Saturday, July 27, 2024

Report me to law the enforcement agencies if you feel I have committed any wrong, Milupi Challenges Critics


Minister of Infrastructure, Housing and Urban Development Charles Lubasi Milupi has challenged his critics to report him to law enforcement agencies if they feel he has committed any wrong in the course of his duty.

Eng. Milupi’s critics have questioned some deals the Ministry of Infrastructure, Housing and Urban Development has clinched under his leadership.

Such deals include the $3.7 billion Public-Private Partnership agreement with the Southern Africa Business Development Forum hinging on construction of roads and other related projects.

Former Zambian High Commissioner to South Africa Emmanuel Mwamba is one of the people that have questioned some deals the Ministry of Infrastructure, Housing and Urban Development has clinched under Eng. Milupi.

In a facebook post on Monday, Eng. Milupi said under the New Dawn administration the doors have been opened widely for anyone to report any government official to the law enforcement agencies over any alleged unlawful acts.

The wealthy minister and former Luena Member of Parliament said he was more than ready to face the law.

Eng. Milupi said he accepted his appointment as infrastructure, housing and urban development minister in the UPND-led New Dawn administration, on the strong conviction that that presidential appointment was about serving the greater interests of the Zambian people, not his interests.

“I’m ready to face the law if I have committed any illegality as minister. Fellow citizens, I accepted my appointment as infrastructure, housing and urban development minister in the UPND-led New Dawn administration, on the strong conviction that that presidential appointment is about serving the greater interests of the Zambian people, not my interests. This is the type of government the New Dawn is running; one anchored on the values of transparency and accountability. When we have something to share with the people, we will say it the way it is without hiding anything. When we have nothing to say, we keep quiet,” Eng. Milupi said.

“Therefore, to those saying they are aware of certain excesses that we have committed in the line of duty, our word is, I am not beyond reproach as Charles Lubasi Milupi. Report me to the law enforcement agencies. Under the New Dawn administration the doors have been opened widely for anyone to report any government official to the law enforcement agencies over any alleged unlawful acts. Thus, we are more than ready to face the law. Otherwise, our record of public service speaks for itself,” he said.

In the past, Eng. Milupi has defended the $3.7 billion Public-Private Partnership agreement with the Southern Africa Business Development Forum hinging on construction of roads and other related projects.

Eng. Milupi had been clarifying that the Public-Private Partnership agreement with the Southern Africa Business Development Forum is not only for the construction of roads but other projects.

He said that the agreement will also revamp, develop and industrialize the existing 93 resettlement schemes and develop new ones countrywide and that for each scheme, an off-grid power will be set up to facilitate irrigation.

Eng. Milupi further said that the agreement includes design, building, and or rehabilitation of approximately 1 400 kilometers of roads to international bituminous standards.

Meanwhile, Eng. Milupi is ranked among richest Zambians.

Eng. Milupi is a business expert who has doubled up his profession with political engagement.

He is the leader of opposition Alliance for Democracy and Development (ADD), a party he formed on 14 May 2010.

Eng. Milupi was ADD’s presidential candidate for the 2011 general elections; he finished fourth in a field of ten candidates with 0.9% of the vote.

He found himself in the New Dawn Government of the UPND because ADD went into an alliance with the now ruling party prior to the 2021 General Elections.


  1. This is one corrupt man. Don’t let him know that you know. He will start cleaning up his mess before he can be investigated.

  2. Defuncted “Patriotic Front-UK Branch” Start with the so called PF presidential aspirants. Find out where they were keeping K200,000 which they each paid for their nomination with untraceable source.

    • Mr Bush pig, 200,000 kwacha is a measly 10,000 pounds only. You must be broke and suffering there in America. Poverty of the mind.

  3. The problem with UPND is that they call themeslves “New Dawn” but you are just repeating the same things as the privious regime …this just conjures up memories of Chitotela and Dr Chilufya daring people to report them to ACC whilst they are cutting waiver deals with ACC. Here Milupi using social media personal account to respond to national issues…very unprofessional

  4. The problem we have bwana minister no one in UPND is corrupt you have appointed your people in all these institutions which are meant to be partial there is no way the outgoing ACC director general is going to touch you knowing too well you are a close friend to the President.So stop issuing statements

    • The worst bit about it is this govt don’t have a Government spokesperson just one who is an empty suit. The article stating that this minister does not exclude him from corruption.

  5. “……This is the type of government the New Dawn is running; one anchored on the values of transparency and accountability. When we have something to share with the people, we will say it the way it is without hiding……..”

    Well said Eng Milupi………

    Also, LT , that is how you write a report, give back ground…………well done.

  6. “….He found himself in the New Dawn Government of the UPND because ADD went into an alliance with the now ruling party prior to the 2021 General Elections…..”

    That is why Sean tembo is serverly traumatised and bitter………..

    he was bribed to leave the alliance by PF………..

  7. Its a response that any innocent or guilty party will issue. Though Mulipi seems to be the type that will invest his share into something viable and in turn create full time employment for people. Unlike buying Zeblas so that they can graze in a small yard ku Chamba Valley. Mule lyamo shinga ba Mudala ba Milupi???

  8. How many Catholic priests hear confessions of parishners and then go public with them? Anyway Fr Godwin Mulenga should do his country a favour by spilling the beans. It’s what is in national interest. By not doing so, it creates an impression that the man of God is willing to blackmail Charles Milupi, u know, pay me so much or I squeal. A patriotic citizen just quietly walks into ACC offices and do their duty without fanfare.

    • Charles knows that there is no way the ACC will summon him….guilty or not guilty. Kakubo’s fiasco has been buried and probably until 2026 we will not know whether he was bribed or not.
      It is not new. We have lived with it for over fifty years.

  9. You can dare to encourage us to report you to investigative wings knowing fully well they are in the armpit of your god.

  10. We have 2 scenarios. Mr Jemasoni & Mr Kadansa have families but need assistance. 1. Mr Jemasoni approAches Mr Xi for a K200 loan with which he buys food for his family and tells all members that they should work hard and contribute to paying back Mr Xi. 2. Mr Kadansa asks Mr Xi to set up a restaurant at his home then announces that whoever wanted to eat must buy from Mr Xi. He doesn’t announce how much Mr Xi will selling a plate of nshima, he just says you’ll know when you get there. Further he says it’s an excellent deal because it’s not a burden on his salary, it’s a PPP. This is the problem with the UPND deals. In either scenario Mr Xi will have to be paid

  11. Our politics are very destructive and they have destroyed many good people. It’ll be very unfortunate if Charles Milupi becomes one of those casualties.

  12. Eng Milupi. Do not answer to ghosts. Call the people accusing you of corruption by their names. Name them and ask them to make the allegations in your presence and in a public space.

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