Saturday, July 27, 2024

Mulyata urges food businesses to have good hygiene


Lusaka Province Minister Sheal Mulyata has called on all food business entities in the province to comply with the public health Act and ensure that good hygiene measures are put in place.

Ms Mulyata says her office will ensure that all businesses dealing in meat processing comply with the public health Act as stipulated by local authorities and other wings of government.

She notes that following these hygiene practices and implementing them effectively will help reduce risks of transmitting animal diseases to other animals and the human population.

She said this at the official launch of the Super Value Meats in Lusaka today.

Ms. Mulyata said she is pleased with the opening of Super Value Meats as it will not only provide quality products but also jobs for the youths in the country.

She further said government is happy that business outlets were helping to create employment opportunities for the youths in the province.

And Super Value Meats Chief Executive Officer, Francis Grogan, said the company will continue to work with government in the prevention and treatment of livestock diseases such as foot and mouth.

Enterprise Challenge Fund Representative, Mark Ireland, has urged businesses in the meat production sector to find innovative ways of waste management.

Meanwhile, Stakeholders who attended the Epidemic preparedness Prevention Control and Management Committee Meeting in Kafue District yesterday have called on the Local Authority to clear piles of garbage around the Central District Business (CBD).

They said this should be done immediately in order to prevent outbreaks of water-borne disease.

Speaking during the meeting, stakeholders said with the onset of the rainy season, there is need to clear garbage to prevent the outbreak of diseases such Cholera, diarrhoea and Typhoid.

Kafue District Forestry Officer, Vincent Siakalmbwa expressed concern at an abandoned abattoir located a few meters from his officer which is being used as a dumping site for garbage

Mr. Siakalambwa has asked the Local Authority to quickly clear the garbage which is posing a health hazard.

“ I just want to express concern over an abandon abattoir just a few meters from my office, we are seeing garbage being dumped there and I don’t know what the council is doing about this,” said Mr Siakalambwa.

Another Stakeholder, Media Mweemba appealed to the local Authority to clear the Garbage under a foot bridge near community 7, popularly known as C7.

Ms. Mweemba said people are dumping Garbage from their homes under the foot bridge and has since called on the council to address the station in the area.

“We are also seeing people dumping Garbage just under a foot bridge in C7 and we don’t know if the Council is aware about,” she said.

Livestock and Fisheries Officer, Perfecto Kabanshi has urged Kafue Town Council to involve government department in planning meeting for keep Zambia clean and green

Dr Kabanshi said involving key government department in the Keep Zambia Clean and Green will enhance the implementation of the programme.

“If government department are involved in planning meeting of the Keep Kafue Clean and Green, it will help will help to improve on how the programme is being implemented and we shall see good results,” he said

And Kafue Health Inspector, Justine Musone said the Local Authority is aware of the Garbage problem and has since engaged Franchise companies to clear the garbage.

Mr Musone said the Local Authority is working with other stakeholder in the district to curb the indiscriminate dumping of waste.

Meanwhile, Health Education officer, Mwiche Sensenta says the Local Authority has started conducting sensitisation campaigns in communities on solid waste management.


  1. Lusaka is the filthiest city in Africa. This Lusaka Minister(Mulyaya), the minister of local government( Nkombo) and the mayor of Lusaka (Whatever her name is) should be ashemed of themselves for running such a filthy city.

    • It is HH his audit company to blame.
      HH read comment above, discuss this on Monday cabinet meeting.
      The only solution is to form a Ministry of Garbage. We thought Ministry of Green Environment was to step up to employ workers in overralls =, but no everything are wearing suits.

  2. Almost 60 years after so-called independence and you still cannot clean after yourselves? This could be the case of an undeveloped state of affairs (as politely as I can put it).

  3. Lusaka residents, Don’t be surprised when cholera visit you as rain season is just now.
    There is lack of responsibility when it comes to management of WASTES

  4. People are garbage dumping because there is no refuse collection…how many times a night do you collect refuse around the city centre? You want the miltary to come and clean for you again? Useless minister

  5. I think we as a country need to hire the entire leadership of Rwanda to come and show us how to do things in Zambia. too much of big words when talking which leads to nothing. too much of politics too, we need too completely overhaul our mindsets.

  6. Once apon a time known as a garden city but once once politics came into play vending allowed anywhere, booths allowed anywhere, trading any sort of business allowed on the streets because that’s the vote bank and eventually turned lusaka into a big pile of garbage that it is today, beyond redemption.

  7. For the 1st time ever i have to agree with ALL of the above comments.Both residents and leaders share equal blame for Lusaka being such a filthy city and its such a big shame.

  8. The id1ots running this city should all be fired. It’s a crime against humanity to keep a city as filthy as this. Send a delegation to Rwanda, so you can learn how to keep a city clean. Pass stiff laws that will criminalize littering. Empower the police to arrest litterers, and fine them heavily. You ought to be ashamed of yourselves, for keeping the Capital city as filthy as this. Clean up the city now, or consider yourselves fired already !!!!

  9. Lusaka ,Lusaka Lusaka! How many times do we have to remind the government in power about the filth in the city? What about drainage problems? Do we need to bring health specialists from WHO to come and tell us to take away garbage? Where are the Civil Engineers?
    Many people have suggested that Environmental science as a subject must be introduced from Primary school to secondary school. This will help the next generation to appreciate the importance of keeping the environment clean.
    Ifiko abena Zambia!

  10. All this playing up is something to do with some leadership qualites!! it seems to me that all this appointees is just to represent the government institutions for doing nothing!! i truly don’t understand why leaders respossible to change Environment don’t make an effort to push things!! what i’m saying is that we have MPs across the board who don’t push things or change they constituency, and also ministers who don’t implement laws, so what is the point of having them as leaders when they don’t have any projection to improve the country health wellbeing its absurd!! i think for me it seems that they ingore what the member of public’s concerned are!! like one of the colleague mentioned in one of the commentaries that they need to go to Rwanda and learn how to keep the city clean…

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