema on his Facebook page maintain that this is the new dawn government’s goal and priority.

“ This is our goal, responsibility and priority which underpins out foreign engagement. Like we have stated before, our travels are targeted and our agenda is clear and that is to unlock the economy that was acutely damaged after years of reckless borrowing and unbridled corruption by the previous administration, “ he says.

The President is scheduled to address the General Assembly during the High level General Debate in New York on 21st September, 2022.

The theme for this year’s General Debate is: A Watershed Moment: Transformative Solutions to Interlocking Challenges.

On the sidelines of the UN General Assembly, the President will participate in several high-level meetings, including:

the 2022 SDG Moment , Transforming Education Summit; High-Level Leaders’ Dialogue Meeting and Climate Finance Dialogue.

The Republican President is scheduled to hold bilateral meetings with Antonio Guterres, United Nations Secretary General; Ms. Kristalina Georgieva, International Monetary Fund Managing Director; Mr. David Malpass, World Bank President, and Ms. Samantha Power, United States Agency for International Development Administrator.

In line with the Government’s commitment to continue creating and fostering meaningful partnerships that will bolster the Zambian economy, Mr. Hichilema will also attend the Zambia Investor Forum, US-Africa Business Forum.


    • What flight was he using? Please stop using Lazy Lungu as a yardstick for UPND’s performance as Lazy Lungu was just awful…people expect far far better than chancer Lazy from HH7.

  1. This article doesnt make sense at all so what type of aircraft did they use commerical or chartered flight? How is it possible that Haimbe Mulambo is on the flight to NYC and this photo was taken yesterday…who is in this entourage to NYC apart from the First Lady? Please let’s be serious and take pride in our professions.

  2. At the end of the day it’s tax payers money been wasted…Just from wasting tax payers money in kabushi! Now this trip! in one year 40 international travel trips…Yaba ba chipantapanta

  3. Zedyata – other countries sent their Prime Ministers or Presidents why didn’t we send the VP instead of some Jr Minister, after all the rest went to New York via London on the State Jet as if they fly Emirates’ they would have transferred in Dubai not London. Now HH is off with his begging bowl to New York Also LT its airplane not plain.

    • So you wanted both the President and Veep to leave the country…did you see how the Heads of State from Africa were travelling in buses mixed in with ministers. utter waste of time and jet fuel!!

  4. Assigning the most junior Minister to represent a President to the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II is a very serious administrative BLUNDER. This is an occasion when the President could have been represented by the Deputy Republican President or the most senior Minister such as Hon. Jack Mwiimbu or Hon. Mweetwa. Being a rubble-rouser in the person of Haimbe does not qualify this juvenile to take up vital assignment relating to State Funerals. Zambians are well advised to read Chinua Achebe’s book titled: “THINGS FALL APART”.

  5. Sad from reading comments above that no one seems to be seeing the bigger picture and implications of our foreign policy. We lack good analytical skills.

  6. Hon MH wont disappoint. Its a good choice to represent us although some one like Eias Chipimo or Guy Scot could have been an excellent choice for Zambia not the party and its government.

  7. @10 Mwansa kabinga, I understand you when you mention Mr.Mwiimbu as a Senior Minister. However, Mr.Mweetwa may even be a junior minister to Haimbe, given that the former is in charge of a province while the latter is the Minister of Justice and acting Foreign Affairs and International Relations Minister! I believe in hierarchy it could be, 1) President 2) Vice President 3) Finance 4) Defence 5) Home Affairs & Internal Security 6 ) Foreign Affairs and International Relations 7) Justice then others….

  8. But this is the right way to treat these neo-colonial ceremonies: send a single junior minister to the occasion not the president with some huge amoebic entourage. And certainly no national mourning.

    • We have to attend these neo colonial ceremonies as you call them as we need their aid , we have been begging from the west and China for 58 years it’s in our DNA. why is the Pres. going to New York and talk at the UN , no one will invest in us as they know we don’t pay our Euro bonds back and getting the IMF to bail us out for the 2nd time. waste of time, fuel, and money going to New York.

  9. When a young man has learnt to wash his hands he can eat with the elders…some of the names being touted as senior ministers can hardly articulate themselves so why send an experiment! Besides Hon H went as a ‘special emissary’ of HE ie he was clothed with more than just his ministerial titles but where is foreign minister???


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