Saturday, July 27, 2024

ACC should explain why they have failed to act on the Hunting Concession Agreements


THE Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) should explain why they have failed to act on the official and formal complaint against the Ministry of Tourism over the unilateral cancellation of the 19 Hunting Concession Agreements (HCAs), Emmanuel Mwamba has demanded.

Mr Mwamba said he had reported Mr Evans Muhanga to the ACC for abusing his authority by cancelling the safari hunting concession agreements signed in 2020 and duly awarded to concessionaires but even after the Attorney General Mulilo Kabesha had advised against the action.

Mr Mwamba, Zambia’s former Ambassador to Ethiopia is demanding that the ACC should explain why it has failed to act on his complaint even after he had presented all the evidence and letters of the cancellation of the Safari hunting.

Mr Mwamba, a Patriotic Front presidential candidate says he had presented a detailed report of abuse of authority by Mr Muhanga but wonders why the ACC has not attended to his formal complaint.

He said the ACC had not written to him to inform him about how far the investigations had gone after it had informed the nation that it had taken interest in the cancellation of the Hunting Concession Agreements.

“The ACC has not gotten back to me to inform me about how far the investigations have gone into the cancellation of the Safari hunting contracts. I am still appealing to the ACC to attend to my complaint because it was detailed with all the evidence and letters. I am challenging the ACC to explain why they have failed or refused to atternd to my official and formal complaint,” Mr Mwamba said.

Mr Mwamba haa also demanded reinstatement of director of the Department of Wildlife and National Parks (DWNP), Dr Chuma Simukonda who had been fired for refusing to be part of the cancellation of the hunting concessions.

Mr Mwamba, in a letter to then acting Secretary to the Cabinet Patrick Kangwa and the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) dated May 16, 2022 cited Muhanga for gross unlawful practices.

Mwamba demanded Dr Simukonda be reinstated to his position at the Department of National Parks and Wildlife as he was a victim of excessive abuse of office by his superior and that the legal liability and cost of the cancellation of Hunting Concession Agreements should be borne by Mr Muhanga.

“I am deeply troubled by events occurring at the Ministry of Tourism…Information has emerged of two matters that clearly constitute illegalities, abuse of power and possible criminal conduct. The Permanent Secretary, Mr Evans Muhanga on 4th May 2022 wrote a letter to cancel a legally and legitimately procured tender related to Hunting Concessions and proceeded to annul agreements produced to that effect,” Mr Mwamba said at the time.


  1. Muningah the problem you have you think Zambia belongs to UPND sympathies.The ACC director was on television assuring the public that he will act on any case reported as long as evidence is there and Emmanuel Mwamba has done that How is it a useless article? We have Cadres running these institutions

    • The awarding of the same contracts is what needs to be investigated……..

      Not investigating why PF financiers are being cut off…………

    • Angoni keep quiet, I am not UPND and I don’t like PF either they are all thieves. Emmanuel Mwamba wants to be relevant but the fool is a thief too.

  2. Hunting Concession Agreements in Zambia need to be suspended its full of corruption…needs proper audit too many corrupt officials, Indians, Pakistanis and Boers …its the people losing out

  3. 90 % of the canceled concessions are for PF financiers……………

    Where ever you see PF complaining and reporting…………….

    Just know their financiers are being cut off the gravey train they slurped unashamedly for 10 years………..

  4. Zambia needs to start implementing a policy of affirmative action…………..

    We can’t have a situation where 70 to 80% of an economic sector is dominated by racers that makes up less than 15 % of the population………….

    Indians , parkistanis , Lebanese and boers dominate the game park business ………..

    These are also heavy PF financiers, while Zambians make up less even that 10% of owning game parks…………..

    • they are financiers for party in govt. do you think they take an ngwee to the party which lost and no hope of being voted in again.
      they used to finance UNIP, MMD and PF. You guess who will financing next

    • by the way, they are financiers for party in govt. do you think they take an ngwee to the party which lost and no hope of being voted in again.
      they used to finance UNIP, MMD and PF. You guess who will financing next

    • JK25

      The current party in GRZ is not intrested in bribes to stay in power………..

      Their mandate is to develop zambia with equal distribution of wealth…….

  5. Zambia watchdog are all dogs. They are frustrated by the failures of the dogs they supported to win elections. How do you support a dog to lead you then you get surprised when the dogs can’t function like a normal human. Zambia watch dog I will kill you

  6. Begin to engage another lawyer while on that sickbed. Tone down Hypertension (BP) and extreme worries are not friends. Do not blame any body if you collapse due to personal liability of criminal activities that have come to haunt you as you fake sickness – on temporary reprieve

  7. Every where you look ………. ..

    There was looting, every where………….

    Indeed under lungu it was a grand festival of looting , corruption and outright stealing………

    More revelations about the Lebanese of LAMAST ripping of GRZ of over $3 million by providing fake sureties and getting upfront payments………….

    Every stone the new GRZ looks under uncovers more looting on top of other looting to cover deeper looting…………..

    This definitely was industrial scale looting by PF………..

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