Thursday, February 6, 2025

HH removes the DPP from Office following recommendations from JCC


President Hakainde Hichilema has with immediate effect removed Lilian Siyuni from the office of the Director of Public Prosecutions ( DPP ).

President Hichilema says the removal of Mrs. Siyuni follows recommendations contained in the report presented to him by the Judicial Complaints Commission ( JCC ).

He added that the removal of Mrs. Siyuni from the office of the Director of Public Prosecutions is also in exercise of the powers vested in the President pursuant to articles 182 (3) 143 (b) and 143 (c) of the Constitution of Zambia.

And President Hichilema has since appointed Gilbert Hanford Phiri as Director of Public Prosecutions subject to ratification by the National Assembly.

The appointment of Mr. Phiri is in exercise of the powers vested in him pursuant to article 180 of the constitution of the country.

This is according to a statement issued to the media in Lusaka yesterday by Presidential Spokesperson Anthony Bwalya.

The embattled DPP has in recent times been embroiled in a number of judicial issues one of them being on entering nolles in all cases before her brought by either the Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) or the Anti-Corruption Commission, where arrests were made without receiving instructions to arrest from her.


  1. Hh should now watch his back. This woman has a lot of dirt on hh, hence why he is desperate to get rid of her. The truth eventually comes out .

    For us in pf diaspora, we would like to thank this brave and intelligent woman for her fearless service to our nation. We know you serving the nation meant earning less than what you would have been earning outside of government. You made sacrifices and for that we are forever thankful

    • This woman was your PF appointee and lap dog; if she had any dirt on HH, why did she not give it to you, (Party of Fools) PF to use against him in the elections? Furthermore, if there is any information she gathered in her job as DPP, and coughs it up, without HH’s permission, he can and will have her ass prosecuted for breach of Oath of Office. So, if she wants to join Mumbi Phiri in that beautiful prison in Mongu, let her try

    • This shameless UK based troll has found another hobby…after cursing people in diaspora for years now back to playing in diaspora just for trolling material.

    • Fearless indeed. Cutting sweet deals for the clique of thieves with no fear of reparcussions or consequences. The so called dirt that she has that you are banking on, I hope it is not the same confidence you all had about winning on 12th August 2021. Just recently internet was awash with ya”ll telling us she can’t be removed. There you go, removed METHODICALLY and PROFESSIONALLY per recommendations of the JCC.

    • She has no dirt on HH because he is clean. If she had any the dirt would have surfaced a longtime ago during PF’s reign.

    • Sit down pipe down or just go do another harvest in the bush with Peter Sinkamba from the Greens. This silly girl has thrown her career in the drain just to protect vile crooks what can she possibly tell the nation….in fact she reminds me of you who defends Bonanza and Bowman unconditionally….shameless man you are. All her nolles will be investigated she is going down for a long time…she thought she was sly as Nchito.

    • She has nothing to tell. She should go quietly and try to be a private lawyer. Her career under this government is over. As for divulging whatever you think she knows, her oath of office applies until she goes to the grave. She cannot say anything. The only person who can free her of that obligation is HH or another president, if he so chooses to give her a waiver.

    • Was she stuttering and stammering all along for her to fail to tell us whatever it is she was trying to say?? Now watch what happens to Ali Baba his 40 thieves. It’s our money, we want it back. There are disadvantaged people in this country truly suffering at the expense of a clique that plundered with impunity and had the audacity to prepare deals with this shameless woman. The part I do not get is the lack of shame. Most thieves repent. I love the suggestion that cases should now be on live TV.

    • You are the same people who were asking for Mumbi Phiri case to be pushed in front of the queue her case was on this week and she is now going to the high court it doesnt look good for her. Now you are here still crying for this girl’s oath to be fitted …really laughable …that boat sailed in 2 years time you will be buying tomatoes from her at the market in CB…when she could have been a Supreme Court Judge because she listened to burnt lawyers like Tutwa and Chawama deregistered laywer Lazy Lungu.

    • Tarino Orange #

      You need help. Whats up? Are you still fighting to get your uncle a job in the UPND / GRZ. It appears (#Deja Vu ) is constant in your mind 23/7. By the way, don’t you ever get tired of making the same comments about (# Patriotic Front UK-Branch ) every day? Please spare us your crap. I remember last year (# Independent Observer ) asking you to evict him from your mind as you kept going on looking for fights with him. And frankly, he out-foxed you. The more he continued to ignore you, the more it drove you MAD. Until one day he (# Independent Observer) posted a comment advising & asking you to evict him from your head for your sanity.

    • Moonlighting – My debates with Deja Vu are nothing but light hearted banter just like I have with other resident bloggers there is no drumbeating here like you have for that other blogger you have mentioned. I will never get tired making the same comments about the troll because I have seen this trait before such bloggers have no loyality to anything they just post to troll..if you have been here observing since last year then you should know a thing or two about impostors.
      Have yourself a nice weekend!

  2. I warned this girl Lilian Siyuni now the wolves will come for her all because she was protecting thieves and mafias close to Lazy Lungu…she had no plan B or Get out of Jail card…she should have cut a deal immmediately HH came to office and resigned continued with her legal career. I mean her office approved his arrest on trumped up traffic charges in Mongu…just look at the nolles she was dishing out PF thieves knew no harm could come to them if you took them to court.

  3. Just sit back and watch the think putting Gilbert Phiri a UPND sympathiser will work for HH schemes I doubt it .

    • That is how it works. The DPP is an employee of the president, a part of the executive. He is supposed to put someone there to do the job of public prosecution for him. The DPP is neither a member of the judiciary nor the legislature. This is why her ass had to be gone.

  4. Well, one case of replacing the crocodile with an alligator and hoping the baby doesn’t get eaten. What will Gilbert Phiri do as concerns the case of Alpha Commodities which was reported to his ACC? Will he truly prosecute some UPND members? Will he also continue to be ACC DG, seems like a conflict of interest since he has to give a go ahead to his own investigations.

    • “….embroiled in a number of judicial issues one of them being on entering nolles in all cases before her brought by either the Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) or the Anti-Corruption Commission, where arrests were made without receiving instructions to arrest from her.”
      Either way the crocodile will be hit with so many cases to answer that courtroom will be her second home as ACC and DEC will be on her like a tonne of bricks.

    • At times the President should be coming out himself and do a quick Press Briefing to clarify such issues you have raised as Gilbert Phiri was appointed in March as ACC DG subject to ratification by Nathional Assembly who takes over at ACC?

    • Unfortunately you do not know HH. If you are UPND and you loot, you are going to jail. I hope the UPND members in high positions are listening carefully. HH is an extremely serious and disciplined fellow. Again, if you are UPND, do NOT loot. UPND will not protect you; and if another party comes to power, it will not protect you.

  5. Her lawyers have given her a Bill of K800 000.
    She has just lost her job.
    The Bank has called in her loans. Loans were secured on her being employed. Now the bank wants all its money at once or she loses house and cars.
    Her CV has been tarnished because she has been fired for misconduct. That is the official reason which every new employer will demand to see.
    PF not picking her calls because now she is of no use.
    Was the arrogant fight against the state really necessary sister?
    Yet you could have been a judge of the Supreme Court ???
    Source ZWD.

    • PF had ceased to be a political party long ago.It turned into a criminal organization and had gate-keepers tasked to defeat the ends of justaice.I suport the call to have the honor of State Counsel striped from her back

    • She is under oath until HH relieves the oath or until another president does so. She has nothing to say. Whether you agree with HH or not, he is the cleanest politician ever to run for office. This is a man who was scrutinised in every possible way, and the only thing his enemies could do was persecute him for things he did not do. Do not worry, this woman has no secrets to tell.

    • Every single government official serves at the pleasure of president. He can fired the person just because he wants someone else in the job. HH did not need the JCC recommendation for this; he used to stave off political rancour, and not to avoid legal jeopardy. The only people who (should) be immune to the caprices of the a president are the members of parliament and the judiciary. Of course we have stupid laws in Zambia where when one is thrown out of a party, he loses his seat in parliament; I do believe that MMD arrogated unto Frederick Chipuba the power to fire judges.

    • Look at this chap using words like “indoctrinated” and being a useful tool for whom may I ask? I feel for the people who suffered because of this lady’s nolles, taxpayer’s monies lost dont because you have a cavalier attitude to such issues.

  6. Lilian Siyuni gone from the office of the DPP and also Kaizar Zulu gone from Lusaka Times . Now i’m gonna celebrate with a bottle of champagne.

    • Zambia First must have been that obtuse blogger who called himself Zambian Observor post 2021 General Elections …that blogger was thick as porridge he thought it was justified for an ambulance from Europe to cost $250,000.

  7. The Green Party leader’s crusade against fired DPP Siyuni begs a probe on his probable hatred for this professional lady. Siyuni served as DPP under Oaths and we pray that she is not trapped into revealing state data. God and time will be in her favour. She is now free to practice her profession.

    • Are you not saddened by what was going on during her time in office…I mean KZ would pistol wipe you and he would never see a day in court.

  8. It was a well known factor for madam Lilian, go well madam and do not relent in doing good because God is watching you and one day God will vindicate you,thank you for the service you rendered to mother zambia and wish you well for your future endevour.

  9. @Zambia First: : Leave Tarino Orange alone. You had your own time that you PF cadres could sleep or have lunch even in the DPP office. Mukekeni Tarino , its his time naye to celebrate but am afraid his celebration might be for the next 50years than your 10years. Hahahahahahhaha

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