Saturday, July 27, 2024

Abuse of CDF funds riles Chasefu DC Ngoma


Chasefu District Commissioner Lufeyo Ngoma has expressed concern on some Constituency Development Funds ( CDF ) funded projects in the area.

Mr. Ngoma says he is not happy with the poor workmanship at the completed maternity annex at Mtwalo health centre that was recently commissioned.

Apart from the poor workmanship, the District Commissioner also drew attention to the excessive cost of materials, like the expenditure of a two by two inch timber pieces that were bought at K450 each.

The District Commissioner said this during a senior management meeting held yesterday at Emusa Secondary School.

“I’m not proud of the maternity annex at Mtwalo rural health centre. The works and materials are not quite impressive,” he said.

He advised Chasefu Council officers not to misuse the CDF funds,  because of  the threshold of spending all amounts below K500, 000 without requiring tendering procedures.

Meanwhile,  Health Malaria Elimination Officer Pendavic Chinsoto advised the council management to refrain from using labour-based contracts, which he said exposes people to theft during the procurement process of materials.

“Us in the Ministry of health, we phased out labour-based because it is very much tempting.  Instead of buying the quality materials at the normal price, procurement officers tend to buy low-quality materials and fabricate the prices so that they benefit something,” Mr Chinsoto said.

He further observed that most of the materials bought under labour based are cheap and of poor quality though the prices are inflated on paper.

And District Works Supervisor Wina Muyunda expressed concern that the local authority is issuing completion certificates for the projects that his department has not inspected and confirmed fit for use.

“Under normal circumstances, if the project is completed and ready for handovers, two completion certificates are issued. One from the council and another one from the department of preventive maintenance,” Mr. Muyunda said.

Meanwhile, Education Planner Christopher Chisanga disclosed that 71 desks that were refurbished under labour based have been rejected and sent back to the council because they were of poor quality.


  1. Until proper systems of checks and balances are not put in place then such misuse and abuse of public funds will continue.

  2. This is great. If your constituency does not develop or gets sub-standard finished projects, as citizens, blame your elected officials. Accountability on a local level will add weight and value to our votes.

    People and businesses will move to constituencies that succeed and shine in self-development. MPs and other elected officials will not be able to hide if they fail to develop their constituencies.

    In fact, we should have awards for best users of CDF to spur creative competition.

  3. Education Planner Christopher Chisanga disclosed that 71 desks that were refurbished under labour based have been rejected and sent back to the council because they were of poor quality.
    This is expected as the people being contracted want fast cash and tend to use timber that is not seasoned.

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