Saturday, July 27, 2024

Veep calls for concerted efforts to address nutrition challenges in Africa


Vice President Mutale Nalumango says there is need for African governments to learn from each other to have a holistic approach in tackling the issues of nutrition on the continent.

Speaking on arrival in Abidjan, Cote D’Ivoire yesterday ahead of the African Union High Level meeting on the theme of the African year on nutrition, Mrs Nalumango said the continent has continued to face challenges in terms of nutrition.

Mrs Nalumango said Africa has been experiencing hunger and malnutrition due to various factors which include wars, pandemics among other challenges.

She stated that the meeting was important for African countries to discuss solutions in reference to the Malabo declaration on the commitments made to improve nutrition.

Mrs Nalumanago further said the meeting will create a platform for countries to learn from one another’s experiences that can be adopted in approaching the challenge of hunger and malnutrition.

“As Africa we can work and ensure that the issue of nutrition is tackled,” she said.

Mrs Nalumango said government have taken the matter seriously by moving the fight against hunger and malnutrition to be handled by the Vice President’s office in order to approach the challenge holistically as there are many things that impact on the nutrition status of people.

She added that nutrition involves people having the right food at the right time and having a good environment.

“As Zambia, we see this meeting to be very important hence our attendance, we are hopeful to learn a lot from one another,” she said.

The African Union designated 2022 the year of nutrition under the theme “strengthening resilience in nutrition and food security on the African continent.”


  1. By 2026 HH and his VP will have topped all Zambian presidents in global trotting while in terms of delivery they are failed project. They have failed on fuel, mealie meal, electricity tariffs, electricity delivery, fuel, FISP, fertilizer most importantly truthfulness.

  2. Extremely incompetent when it comes to question and answer in parliament, sadly the speaker who is a upnd cadre is not allowing members of parliament to ask questions. Welcome to banana republic of Zambia.

  3. Do really have to fly to Abijan to go and learn about hunger and Nutrition in Kalingalinga, Kanyama, mikomfwa, kapoto, kyawama, kandemba, marapodi,
    chiwempala, kakoso? Sure ba VEEP SURE?

  4. We are blessed with enough water and sunlight, the main ingredients in plant growth – our main source of food. Let’s minimise on politicking and seize this OPPORTUNITY. Across Europe, vegetable producers are contemplating stopping their businesses because of the financial hit from energy crisis, putting food supplies in jarpody.
    Guess what, it is anticipated the hit on production and prices price rises means supermarkets may switch to sourcing more goods from warmer countries across Africa

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