Saturday, July 27, 2024

UPND wants PF presidential nominees probed over high fees


The UPND in Lusaka Province is calling on investigative wings to investigate the Patriotic Front’s source of money that candidates vying for the party presidency are paying.

Party Lusaka Provincial Chairman Obvious Mwaliteta says he is aware that some of the candidates who have paid the K200, 000 nomination fees have never had such amounts and are on the verge of bankruptcy but is concerned seeing them flushing such huge sums of money.

Mr. Mwaliteta says it is therefore imperative that investigative wings of government follow the source of that money which according to gathered information shows that the money was not withdrawn but gotten from some known businessman with a view to launder his money which is under investigations.

He has said in a statement that the UPND has tried to analyze all those that have successfully filed their nominations and found that they are all qualified Zambians who can contest any position, but seeing them releasing that amount of money to fund a political party is deceit.

Mr. Mwaliteta says there is need to establish the source of that money, the banks where those accounts are sited and any other information that would satisfy the nation because as it stands, Zambians are so sure the money could be either proceeds of crime or money laundering activities.

And when contacted for a comment on the matter, Acting PF President Given Lubinda said calls to investigate the source of the nomination fees paid by party presidential aspirants are welcome.

And NAREP has also called on the investigative wings to probe the source of the exorbitant nomination fees amounting to K200,000 that the Patriotic Front is charging presidential aspirants for the forthcoming convention.

NAREP Secretary General Ezra Ngulube is concerned that the PF is charging much higher nominations fees compared to what the Electoral Commission of Zambia charged presidential candidates in the 2021 General elections.

Mr.Ngulube says the displaying of huge sums of money in the name of nomination fees, could be a way of money laundering in the name of a convention.

Mr.Ngulube believes that the PF has disenfranchised its youths by pegging the nomination fees at K200,000 which most of them cannot afford.


    • Henry – No we know you are PF sympathiser from your postings on LT over the years…Obvious is a street smart chap he knows how the system works. You are the same chaps who were dancing to infrastructure development when a mere Tollgate who costing $4.5 million

    • When Mwaliteta served as Lusaka province Minister, he’d go into the toilet without tissue and while seated on the pan he’d shout at the PS to bring it to him through the adjoining office door. That’s the person the entire UPND want to be their SG. He’s the man to direct their policy and carry the burden to win them the 2026 elections. Jesus wept

    • Ayatollah – It looks like you know this chap very well too well maybe you were the PS but that was how PF era was thugs in control and to fight thugs you need a street smart thug like him in the team. He better off in the party than in this day I dont even know who the SG of UPND is, in Zambian politics unfortunately you need such chaps to connect with grassroots. Running a party like Chipimo in a suit will never get you anywhere.

    • Ayatollah – It looks like you know this chap very well too well maybe you were the PS but that was how PF era was thugs in control and to fight thugs you need a street smart thug like him in the team.

    • He better off in the party than in this day I dont know the SG of UPND, in Zambian politics unfortunately you need such chaps to connect with grassroots. Running a party like Chipimo in a suit did from the office will never get you anywhere….I remember him in the UK fundraising at one time.

    • Ayatollah – PF would rather have a someone decent like Gary Nkombo or Jacob Mwiimbu they fear chaps like Obvious Mwaliteta because he knows all the dirty tricks of the trade just like SG Mwila who only had a Grade 9 certificate until recently like Obvious but managed to galvanize the party.

  1. A common man like me has more than K200,000 in my account through savings, how about someone who was a minister. Kwena cipuba ci mwalitole

    • So would you risk K200,000 in your savings to pay a non refundable fee at Party level? If you truly sweated for that money and earned it I highly doubt…I doubt you even have such a figure in your account.

  2. No wonder people are saying that PF could be the first party in Zambia to bounce back to power…….it is the Upnd”s obsession with the PF ……now even asking how a woman who has never been pregnant has now become pregnant.
    Liteta must know that K200,000.00 is not difficult to raise. Your monthly salary is K35,000.00 so can you fail to raise this amount. I know it is a waste of time trying to reason with this person.

    • So in you mind you think its reasonable to charge a whooping K200,000 non refundable for a Party Presidential nomintion fee…you keep saying its not difficult to raise or you have it your savings but would you afford to pay it or part ways with over a nomination fee at Party level? You are the same naive chaps who encourage corruption …you have no clue how money laundering works.

  3. Don’t waste time on this self distractive criminal enterprise. True to its nature you saw how its corrupt thirsty leadership stormed in with hard cash mafia style to lodge in their presidential registration fees. Arrogance of moving around with tons of cash at display. What happened to just making a bank transfer or deposit without flaunting stash of bills like a drug dealer?

  4. Money is power. If you let your opponent remain monied, you are equipping your enemy. Fight the source of that money to make them handicapped and impotent. Make them weak. Immobilise the PF using state agencies.
    Mwaliteta is very militant. He has militarised the UPND to fight, erase political competition.

  5. Politics of poverty by brainless cadres. If you ask the British High Commission and the US Embassy, you’ll be told that almost all political parties that have been founded in Zambia have knocked on them to seek funding because that’s the mentality of many Zambians, that’s why we have characters like Greg Mills telling our President what to do. If we’re not ready to fund our own politics then we shouldn’t lament about having a puppet President. According to the UPND, Zambians are not supposed to have money unless they have stolen but let them ask HH how he financed the UPND.

    • Do not twist what Obvious Mwaliteta is saying for likes or thumbs up…getting funding from a known source is one thing but laundering money through bogus inflated fees is another..this how a lot of taxpayers money were siphoned off during PF inflated contracts and then delivering sub standard infrastructure at great cost.

  6. Upnd is finished… ask Seer 1. Pf has just demonstrated how democratic the is party, They have not hand picked a successor like the case of upnd which doesn’t know or understand what a convention is!

    • You call PF democratic yet they have been operating without a President for more than 12 months…how is charging K200,000 inclusive to all members …really laughable.

  7. UPND shouldn’t let Obvious speak for them. This is pure cadre mentality. Everyone on that list of candidates has at leat more than 5 million networth. We have people like GBM and Kambwili who make more that amount in two weeks or less. Chilufya Chitalu’s wealth was subjected to the public when he was being persecuted by ACC who later said his means of earning a living allowed him to have at least 2 million USD.
    An MP’s salary is 80 thousand a month minus allowances and the fact that nearly all MPs have side businesses. All of the candidates have been MPs with the exception of Mwamba who has served in senior government positions since the Chiluba era.
    Why didnt they ask police to investigate their ministers whose declarations ranged from 15million to over 340 million?

    • Chiza Chirwa – Yes Chilufya is allowed to declare whatever some as means of income but when you look closely to his businesses they are a dozen all that were benefitting through GRZ contracts…the problem with you chaps is you think laundering stolen money is working hard. These are the same minister you talk of who couldnt afford to pay the govt owed illegal allowances they accrued when they overstayed illegally in govt in 2016….some unknown entity covered that bill.

    • @ TO, lets be factual, what you have stated are mere allegations, in the same way there are allegations that HH stole from the government. According to my knowledge, only Chishimba Kambwili from this list was convicted. A conviction for forgery when he wanted to withdraw money from his compnay account and he forged his son’s signature. As far as facts stand, everyone on the PF list should be beyond capable of paying that fee. If you want to go on and say that Chitalu’s wealth is because of GRZ contracts, well within your right to speculate.
      When the UPND leaves office, should we forget the declarations they have made now and accuse them of having stolen from GRZ?

    • If they are mere allegations then what happened to this “Former Health Minister Chitallu Chilufya has given the Anti Corruption Commission (ACC) a 3-day ultimatum to pay him $50 million as compensation for unlawful prosecution.” this was back in November 2021 …why didnt he follow it up?

    • @TO, he did file into a court a case against the AG and ACC. Tutwa is his lawyer in that case. The statement of claim was filed against the AG and ACC and they have equally filed their defence. You do know that cases take forever in Zambia, but as matters stand, those are the facts. In short, he followed it up. This is not the issue here however. if you struggle to comprehend that 200 is a lot of money to throw down the drain, go back to Zambia and see how teenagers doing social media comedy and online sales on FB are making 100s of thousands every other three months. I encourage you to search on Youtube for That ZedPodcast and you will see that your confusion about how we should all be poor is blinding you.

    • And there is where your argument is flawed you are comparing people who are working hard to earn money to people who are making a huge payment that is non refundable..K200,000 is equalivalent to £10,000 that is a lot of money even in UK. You have to understand about how PF came about it was a pro-poor party meaning everyone can have an opportunity in that organisation. As for Chilufya his crimes are well documented even in National Assembly Parliamentary commitee on health where his PS was being quizzed and couldnt answer questions ..who was helping her with the notes it was Chilufya go and watch it on You-Tube. Today you are here barking that they are mere allegations Directors of HoneyBee lamentably failed to answer questions.

    • Bwana TO, someone bought HH’s prison jersey for 2.5 million kwacha. Thats much more than the 1.6 than the combined PF presidential hopefuls have paid. Both are certainly non-refundable.
      Your idea of what amounts to huge amounts of money are not the same as the person who bought the jacket, and they are not the same as the PF presidential hopefuls.
      If anyone in PF has money, then it is corruptly gotten? I challenge you further to isolate whether Minister of information has genuine money or it is money from corruption. I challenge you further to prove that HH has clean money and not money stolen from government. This is your mentality, same as PF zealots who continue to insist HH is a thief and your view that all PF leaders are thieves.
      Both are assumptions, like how I can assume you…

    • Additionally, President of EIZ spent over 200 thousand on drinks and food at Chicagos in Lusaka. A very hardworking Enginner and highly educated in the UK where you are. He splashed that money on his birthday, non refundanble, will you begin complaining about how people choose to spent their money? some on a dead party, others on a birthday party (see what I did there?) and some on a jacket that at some point had fleas?
      Whats your problem kanshi? Come back home if 10 thousand pounds is something to make you accuse people of corruption. Lilliam Mutambo there in the UK drives a range rover that costs nearly 100 thousand pounds, do you see her complaining about how others spend there money?

    • Chiza Chirwa – Its a good thing that I have rattled you a bit because I have now got an undertanding of your knowledge of money or finance to be specific personal finance. I am afraid I am very disappointed and even wondering how old you are. You are again making utterly outlandish flawed comparisons about wealthy successful people sending XX amount at a Party fundraising event. Young Munir Zulu spent about K250,000 on Lazy Lungu’s hat at a PF Fundraising event in 2016. Paying Nomination fee is not and should not be a fundraising venture …if that was the case ECZ would be charging K10,000,000 as Presidential nomination fees. Let me tell you one thing here in the UK some extremely wealthy chaps you will never find them in Range Rover they know the difference between an asset and a…

    • between an asset and a liability…plus people here rarely pay for vehicles outright. There are so many options like Finace or Lease Hire.

    • Will not debate whether I understand personal finance or not. What I do with my money is my personal issue, what others do with theirs is their own issue. Why must you be bothered if Munir bought Lazy Lungu’s hat at that amount? Why must you be bothered that others are not investing their money properly by spending on nominations? Of what concern is it to you what other people do with their money? Please enlighten me.

    • Chiza Chirwa – In three words – MONEY LAUNDERING SCHEME. The funny part is non of these guys will even touch a cent of their money someone will pay for them

  8. it is pf that is finished. The very stollen money made them arrogant and it has made them more devided than ever before .For each one in te group fees boasts of being richer and feels more impoatant taan the oters. The tuth ot te matter is that the pf leadership brainwashed the the supporters, followers, cadres.and only taught then how to beg. As the stuation stands now P F, each of the eigt presidential candidates has a colon of very jealous and hungry beggers as supporters and are very volatile to fight other beggars from other camps and this wil push the party into oblivion, as stated and lamented by ck in his wisdon, as he anaalised and gave an advice the negative impact of the unrealistic length of period of cmpigni and in fighting of each oter before the convention to elect the…

  9. Mmm, I think there is an Obvious reason why the PF have done this. Wow, these guys are geniuses at money laundering. A cool K1.6 million has gone into the PF account just like that! No sweat at all. It is income that the party can now use to destabilise the country.

    • THE SAINT – Why use the word like destabilise…you are the same people that make this a Political issue when this is pure money laundering …PF officals have alot money but the problem they have is justifying how they earned it to ACC…its like those Drug dealers and Human traffickers in UK from South Asia they have money in millions but need businesses to clean them so they open nail shops and legal brothels all over the city this way they can say they have received 100 customers and X clients in one day when its less to the tax man.

  10. Jesus said my people perish for lack of knowledge. He meant people like Mwaliteta, one wonders what is in that head he Carrys on his shoulders. He is so dull, niba chipante pante

    • Its ironic that someone who is quoting from a book written in third person tense is calling out another dull…really laughable

  11. Is it for UPND to determine nomination fee amounts for other parties?

    PF has had no elected leader for one year, in what way has UPND helped resolve matters except celebrating wrangles and power struggle?

    UPND want to see PF dead and are willing to use money laundering and state bodies to further frustrate PF advancement.

    UPND meddling in PF affairs is not helping with our democratic dispensation busy illegally chopping off competition.

    • That is because you dont understand the point Obvious is raising…you are not street smart like these chaps you follow everything by the book but not these guys they are two steps ahead of you..they can steal from you and come sell you something from money they bought with your stolen money.

    • Why do you want to champion your own flawed idea? You are posting here and there pretending to look like you are the only person who can understand Mwaliteta’s warped idea? We all have our own independent minds and can read between the printed lines. We know what you want to fill in the gaps though you don’t feel convincing at all. You have strewn this post with your comments that mean extremely nothing.

    • Mulongoti Machayi – What so warped about what Mwaliteta is saying? Its okay for you to rubbish it when challenged you become defensive like a cornered Mozambique spitting cobra..Obvious knows these guys they probably drink together or watch football together at City Stadium. How is charging K200,000 justified and he knows these chaps are on verge of bankruptcy…he is there trying to stop your stolen money being laundered and you are calling him a foooooool who is truly a fooooool here? Let ACC go in if I paid K200,000 I would have no problem telling them my source of income.

  12. I never thought that the health system can collapse, under upnd it’s what we are witnessing now patients are being asked to buy health kits due to shortage..These are issues the new doom government must be addressing because people are dying.

  13. How come only Mr. Torino Orange seems to understand Mwaliteta and not any other?
    How special is Obvious’ mind for us not to know what he is suggestng?
    Is it not the same infamous group that started with an ultimatum and finally toppled the immediate past DPP where they manufactured evidence on which the JCC relied?
    Spare us from these old tactics.

    For a very long time you have not convicted any PF “thugs”, gassers and other such like culprits. Busy fighting political opponents without doing anything tangible for hungry, jobless and moneyless Zambians.

    • Again you dont understand why DPP was removed or what was presented before JCC which you ignorantly call manufactured evidence instead you choose to bark like a toothless dog and deflect everything. Next you will say PF was a corrupt free party…really just can not accept the fact that a Grade 12 school leaver like Obvious is smarter than you.

  14. #3.1 Tarino Orange please try to use your little brains for once
    My comment is not about whether it’s too high or too low. It’s about why your leadership should concern themselves with another party’s affairs. Just excercise your starving brain on why Liteta would abandon the Upnd problems and want to solve those in the PF camp.

  15. Mwaliteta can you please stop embarrassing the party, don’t raise issues that you can not defend, here you have displayed your illiteracy, or narrow mindedness. Limit yourself to what you can hold.

  16. Mwaliteta has memory lapse, when GBM was in upnd he supported your party financially a lot of money was given to and mwaliteta never said a word, if mwaliteta had integrity he should have called the ACC at that time to investigate GBM,Mwaliteta today wants the ACC to investigate! Really!

    • Again another who has missed the point…it seems readers are like rats falling in a trap hole after sniffing peanut butter …Mwaliteta is NOT talking about sponsorship or donations …go and read the article before commenting!!

  17. Again another who has missed the point…it seems readers are like mice falling in a trap hole after sniffing peanut butter …Mwaliteta is NOT talking about sponsorship or donations …go and read the article before commenting!!

  18. Mwaliteta we Zambians have priority issues …clean water in rural areas ,better schools, jobs,debt repayment and poverty reduction.We don’t want used toilet paper issues in our faces.

  19. #3.1 Tarino you don’t make sense. You are Upnd so why should the nomination fee for PF worry you. You should limit your concerns to Upnd and ECZ.

    • You are too naive to understand what is really going on …you think everything is about your foooolish parties.

    • Tarino Orange who’s naive you or me. Maybe your wants to stand as PF president but cannot raise even fifty bucks.
      By the way these guys just got their gratuity….see,?

  20. they are lot more demanding issues in zambia right now than nomination fee for the PF, if mwaliteta really wants to speck for the zambians let him push the minister of hearth and her ministry to put drugs in clinics, so how much did you want the PF to pay for nominations? same time when you have nothing to say nikungala che zee still the BOSS will see you.

  21. It is very clear that Tarino Orange is a diehard UPND cadre and has paraded ignorance, shortsightedness and financial illiteracy of the highest order and I pity his myopic and shallow analysis of issues. That’s why Africa in general and Zambia in particular will take very long to have issue-based and intelligent political debate amongst political parties later on development with such kind of mentalities around the political dispensation.

  22. Some cadre here is telling as that PF is a political yard stick. PF had a G7 as a secretary general who organised the party exceptionally well. He now wants a militant, a grade 6 to take charge as UPND SG.

    Indirectly, he is admitting that UPND is a failed political project. How many times have they changed SG’s since 2001? Before they were given a tint to rule Zambia, they were saying PF is full of uneducated people apart from streetwise guys.. Today, the educated Batuke Imenda (Dip. Mgt studies, BA in BA and MBA) has flopped and must be substituted by unschooled Kafue Mafias.
    Shame on you Orange Boy.

  23. The Zambian people believe that NOT All the Bantu-Bo-Tatwe ethnic group and UPND supporters possess impaired genetic make to behave as half-humans and half-wild animals. If this UPND cadre is considered intelligent to hold a senior political party rank, then this is a sign of KUYA-BEBELE for UPND – come 2026. The winning of Lula in Brazil’s Presidential elections is a good news for PF in Zambia and bad news for traitors of western exploitative powers. Apparently, President Biden has already congratulated Lula.

  24. What puzzles me is how all investigative wings can be sitting quietly only to be given a hint on what to do by Mwaliteta of all people. My gut feeling is there is nothing to talk about. It is high time we stop this accusing finger unless we truly have evidence that points otherwise. Years are moving and all we hear is this one is corrupt yet there is no conviction. I for one am sick and tired of dancing to this song which at this point is just destructive. UPND, PF they are just the same and so will any other party that comes. Just accept that humans are just like any other animal that want to secure their safety before another. Just work hard for yourself and forget about some self-proclaimed smart guy to end your problems.

  25. The question should be:How many of these PF aspiring candidates have used the banks to draw and payp these fees?These monies have no paper trail.They seem to have been donated by well-wishers,a sure indicator of possible money laundering,ACC and DEC must probe.The callous mismanagemnt of government monies by PF highlighted by Auditor General reports make every member of PF splushing large sums a suspect.I would really like to know Mr.Greyford Monde got his K200,000.

    • You will remain ever poor. If a Zambian makes money you accuse him of using either Satananism or theft. So you are disappointed to see a Tonga vie for PF presidency

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