Saturday, July 27, 2024

Build strong structures that can withstand storms – DC


Kitwe District Commissioner, Lawrence Mwanza has urged people in Kitwe’s Kafue Park area to seek guidance from Kitwe City council when building houses so that they put up strong structures that will not be weakened by the rains.

Speaking in Kitwe when he checked on the families whose houses collapsed due to heavy rains over the weekend, Mr Mwanza noted that most of the structures that collapse or have their roofs blown off due to heavy rains is a result of the poor workmanship during construction.

He noted that the people in the area were constructing houses without proper foundations and were not using cement and conforce wire to strengthen their structures.

“Please ensure that you put a strong base for your structures and use the recommended building materials, you should also get building plans and guidance from the council as you are building so that you have strong structures that will not be affected by the rains,” Mr. Mwanza appealed.

He also urged the council to conduct frequent visits in the communities to inspect buildings being constructed so that where there is need corrections are made early enough.

And Kitwe Mayor, Mpasa Mwaya said the local authority will intensify on carrying out building inspections in the district to prevent below standard structures that cause disasters in the rain season.

Ms Mwaya who was also disappointed with the poor quality of structures in the area said the council will increase the number of vehicles under the buildings inspectorate department.

And Kwacha Member of Parliament, Abel Mulenga said it is saddening that people’s houses are being destroyed by the rains.

Mr Mulenga said it is important for people to put up strong structures to avoid disasters that can also be fatal.

“What is happening is very unfortunate, as government we do not want to lose lives in this manner, people should start putting up proper structures once they are given land, these disasters could have been avoided if these structures were constructed using proper building materials,” Mr Mulenga said.

Meanwhile a businesswoman who is among the affected families from Kafue Park has appealed to government to come to her aid after she lost 240 chickens when her chicken-run collapsed following a heavy down pour.

Sera Namugala said she had invested K19, 400 capital in the business which she has now lost.

“I am appealing to government to assist me so that I can replace the chicks that I have lost, I have a lot of responsibilities such as looking after orphans and my old aged mother so I need to continue my business for me to manage to continue supporting my family.

About nine families had the roofs of their houses blown off by the rains over the weekend in Kafue Park.


  1. The Council should have a building code that everyone must abide by.

    Otherwise, if it’s free for all then we have fatalities and serious injury waiting to happen.

  2. Our law makers and politicians seem not to know their duties.

    Kitwe District Commissioner, Lawrence Mwanza and Kitwe Mayor, Mpasa Mwaya demonstrate quality work by fixing dilapidated streets, take advantage of presence of waste rock in the mine area. That demonstration will be guidance for people to put up strong structures. Your failure to secure a clean and safe environment has spread to the people you are advising.

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