Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Police resurrect a 2019 case to arrest Kaizer Zulu


Former State House key official Kaizer Zulu has been formally charged and arrested by police for four counts of Threatening Violence.

Mr. Zulu aged 52 of Ibex Hill area and Rafick Kakonde aged 32 of Chilenje township in Lusaka have been charged for four counts of Threatening Violence contrary to section 90 chapter 87 of the Penal Code which occurred on September 7, 2019 in Kafue where the duo threatened to shoot and cause physical injuries on persons identified as Benard Nshindu, Sengewayo Jere, Saul Masikote and Manson Mweemba.

The duo have also been charged and arrested for the subject offence of Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm contrary to section 248 chapter 87 of the Penal Code in which two people identified as Bernard Nshindu and Sengewayo Jere were assaulted by the suspects.

This occurred on September 7, 2019, in Kafue District.

The two suspects are detained in Police custody and awaiting a court appearance.

This was confirmed by Deputy Police Public Relations Officer Danny Mwale.


  1. Kaizer Zulu did a lot of crimes. Why charge him on one crime. He beat a woman at Longacres Filling Station, he beat a School bus driver with children in the bus, etc, etc., he deserves multiple charges.

    • It is not beating, it is called discipline and self defence. When someone acts a f00I you discipline them. Right now you are acting f00Iish

  2. Time is the master and it always catches up with us. It is indeed good to hear Kaizer is being given an opportunity to answer for his tantrums and being a naught boy who was protected by the grand master at plot 1. The Easterners say mulandu suwola and we are experiencing it now. One cannot argue that Kaizer was untouchable and the law was blind to have its course for the entire period Mr EC Lungu was heading this country. Hopefully we will never go back to those days when certain characters were above the law.

    • I am still untouchable. You think such a weak can bring me down? Here i am in jail blogging and even chatting with the officers.

  3. These are flimsy charges, you are just going to make his big head even bigger. This chap has been tormenting people and bragged about his invisibility because of his previous connections to state house. Investigate his source of Wealth and nip him in the bud. This one deserves a taste of his own medicine.

  4. Hopefully if he was not the fake blogger he will not be allowed to post here from detention. But soon as he gets bond we would love to hear what he has to say…

    • I am entitled to communicate as I am not convicted. I am not a criminal. You upnd thugs desperately want to revenge because my boys slept and stole your women. Grow up

  5. We also remember that whilst acting together with PF Secretary he collected G12 forms while the secretary called the police to arrest a UPND member monitoring votes. Also we remember Kanyama Returning Officer was found hanging and all the sagers of 2016 elections; the Ugandan person in the Saver. All these are in public domain and many more. At Electrol Off angin they were seen collecting G12 and he directed the Police then to killed the Police Officer who was seen investigating them. And many more.

  6. I would like to strongly commend the UPND government for having made sure the KZ did not become a flight risk. With all the money he acquired corruptly, he could have easily run away, especially after realizing that his party, tuPF was headed for a major defeat in the last elections. This person has a lot to tell Zambians why he mistreated them.

  7. Finding old flimsy cases because they have nothing against me these dogs. You are wasting tax payers money because deep down you know this case is not going anywhere.

    I an in jail but the same people who arrested me are my good friends. I am eating better in jail than you poor upnd members are eating outside . You are sad jealous individuals. Go to hell.



    • @kaizar Zulu, just like Field Ruwe described you last time, you are delusional. You believe in yourself that you are the real Kaiser Zulu who is in Jail in Zambia? What a shame of an imposter. Field Ruwe, thank you for exposing this imposter. You really need medication.

  8. For some reason I thought he was much older yet he is only 52! wow … I wont comment on his arrest as I do not know what transpired save to say violence begets violence. When in a leadership position offer restraint even in the face of extreme provocation. I can only wish all involved to find it within themselves to shake hands and move on. If there be any other cases against KZ don’t try him in a newspaper all him a fair hearing if at all.

  9. Finally the blogger under names “Kaizer Zulu” or “PF UK Branch” has been exposed.
    Many LT bloggers believed it was the real Kaizer Zulu posting but now we know the truth.
    Right now Kaizer Zulu has no belt or shoes on in that holding cell. Forget about having a phone in your cell.

    • Haha you are clearly clueless . I can tell you have been living abroad since the early 90s. You think zambia is still the same way you left it. If you think a man like me of my stature can be reduced to that then you have no idea who the hell I am. If you believe these flimsy charges will take me down then you are even more f00Iish than I thought.

    • @Independent, I’m surprised to hear you say that some bloggers believe this to be a real Kaizar Zulu, off course not! This has been an imposter from day one, remember the article Field Ruwe wrote about him and described him so well. This is some frustrated Zambian living a miserable life doing hand to mouth Jobs to survive in England that’s why he has so much time to blog. Honestly do you think a normal person would pick Kaizar Zulu as a blogging name. What a shame.

  10. Those thinking I cannot access my mobile in jail have no idea who I am. When they called me CIA one some of you were laughing. They only arrested me because I allowed them to. Continue celebrating haha you will soon cry when these cases are dropped. One of the alleged victims will soon drop charges as advised to me by my legal representative

    • They are struggling to get me down. I handed myself in to them so that they get a chance to seek their revenge and I watch them fail.

    • Nothing is too old to be re-opened …the Nazis are still being pursued the Israelis have super units just for these cases.

    • @Lukanga Kafusha Justice, kanshi naimwe muli bapuba, there is no crime that is old. Which four cornered room(Class/School) did you go to? Umulandu taubola, if I can put it in your mother’s tongue.

  11. Only poor people think my team and I can fail to blog because I am arrested. Only poor people can allow this evil regime to stiffle their rights. My team and I will continue to offer checks and balances even whilst they arrest me

  12. This mf of all PF thieves needs to be surrendered to the public that he brutalized while he was part of that Nazi Party of looters. We need to do instant mob justice on him, sending him through the court is injustice!

  13. Every dog has its day as the saying goes……this thug will now face justice for multiple crimes and NOT just beating people…
    Remember he was very close to the kateka…master minded a lot of big shady deals…. the cases will now follow him.
    He must know something about the scandalous purchase of the Gulfstream presidential jet too……..Akose fye…

  14. I am a psychiater. I am prepared to offer my services to treat this man. Kaizar Zulu is a monster and a case of schizophrenia.

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