Saturday, July 27, 2024

Load shedding casts a bad light on the UPND’s promise of sustainable power supply during campaigns


Political Analyst John Sichangwa has said that the recently announced load shedding casts a bad light on the UPND government that promised Zambians sustainable power supply during campaigns.

Mr. Sichangwa also wondered why there are seemingly conflicting statements from Zesco limited and the Ministry of Energy with the former indicating generational surplus while the latter announced load shedding.

During the association of power utilities of Africa meeting in Senegal, Zesco Managing Director Victor Mapani disclosed that Zambia had achieved 1156 megawatts generation surplus but Energy Minister Peter Kapala recently announced up to 6 hours of load shedding that begins on 15 December, 2022.

After launching part of the 750 megawatts Kafue Lower, it was also announced that the country has a national generation capacity of 3456 megawatts against a peak national demand of approximately 2300 megawatts.

But Mr. Sichangwa in an interview with local radio station Phoenix questioned what has changed now, after clear indications from ZESCO that even with the low water levels at Kariba Dam; Zambia would not face any load shedding as the country has surplus electricity generation capacity.

And The Zambia Consumer Association (ZACA) is disturbed that ZESCO seems to have already initiated load shedding with consumer experiences across the country showing that some areas are already reporting that they are currently experiencing prolonged load-shedding and inconsistence supply under the guise of maintenance works.

ZACA Executive Secretary Juba Sakala said that electricity from the power utility ZESCO sometimes goes the whole day from 08:00hrs to 16:00hrs and at times in different areas goes from 17:00hrs to 23:00hrs, a situation ZACA has attributed to poor planning systems by the power utility company.

“All this is because of poor planning they do not plan for eventualities operating like “katemba” that is what the system is all about.” Sakala told ZBT that the situation being experienced in most areas across the country is disturbing in the past one week as there has been no proper explanationare saying its because or it only happens during the rainy season in most cases but its too frequent and too much.

“We are very disturbed as we do not know if we are going to have power and as we speak some areas of the country have no power and no proper explanation has been given by the power utility company ZESCO.” He remarked.

Sakala explained that, “messages may come today that you may not have power but all the sudden there is power and then two days after that is when you lose out power, sometimes for the whole day without a proper reason or notice being given.”

ZACA Executive Secretary Sakala has challenged the power utility company to take up the responsibility and apologies to the nation as the situation is disrupting businesses. “ZESCO should plan in advance as they are aware that during the rainy season they normally have challenges if they are to suppress this challenge which has been there year in year out.”

He challenged the power utility company ZESCO to be proactive and should not be reactive to the concerns of the general public. Minister of Energy Chibwe Kapala has announced that Zambia will initiate load shedding for about six hours a day from 15 December 2022.

Howwever, there are indications that load sheddding has already began as some areas have been getting eratic supply for the past few weeks with the ZESCO sending messages to customers that they are undertaking maintenance works. But the frequency and schedule for these maintenances have been too frequent.


  1. Come 15th December, we are going to experience the worst load shedding ever. This government is the worst we will ever have. They lied between their teeth in broad day light. They promised load shedding will be a thing of the past.

  2. Uyu Kapapa has also started lying. A fully qualified engineer is failing to run this ministry. Fuel costs are escalating. The same Kapala will soon increase energy tarriffs for the same electricity which is not even available. PLEASE TWANAKA

    • Running a ministry and being an engineer are two different tasks. Although it helps, You dont have to be an engineer to be a succesful energy minister. Its about managing ideas around the energy industry

  3. When we had GEORGE MPOMBO at the ministry of energy, we never had this self inflicted problems. Do we have the right minister to run this ministry?

  4. The Minister in Zimbabwe has announced that they’re about to reduce their 18hour daily load shedding because of the soon to start imports from Zambia and Mozambique. This was after his recent visit to the 2 neighbouring countries. What’s annoying is that Kapala omitted this important info in his statement and that’s why there are disputing statements. Engineers at Zesco know that the deficit is due to power exports and not generation capacity. Politicians must tell the truth because they aren’t talking to children. There’s nothing they’ll gain from lies. There’ll be consequences for these lies when the time to reckon comes. Just tell the truth and we’ll understand

  5. It is not only load-shedding that this government lied about. They lied on fuel, mealie meal, fertilizer, exchange rate. The list is endless. Those that are pretending that things are fine are doing it out of shame. As if farming inputs have been delivered to farmers the president is out living it up in America.

  6. I thought the completion of the Kafue hydro power station kissed good bye to load shedding? At least that’s what we were promised. The new dawn must be careful with loadshedding as it is one of the things that got PF kicked out of power

  7. kkkkkk very dispointing and shamefull to hear conflicting statements from almost from the same people runing the show.Very shameful indeed and the minister og Energy must resign on moral grounds,ubufibulaya no ku bwela stop lying you guys you dont know what you are doing to yourselves,stop it

  8. kkkkkk very dispointing and shamefull to hear conflicting statements from almost from the same people runing the show.Very shameful indeed and the minister of Energy must resign on moral grounds,ubufibulaya no ku bwela stop lying you guys you dont know what you are doing to yourselves,stop it

  9. And yet the ministers, PS, directors etc will not feel the effects as they will have generators enough fuel and other sources of power paid for by us the taxpayers.

  10. Governance at the political level is about communicating as effectively as possible. Then, through the Civil Service and parastatal enterprises, it is about delivering pragmatic services and goods to the population. However, when you promise too large without seeing the reality on the ground, your communication machinery must be in overdrive, not the other way around as is the case now. UPND, your spin is very weak. Up your game. Or call for professional help. Ndiye cimene muyendesewa na ma driver alibe defensive maneuver tactics. A mambala.

  11. Different government same malabish as expected. Let’s keep voting them out until we find the people to run the country.

  12. Have you ever head the saying, “You cannot make a silk purse out a pigs ear”. Meaning that one cannot produce something of value from poor or inadequate raw materials.
    Zambia has rubbish infrastructure and to expect high quality outputs is a pipe dream

  13. Uyu ena ni Kapala. No scope.Worsting time and tax payers money. Ena akalakwata ama light but bambi ati loadshedding. 2 years to go!! We worsted time voting for these morons. 2026 kuyabebele!!!

  14. Awah even the number one boss told us ati just after 10 months in office we have managed to end load shedding today ati 6hours of load shedding no coordinated reports and statements from the new dawn government…. the problem with the new dawn government is they think they know it all they can’t make mistakes and they cant consult from any one that is biggest problem our current government.

    • Eeh eh eh eh…..
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