Saturday, July 27, 2024

Tanker drivers threaten to strike


Local Tanker Drivers have threatened to down tools if government does not ban foreign tanker drivers from offloading petroleum products at TAZAMA pipeline in Ndola.

Zambia Union of Tanker Drivers and Allied Workers (ZUTDAW) President Shaft Mubanga said in an interview in Ndola that government should take action over the action by foreign drivers or face a strike action.

Mr. Mubanga charged that oil marketing companies (OMCs’) are not adhering to government’s directive to award local tanker drivers contracts to supply petroleum products which has resulted in Zambian trucks being parked.

Mr. Mubanga pointed out that foreign tankers have taken over control of the petroleum industry and have consequently reduced business opportunities for local transporters.

 He observed that out of every 50 tanker trucks offloading products at TAZAMA, only three belong to local transporters.

 Mr Mubanga added that the volumes for local tankers being offloaded have reduced from 120 million liters to 40 million liters weekly.

 Meanwhile, Union Vice President Gerald Nyoni appealed to government to immediately resolve the matter as opposed to local Tanker Drivers taking strike action as the action will negatively impact the economy.


  1. How does the government come in?
    The OMC’s are free to chose the transporters they are comfortable with.
    How many OMC’s are Zambian owned? Thats the question the drivers should be asking.

  2. kkkkk nikuziba na kuziba some one is having this contract can ACC investigate,this the problem with ACC unless it is otherwise they will be proactive but look at this issue,they shown a blind eye because kaya mwandi.Ni chiwamina galu kuluma mbuzi.

  3. Mount Meru has is its own tankers. Why should they hire you? Go on strike if you so wish. MERU will deliver. We dont need you.

  4. Enough threats from these cheeky drivers. Who do they think they are? Just park you trucks….this country does not need you.

  5. There should be a reason why local transporters are not used. Is it your rates? The condition of your trucks? Don’t just complain. Get to the bottom of the problem and resolve it with OMCs and even after fulfilling all their conditions they still sideline you in preference of foreign truckers that’s when you can now complain.

  6. Drivers should take note they’ve exhausted all the normal channels before they punish the economy, dialogue is the best key.

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