Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Kanengo assures Kabushi residents as he gets support from the Losing candidate


Newly elected Kabushi Member of Parliament, Bernard Kanengo says the people of Kabushi should expect meaningful and timely development.

Mr. Kanengo said time has come for residents in the constituency to have their share of development being undertaken across the country.

Mr. Kanengo said Kabushi constituency is one of the areas that has lagged behind where development is concerned.

He said Kabushi residents have for decades been subjected to poverty, poor road network and poor water reticulation and sanitation.

Mr. Kanengo said he will ensure that the residents start benefiting from the empowerment programmes that government is rolling out countrywide.

“With the support of stakeholders I will make sure that the processes to access the Constituency Development Funds(CDF) is expedited so that we can empower the people of Kabushi whose funds have been in the accounts without being utilised for too long. We want to bring development in the constituency,” Mr. Kanengo said.

And Chifubu Member of Parliament, Lloyd Lubozha has called on Chifubu residents to continue forming cooperatives for them to access CDF.

Meanwhile, Losing candidate in last week’s controversial Kabushi Parliamentary by-election in Ndola on the Copperbelt Richard Kalasa has congratulated UPND’s Bernard Kanengo for winning the election.

And Mr. Kalasa said he will not petition the outcome of the Parliamentary by-election.

Mr. Kanengo was declared winner of Friday’s controversial Kabushi Parliamentary by-election after getting 6,556 votes against his closest rival Mr. Kalasa’s 4,607 votes.

Leadership Movement’s Osias Telela collected 226 votes and another Independent candidate Alfred Joseph Yombwe amassed 81 votes.

Out of the 49,908 registered voters in Kabushi Constituency, only 11,646 voted in the by-election.

Speaking to journalists, Mr. Kalasa, a business executive and former Ndola Deputy Mayor, said he has accepted the outcome of the Kabushi Parliamentary by-election.

The former Kanini Ward Councilor and Patriotic Front (PF) official said normal life has continued because elections in Kabushi Constituency are over.

Mr. Kalasa thanked the people of Kabushi Constituency for supporting his candidature.

The veteran football administrator said he plans to contest future elections in Kabushi Constituency.

“The elections are now over. I am just thanking the people of Kabushi Constituency for casting their vote to support my candidature and I congratulate my colleague who won the elections Mr. Bernard Kanengo. I believe this is not the last time I think elections do come regularly. We are expecting another election that will come in 2026 in which I am expecting to participate. I have accepted the results. I am not going to petition the results. Being my first time to try and stand at parliamentary level I congratulate my colleague. I am saying next time I am going to win the election,” Mr. Kalasa said.

Mr. Kalasa added that developmental activities in Kabushi are on hold due to the lack of a Member of Parliament.

He saluted immediate past Kabushi Member of Parliament Bowman Lusambo for his efforts in the development of the area.

Mr. Kalasa said Mr. Lusambo facilitated road projects and construction of Masala Market among other developmental activities.

“There cannot be development in Kabushi without a member of Parliament. Development in Kabushi has come to a standstill because there is no Member of Parliament. Kabushi Constituency lagged behind when it comes to development. The Constituency was idle because there was no one to speak for the people of Kabushi Constituency. Bowman did a good job in Kabushi. Look at the new market at Masala; it is Bowman Lusambo who did that. Look at some road projects he started. Had he been in office Bowman would have concluded the road projects in Kabushi? We need to make Kabushi a community anyone can desire to live in,” Mr. Kalasa said.

The Kabushi Parliamentary seat fell vacant after the Ndola High Court nullified the election of Mr Lusambo on grounds of electoral malpractices.

Last July, the Constitutional Court upheld the decision of the Ndola High Court to nullify Mr. Lusambo’s election as Kabushi Constituency Member of Parliament.

In this matter, United Party for National Development (UPND) losing candidate Mr. Kanengo petitioned Mr Lusambo of the Patriotic Front (PF) citing malpractice before and during the August 12 General elections.

Lusaka High Court Judge Edward Musona sitting in Ndola nullified the seat stating wide spread violence noting that Mr Lusambo did not disassociate himself from his militia group known ‘the Nato Forces’, which was attacking the electorates.


  1. this man he is very excited zoona these promesses you are making sir your friends have been MPs now for over a year and same months we are seen no charge in our areas better you go zee and enjoy the tinted VX and you will detouch yourself from your voter then shift to lusaka.

  2. A whole ugly man forcing himself on people who don’t want him

    As we said days ago, you cannot force your ugly self on people that don’t want you. We all know upnd cannot and will never win those seats in a free and fair election. Remember that if you are undesired by the people , nature has a way of getting rid of you. For example some die of natural causes.

    Anonymous member

    Pf in the UK

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