Opposition New Heritage Party President Chishala Kateka has promised to safeguard the wealth of Zambia for Zambians when elected Republican President in the 2026 General Elections.
Ms. Kateka, a chartered accountant and economist, is looking forward to leading the New Heritage Party into government in 2026.
She contested the 2021 General Elections on the New Heritage Party ticket as the only female presidential candidate and emerged seventh out of 16 aspirants.
Explaining why the Zambian people should elect her as their eighth republican President, Ms. Kateka said no amount of foreign aid or even capital in-flows could ever take Zambia to where it belongs as a highly developed, egalitarian society with its own advanced culture.
The opposition leader said she is very convinced that only Zambian citizens can develop their nation.
Ms. Kateka added that the New Heritage Party’s vision for Zambia is to see the nation become a premier Zambian led economic and productivity hub in Southern Africa.
“Political philosophy and ideology: Our vision for Zambia is to become a Premier Zambian-Led Economic and Productivity Hub in Southern Africa. Pan- africanist, Christian, Social Democrat and pragmatist.I believe that Africa is one country, currently suffering the humiliation of being divided into small artificial countries as a result of the slave trade, colonialism and neo- colonialism mostly carried out by Europeans, aided by treacherous African leaders of the time.I stand for the complete Independence of Zambia (and ultimately the continent) through the empowerment of its Zambian citizens through their God-given heritage. Mine is to help marry Zambians to their wealth.To this end the New Heritage Party aims to bring about Zambia’s 3rd leg of Independence by: Tackling the economic balance of power by tilting it towards Zambians. Helping Zambians to recover their sense of self worth and dignity. Galvanizing a new breed of leadership.Addressing the high taxes and cost of living. Rooting out corruption and abuse of power,” Ms. Kateka stated.
“I am convinced that only the citizens of this country can develop this nation – no amount of foreign aid or even capital in-flows could ever take this country to where it belongs as a highly developed, egalitarian society with its own advanced culture.To be able to develop this country, Zambian citizens need to have a tangible stake in it by every Zambian adult being not only entitled, but actually holding tilted land as a right free of charge,” she said.
Ms. Kateka is pledging to make education easily accessible to the most vulnerable of the local population.
“I believe that education up to tertiary level is a human right and that government owes it to all citizens to provide free education from Kindergarten to university. We recognise that this can not be delivered in the short however, we will provide free education to those that can not afford it. We believe that the right approach is to have those that can afford to will help subsidize those that can not. This is so that free education is sustainable and quality is not compromised. We shall make education easily accessible to the most vulnerable of our population.Private schools and universities are welcome but should only serve as a reserve choice by those who wish to attend them, but no Zambian child should be unable to get an education on account of lack of money.Education is the magic wand that is going to actualise the vision of becoming the Premier Zambian-Led Economic and Productivity Hub in Southern Africa – a Zambia that is highly developed, advanced and egalitarian nation that I envision.Local industrial production of the key requirements of life for Zambians , such as food, household goods, and heavy machines will be entrenched from primary school including life skills training such as agriculture, Information technology, arts and music and sports,” Ms. Kateka said.
She also commented on the security and safety of citizens.
“To be able to achieve this vision , we need to safeguard the territorial integrity of the country and the safety of all it’s people not just those in the so called good neighbourhoods. This will require a well trained, well armed military and civil police force. The police will be required to be in the communities where our people live and be on round the clock patrol in motor vehicles and especially on foot ,with the help of the community as the eyes and ears of the police,” she said.
On foreign policy, Ms. Kateka said:” Zambia is not an Island so I will promote a proactive Pan-Africanist, non aligned foreign policy that will put Zambia first- The UN security council arrangement that subsists now is anti-democratic and has clearly failed to live up to it’s mandate as the centre for world peace, belying it’s lofty name, where the general assembly should take up the mantle, as opposed to the current attempts by our leaders in Africa aimed at begging for a seat at the table of the hegmonic nuclear powers.I believe that Zambia’s diverse people, culture and common heritage, is an advantage. I intend to work with all people groups in Zambia to ensure that we bring out the best from every ethnic group.”
“I believe in team leadership, something that worked well for me in the corporate world where I left some milestones.I am proud of my heritage as an African, a woman and a Zambian.My promise to the Zambian people I only make one promise to the Zambian people – to safeguard the wealth of Zambia for Zambians,” she concluded.
Chishala Kateka is a Zambian businesswoman and a respected corporate leader who run in the August 2021 presidential election under the banner of the New Heritage Party.
She has previously worked for the World Bank. She became the first woman ever appointed as Barclays Bank Zambia/ABSA PLC as well as the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC) boards as their Chairperson.
Ms. Kateka also served on various other Boards and Committees in Government, quasi government and private institutions.
From 2012 to December 2017, she represented the African Jurisdiction on the International Ethics Standard Board of Accountants (IESBA) of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) in New York.
Ms. Kateka is a Fellow Chartered Accountant and holds a Bachelor of Arts (Economics) from the University of Zambia.
Political and Leadership Experience:
The first Female University of Zambia Students Union (UNZASU) Treasurer in 1976.
Founder member of the Heritage Party under Brigadier General Godfrey Miyanda in 2001.
Founder of Youth with a Vision for Zambia, an NGO addressing concerns of young adults (age 18 to 40 years) especially with mindset change in 2004
Revived the Heritage Party under the New Heritage Party (NHP) after the party had been wound up by Gen. Miyanda following his taking leave of active politics in 2020.
Why do you guys have so much cloud cuckoo land politicians and dreamers.