Saturday, July 27, 2024

President Hichilema off to the US


President Hakainde Hichilema has left for the United States of America to attend the US- Africa Leaders Summit. The summit will deliberate access to capital, food insecurity, and promoting sustainable economic growth and development. The Presidential Challenger took off from ZAF Lusaka Base at about 09:31 hours.

Defence Chiefs saw off President Hichilema, Secretary to the Cabinet Patrick Kangwa, Lusaka Province Minister Sheal Mulyata and Lusaka Province District Commissioner Rosa Zulu among other senior government officials.

The summit is scheduled to run from December 13th to 15th in Washington.

The Summit to be hosted by US President Joe Biden will be attended by African Heads of State and Government, business leaders, civil society global Chief Executive Officers and leading US-African businesses and investors, among others.

According to the statement earlier issued by Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Minister Stanley Kakubo president Hichilema will participate in the US Africa Leaders Summit scheduled for 13th to 15th December 2022, in Washington DC, United States of America.

The Summit, which will be hosted by the US president, will be attended by African Heads of State and Government, business leaders, civil society, global Chief Executive Officers and leading US-African businesses and investors, among others.

The Summit is expected to underscore the importance of US-Africa relations and increased cooperation on shared global priorities.
President Hichilema and other Heads of State and Government are expected to deliberate on opportunities for public-private partnerships; bolstering the US-Africa economic relationship; access to capital; food insecurity, and promoting sustainable economic growth and development. On Thursday 15th December 2022, the official day for the Leaders Summit, the President is scheduled to deliver a statement during the Leaders Session on Partnering on Agenda 2063. The President will also participate in the inaugural US-Africa Business Forum and various panel discussions including the Civil Society Forum; and the Conservation, Climate Adaptation and Just Energy Transition Forum, prior to the Leaders Summit.
On the margins of the Summit, the President is scheduled to attend a meeting organized by the Council on Foreign Relations as well as an engagement for African Heads of State and Government, at the invitation of the Atlantic Council.

In addition, President Hichilema will hold bilateral meetings with other leaders and business executives to forge strong partnerships for collaboration, particularly in trade and investment for Zambia.

The President is keen to see higher levels of Foreign Direct Investment in Zambia and will use the high-level engagements to stimulate greater interest and leverage opportunities for collaborative partnerships for mutual benefit. The President remains firmly focused on implementing robust and ambitious economic programmes aimed at turning around the country’s economy.

In this regard, the President’s participation in this important Summit is crucial for unlocking economic opportunities, and scaling up innovation, entrepreneurship and industry-focused progress for the benefit of Zambians. It will also shore up Zambia’s credentials as a proponent of multilateralism, international cooperation and sustainable development anchored on peace and security.

President Hichilema is expected to depart from the United States of America for Zambia immediately after his engagements.


  1. He cannot stay in the same country for more than 5 days. The witch doctor who made him win elections told him that if he stays in same country for more than a week he will go mad and die. Go ask doctor kachinja kachalo based in chongwe if u think I tell a lie

    • Sad story that you are still drinking momma’s butt-soup. Wizards do not vote, people do. You have struggled with analyzing how Edgar Lungu lost the election, it is because he had no people that could actually analyze and advise him.

  2. They are all rushing to Washington to go and kiss old Joe’s ring and shameless recieve bribes…you are up to your eyeballs in Chinese debt and you think the US can invest in Africa. Our fooolish leaders have not learned anything from the war in Ukraine…Africa is not a priority for them infact a poor Africa is okay for them.

  3. Food insecurity plus bungled FISP equals GMOs . By the time they turn you into guinea pigs some of us will be in our dotage . Woe to the youth

    • That boat already sailed …Levy Mwanawasa and his Agriculture Mundia Sikatana vehemently opposed to the use of GMOs especially in maize seeds but after Levy was eliminated…the likes of Masonta bribed African leaders with loans to sign deals now we are reliant on their seeds that dont even grow once harvested to force you to buy from them because they have wiped out the native seeds.

  4. The Atlantic Council is an American think tank in the field of international affairs, favoring Atlanticism, founded in 1961. It manages sixteen regional centers and functional programs related to international security and global economic prosperity. It is headquartered in Washington, D.C.

    Here comes another opportunity for us to transform and to learn what’s going on in Ukraine and how Ukraine Got help.

    “In addition, President Hichilema will hold bilateral meetings with other leaders and business executives to forge strong partnerships for collaboration, particularly in trade and investment for Zambia.”-LT Because of this, that airplane should just make a U-turn.

  5. “The Atlantic Council is an American think tank in the field of international affairs, favoring Atlanticism, founded in 1961. It manages sixteen regional centers and functional programs related to international security and global economic prosperity. It is headquartered in Washington, D.C.”

    Here comes another opportunity for us to transform and to learn what’s going on in Ukraine and how Ukraine Got help.

    “In addition, President Hichilema will hold bilateral meetings with other leaders and business executives to forge strong partnerships for collaboration, particularly in trade and investment for Zambia.”-LT Because of this, that airplane should just make a U-turn.

  6. Here comes another opportunity for us to transform and to learn what’s going on in Ukraine and how Ukraine Got help.

    “In addition, President Hichilema will hold bilateral meetings with other leaders and business executives to forge strong partnerships for collaboration, particularly in trade and investment for Zambia.”-LT Because of this, that airplane should just make a U-turn.

  7. “In addition, President Hichilema will hold bilateral meetings with other leaders and business executives to forge strong partnerships for collaboration, particularly in trade and investment for Zambia.”-LT Because of this, that airplane should just make a U-turn.

  8. These are meetings designed to keep Africa in economic enslavement. These are meetings designed to keep Europe and America in charge of Africa’s production of cheapened raw materials for the North’s industrial economy. Africans need to stop pandering to the industrialized world’s agenda. Africa needs to form one economic entity to challenge the West. Attending the neo colonial masters’ cocktail party doesn’t help emancipate the sleeping giant. In fact making a few black people wealthy helps the West’s divide and rule tactics

  9. These meetings are designed to keep Africa in economic enslavement. Gaddaffi wouldn’t have attended such economic enslavement parties. These are meetings designed to keep Europe and America in charge of Africa’s production of cheapened raw materials for the North’s industrial economy. Africans need to stop pandering to the industrialized world’s agenda. Africa needs to form one economic entity to challenge the West. Attending the neo colonial masters’ cocktail party doesn’t help emancipate the sleeping giant. In fact making a few black people wealthy helps the West’s divide and rule tactics

  10. None of the opposition leaders want to say anything about Hakamwendo Hakainde because they know they will be doing the same thing.
    Which party can promise to do new things when in power? They all come from the same place. To work in the same farm. They only bring us new thieves

    • This is why we need new brooms in oppositions as the late Chamacakoboka used to say …people like GBM, BUFFOON CK and Miles “Womaniser and Breeder” Sampa can not bring anything new

  11. Begin to mourn your late brother and will sympathise with you, but conducting yourself as as usual, will conclude true sacrificing your own.

  12. What Bally was criticising when in opposition
    Is what he is doing.So what is the difference?
    He should concentrate on home problems

  13. “The Presidential Challenger took off from ZAF Lusaka Base at about 09:31 hours.”
    My question to HH is why he is using the BOMBARDIER CHALLENGER 604, 9J-ONE for non-stop transatlantic charters to Washington (how many tops is going to take?) when there is a much more capable jet in ZAF hanger in the Gulfstream jet. Just swallow your pride and use it …it still belongs to us even though the PF thieves overpriced it. ZAF its high time you advise this man either sell all the jets and buy another or use commerical flights.

    • I concur with you. HH must do away with that old fashioned Challenger and jump on the new plane with features that protect our President.

  14. Begin to mourn your late brother and will sympathise with you, but conducting yourself as as usual, will conclude true sacrificing your own.

  15. Off to America and off to America… Please HH ~ off to China next time for they own a bulk of our loans. So stop this muzungu anikonde mentality. America or Europe will never have genuine Africa/ Zambia’s interests at heart and to much lesser extent nor the Chinese too.

    But Zambia/Africa is better off dealing with China. Please grow “Chimbia ~ China” relations…

    I beg, don’t call me for defamation of HH. I am honestly only making a comment.

  16. The Bombadier Challenger 604 was designed with
    1)increased fuel capacity including saddle tanks in the rear of the aircraft
    2) structural improvements to wings and tail
    The aircraft are employed on maritime patrol and search and rescue missions.

  17. Cash-strapped Zambia proceeds with presidential jet order
    13.11.2020 – 13:32 UTC
    Despite the country teetering on the brink of bankruptcy, Zambia is to go ahead with the purchase of a new presidential superjet from Russia, according to reports from Moscow.
    This comes as holders of Zambia’s Eurobonds rejected on November 13 a request from the Zambian government to defer interest payments, setting the country on a path towards becoming Africa’s first COVID-era sovereign default, Reuters reported.

  18. In and out to sell Zambia what food insecurity!! we do not need chemical modified processed food we should cling to our organic foods our land is fertile for that!!!

  19. Motherland leaders, when are we going to wake up? When did they ever change their agenda towards Motherland & it’s people in practical?

    We the people refuse to remain a giant Door mate for life for them Westerners.

  20. He is just wasting tax payers money. How many trips so far! He has ever by passed the number trips former president Edgar Lungu had in seven years.
    You can have a president who doesn’t want seat down, but his job is to just travel. Locally you travel, internationally you travel when will you look into matters affecting the nation!

  21. Trade carefully Boss, those people have never been on our side…they only donate our own money n blind us to think they helping us. We need the African voice in their exclusive G20 which is modern day Berlin Conference where Africa was shared on the table.

  22. There’s no medicine in hospitals, load shedding begins in 48 hours, the cost of living is spiraling out of control, there’s no liquidity in the market, crime is rising, murders are commonplace, suicides and rape relentless, farmers are still waiting for inputs and those that receive them are getting rations … but a leadership summit in Washington is the man’s immediate focus. He’s actually become a Zambian president faster than I expected!

  23. PUPPETS, headed to the USA to have their strings tightened. The West NEVER has had an interest in seeing Africa develop. When are these clueless African leaders going to understand that? Why is the USA-Africa summit not held in Africa, with African leaders taking the leading role?
    African leaders with colonized minds. No wonder Africa will keep going round and round in circles. No meaningful progress. Because our clueless leaders keep selling out to the imperialist West. What a shame.

  24. OK this president can move. One wonders how he castigated his colleagues over the minimal movements they made. Nangu tapasoswa!

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