Saturday, July 27, 2024

There’s nothing special about being President-Edgar Lungu


Former President Edgar Lungu has thanked the people of Zambia for continuing to observe the National Day of Prayer and reconciliation, seven years after he decreed the date.

Mr Lungu told fellow worshipers that he was happy that the Day has continued to be observed.

Addressing congregants after attending Mass at Lusaka’s Mtendere Mary Queen of Peace Catholic Parish today, the former Head of State paid gratitude to President Hichilema and the new dawn administration for recognizing and respecting the day of prayer.

And Mr. Lungu says there is nothing special about being President saying God can use anyone to do His work.

“God works through ordinary people whom he chooses to use at any given point, Mr. Lungu said.

“God chose to use me as President once just as he has now chosen to use President Hichilema so everything is in God’s hands, there will always be another President,” he said.

The former President who indicated from the start that he didn’t want to speak a lot prayed for Zambians to remain a loving and God-fearing people under the doctrine of Zambia as a Christian nation.

Mr. Lungu said no one can restrict God’s work or desire through time and space or personalities, insisting that God works with whoever he chooses.

And Mary Queen of Peace Parish Priest Father Evaristo Kabungo urged citizens to desist from fighting one another as they are not enemies.

Fr. Kabungo said Zambians must embrace and love one another instead of investing in negative energy, hurting or punishing each other.

Fr. Kabungo alerted Zambians from across the national divide that hurting each other only hurts the country and slows economic national progress and unity.

“What we (Zambians) should remember is that every time we fight as brother, sister husband or wife or any other family member or friend, we are doing the devil’s job. The devil rejoices in your fights and divisions, stop doing his work and love each other,” Fr. Kabungo told the congregation.

Fr. Kabungo said it was not by accident that President Lungu declared 18th October a National Day of Prayer and national reconciliation seven years ago.

“The President (Edgar Lungu) must have been driven by God and the holy spirit to declare this day as thus in order to bring Zambians together to heal, forgive and love each other,” said Father Kabungo.

Fr. Kabungo took advantage of the huge gathering to also caution Zambians against anti-Christian values such as homosexualism and lesbianism he said could undermine Zambian culture.

“There´s no way you can demand as human rights something which is not inherently human (gay rights) according to our values and traditions,” said Fr Kabungo.

“Fr. Kabungo said, “mwamuna namwamuna kukwatilana, (man and man getting married is foolishness) thats foolishness…thats embracing a culture of death which is not Zambian.”

Fr. Kabungo also said lesbian and homosexual couples in Zambia where they exist must not be allowed to adopt children for fear of permanently “damaging these innocent children because children need to be brought up in a healthy traditional environment” of man as husband and woman as wife, not men and men or women and women against Zambian cultural and traditional values of many years.


  1. Today you are saying God has chosen HH then why you said this tonga will never be president. If there is nothing special in being president why were you going for illegal third term?

    • the only problem am seen here is same people are so tribe inclined, ECL said God can use any one meaning no matter how much you fight he or she when God says yes ni yes, unless you have a different vision of Gods TIME is the best.

    • It is something he is realising now. He did not know that there nothing special in being president when he was enjoying presidency. He has become wiser after losing power.

    • Former Eagle One has mumbled, (former, Ex, Previous, Prior, Wakudala, abafumapo). 1 year later still failing to deal with the reality. Just a reminder that the gap was 1 million votes excluding Kanyama whilst using state machinery, A fake voters register favoring “strongholds” intimidating opposition, Deadnbc black out of UPND, Deadnbc demonising UPND, fully paid Papa’s for hire (Christians for Lulu) talking smack like they were on crack, Cash handouts, use of government and Zesco vehicles. Etc Heal bane

  2. Kaizar Zulu. Speak out. But under a different name. I thought you are now quiet cleaning toilets in diaspora. Please invite you friend Lusambo to join you.

  3. “And Mr. Lungu says there is nothing special about being President saying God can use anyone to do His work.”
    This man Lazy Bum Lungu can say this because he had no vision for the country only his corrupt friends had their own vision …Lazy is likened to a person who won a £2million Lottery then comes to tell you after 10 years when he blown everything that there is nothing special…

  4. Only a visionless baboon like lungu will say this. Good kicked him out and soon he will be in prison with mumbi phiri

  5. He will always be a better president than the lying hypocritical crook they call hh. Our president, your president ,ECL is very wise, mature, sensible and has a fatherly nature. We in uk pf don’t recognise the upnd government.

    Kapaya munshya

    Pf- Manchester, UK

  6. Lungu is a big joke. Anyone remembers how this man was unwilling to concede defeat? It took RB and some other former heads of state to convince him that there was no other way out. And why does he look gaunt?

    • Then why are they affraid to meet Lusambo and Malanji if the elections were a true reflection of their popularity.

  7. For the first time Lungu and me share sentiments. There is indeed nothing special about being president. Just look at buffoons such as Donald Trump, Idi Amin, Mobutu sese seko, lets add Belgian King Leopold and Hitler. Tell me what was special about any of these. Imagine a president of the world’s number 1 economy, number 1 democracy, suggesting we drink bleach to try and kill a virus! Special???
    I think God shouldn’t be brought into the equation. We the people get fooled by these nincompoomps and we want to pass the buck to God. We choose them. Its not God who does.

  8. Lungu,

    manup and give an honest press interview like all former Presidents…………..

    Stop hiding behind the church

  9. Thank you Ba former President Lungu. Your words of wisdom will be cherished by ALL peace-loving Zambians. God bless us all.

  10. I saw former president Edgar Lungu speaking on tv. There was no congruence between his body language and words that came out of his mouth.

    • When he speaks I usually wait for people’s translation after because all I hear is mumbling (not sure if he chooses bad microphones or what)

  11. That’s a blatant lie. If there was nothing special, then why did he attempt to go for a third term? On the contrary there’s EVERYTHING SPECIAL about being President of a Country. As President you are given almost everything for free while a lot of the citizens are wallowing in poverty

  12. You should have said that before the previous elections and step aside for the third term you tried, statement would have made much sense

  13. “And Mr. Lungu says there is nothing special about being President …..” This is the same man that ran for the third term. This is the same man that vowed to hand-over power to himself. What manner of hypocrisy is this?

  14. Actually there is something special on being elected president .,,you are the Head of State, Commander in Chief, international Representative….you have the power to hire and fire never mind to declare war against a perceived enemy….its really a shame if one thinks such a prestigious position is not special…true all authority comes from God but it is special sir…very special and one must forever be grateful if they land that top post

  15. Ati nothing special on being elected president ??? Iyeeee….mwe bantu, so this confirms Zambians were right to have removed this man…
    Not only that he didn’t have a vision, he also did not understand his responsibility of being elected President.
    Then you wonder why ba kaponya were running this country.
    The only legacy he is fighting for is the so called National Day of Prayer and reconciliation.
    I am sure even reasonable PF members are shy by this statement.

  16. Fr. Kabungo also said lesbian and homosexual couples in Zambia where they exist must not be allowed to adopt children for fear of permanently “damaging these innocent children because children need to be brought up in a healthy traditional environment” of man as husband and woman as wife, not men and men or women and women against Zambian cultural and traditional values of many years.

  17. Fr. Kabungo also condemned homosexuals’ and lesbianism, YES father am with you on this one we must not allow this madness in zambia been gay its a right in zambia and it shall never going to be. FIRE PON BATTY BWOY and LESBIAN HOT LAVA PON DEM

  18. Only after being kicked out, all these past 11 yrs it was very special until his emotions convinced him otherwise. Such statements should even be uttered by a former presidency. It is simply too cheap to try and make that office as being not special.

  19. By the way a waiste coat is meant to be worn as a three piece more so if its the same color as the trousers but hey theres nothing special indeed.

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