Saturday, July 27, 2024

Ministry of Transport targets to raise revenues amounting to K869 million from its various revenue streams


Minister of Transport and Logistics Frank Museba Tayali has announced that the ministry targets to raise revenues amounting to K869, 973,834.00 from its various revenue streams in the year 2023.

Presenting the 2023 budget policy statement for the Ministry of Transport and Logistics, Mr. Tayali said the ministry proposes to spend K519, 768,075.00.

The Ndola Central Member of Parliament said in 2023 the ministry plans to dismantle arrears for infrastructure, goods, services and personnel emoluments.

Mr. Tayali further reflected on the year 2022.

“The Budget allocation for the Ministry of Transport and Logistics in 2022, was K462.8 million and a supplementary budget of K66.7 million bringing the total Budget provision to K529.5 million. The funding as at 15th November, 2022 was K513.5 million representing 97%.Some of the achievements recorded by my Ministry in 2022, among others were: In the Railway Sub Sector, completion of repair works on the Chambeshi Bridge in September 2022. The Bridge had suffered extensive damage from a goods train accident that occurred on 13th May, 2021 which led to the suspension of the usage of the Bridge. Then, the Government had to release slightly over K100 million to pay all salary arrears for TAZARA workers on the Zambian side up to September 2022. Currently, the Government is reviewing the options of revitalising TAZARA and will soon be engaging Tanzania with the view of bringing China on board,” he said.

“Further, the Ministry embarked on the reconstruction of the Bombwe Bridge on the Mulobezi Railway line to improve the reliability of train operations and enhance the quality of services. In an effort to curb accidents at level crossings and rampant derailments, the Government released a total of K5.2 million for track maintenance and installation of level crossing signage and barriers to Zambia Railways Limited. In the Aviation Sub Sector, in 2022, the Government embarked on the completion of Kasama Airport Runway which is expected to be completed by the end of December 2022. Two Contractors are already on site.Further, parking charges for aircrafts for both domestic and international operators in all the Airports operated by Zambia Airports Corporation Limited have been reduced,” Mr. Tayali said.

On the decentralisation of RTSA services, Mr. Tayali said twelve (12) more Local Authorities were delegated to offer the Motor Vehicle Licensing function and these include Mwense, Mbala, Kasempa, Kafue, Mumbwa, Kabompo, Mwinilunga, Kapiri-Mposhi, Luangwa, Nyimba, Lundazi and Kaoma.

He cited encroachments on railway, aviation, road and maritime land as some major challenges the ministry faced in 2022.

“Notwithstanding these achievements, the Ministry had challenges such as: Inadequate office accommodation to cater for all officers in the re-aligned Ministry; Inadequate long-term financing sources for railway and maritime infrastructure and related programmes; Inadequate and unreliable rail infrastructure coupled with insufficient and unreliable rolling stock; Encroachments on railway, aviation, road and maritime land affecting future expansions and modernisation of infrastructure; and Theft of railway materials especially the railway line,” Mr. Tayali said.

He added:”In the year 2023, the Ministry proposes to spend K519,768,075.00. This allocation represents a decrease of One-point Eight Three percent (1.83%) compared to the 2022 allocation of Five Hundred and Twenty-Nine Million, Four Hundred and Seventy-Four Thousand, Eight Hundred and Sixty-Four Kwacha (K529,474, 864). From this allocation, K68,287,941 (13.1%) is for Personal Emoluments, Two Hundred and Sixty-Eight Million, Three Hundred and Fourteen Thousand, Three Hundred and Sixteen Kwacha (K268,314,316) (51.6%) for programme implementation and One Hundred and Forty-Four Million, K144,275,962 (27.8%) is for the procurement of assets. The Ministry targets to raise revenues amounting to K869, 973,834.00 from its various revenue streams.”

He said regarding administration and reforms the ministry will focus on the implementation of the Ministry of Transport and Logistics Strategic Plan 2022-2026.

“The focus will be upgrading Mongu and Solwezi Airports. Ensuring the completion of aviation infrastructure at the Kenneth Kaunda International Airport, Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe International Airport and Mbala Airport. Commence construction of Kasaba Bay Airport. All this is aimed at improving air connectivity for easy movement of both passengers and cargo. In the Water Transport sub-sector. The focus will be on the devolution of harbour infrastructure, pontoons and dredging equipment to the Local Authorities. The Ministry will also ensure the improvement of legal and operational reforms in order to ease water transport and promote tourism and trade,” he said.

Mr. Tayali said in 2023 the Ministry will also focus on the recapitalisation of the Zambia Railways Limited and TAZARA to ensure that they become self-sustainable through increased rolling stock and rehabilitation of railway infrastructure to aid robust linkages to more sea ports.

“In addition, focus will be on reforming the railway sector to facilitate its development and enhance participation of the private sector through Open Access regulations. In the Road Sub-Sector, the focus will be on scaling up road safety education and enforcement and modernisation of road traffic management by greater use of ICT to manage and monitor road traffic with the aim of reducing accidents and fatalities. The above mentioned are the Ministry’s priority programmes for 2023 and are aligned to the President’s Speech to the Second Session of the Thirteenth National Assembly, the Eighth National Development Plan (8NDP) and the 2023 Budget Speech. I am now appealing to this August House to favourably consider the 2023 proposed budget for the Ministry of Transport and Logistics,” Mr. Tayali concluded.


  1. How can you target such sums when all these assets need recapitalisation …tell the people if that Airline behind you is evem making a profit

  2. Testing facilities for fitness are a mess. Driver Licencing is very corrupt. A lot of drivers on the roads got their licences by corruption and hence too many accidents on the roads.

    • The entire civil service is corrupt. Who doesnt know this. Most citizens including HH have benefitted from this corruption, thus their silence

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