Saturday, July 27, 2024

Opposition demand information from the US Government on Signed MOUs


Members of the opposition in Zambia delivered a memorandum of demand to the United States Embassy on Wednesday, calling for the release of information on three separate agreements that have raised concerns among Zambian stakeholders.

The first agreement in question is a Memorandum of Understanding signed on December 14, 2022 in Washington D.C. between the United States, Democratic Republic of Congo, and Zambia to develop an electric battery supply chain. The terms and conditions of this MoU have not been made available to the Zambian public, and the non-disclosure of details has raised concerns that the agreement may not be in the best interest of the country and may even pose an existential threat to its economic interests and sovereignty.

The second agreement is a Memorandum of Understanding and Security of Cooperation Agreement relating to the establishment of a United States Africa Command (AFRICOM) office at the U.S. Embassy in Zambia. AFRICOM is one of the eleven combatant units of the U.S. defence forces, and the announcement of its establishment in Zambia was made on April 25, 2022 by Brig. Gen. Peter Bailey, deputy director for Strategy, Engagement, and Programs. This agreement has the potential to cause instability in the region and goes against the positions of both the Southern African Development Community (SADC) and the African Union.

The third agreement is a staff-level agreement reached between the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Zambian authorities on December 6, 2021, which provided a financial bailout package of $1.3 billion to the country over a three-year period. This agreement has included the removal of subsidies on fuel, agriculture, and electricity, which has had a knock-on effect of increasing the cost of living in Zambia beyond the means of many ordinary citizens. There are concerns that the full contents of the agreement may be even more harmful to the well-being of Zambian society, particularly the poor and most vulnerable.

At a recent Africa Leaders Summit, the United States announced plans to provide $55 billion in funding for Africa over the next three years, as well as a $21 billion loan to the IMF to provide financing for low- and middle-income countries in Africa to help with climate and post-COVID economic recovery efforts. In light of these announcements, the opposition in Zambia is calling for full disclosure on the loan to the IMF for Africa.

The opposition is requesting the release of the three aforementioned agreements, citing the U.S. Government’s own laws that provide for the release of public information held by departments, officials, and agencies. The demand has been signed by Ms. Chishala Kateka, President of the New Heritage Party; Hon. Harry Kalaba, President of Citizens First; Ms. Saboi Imboela, President of the National Democratic Congress; Hon. Given Lubinda, Acting President of the Patriotic Front; Dr. Fred M’membe, President of the Socialist Party; and Mr. Kasonde Mwenda, President of the Economic Freedom Fighters.


  1. All rubbish demands……….

    On car batteries………..there was no project, it is a project insisted by HH , so what if we get partners ???? This is African jealousy

    On AFRICOM…… have been told this is an office, even China and the Russians are welcome to propose military alliance with ZDF, as long as thete a tangible economic benefits.

    On the IMF deal………Zambia urgently needs a cash injection after 10 years of unbridled PF corruption, mismanagement and unsustained borrowing

    • It’s not just about economical benefits. People you need to vision beyond today’s tummy needs. Long term goes accompanied by integrity is what we need in some situations.

  2. Ideally, it’s misplaced for citizens of one nation to approach another to explain its dealings with their government. It’s HH who should be held accountable for his actions and not the US Government. There are several avenues available to do that, one of them is Parliament. If a majority of Zambians don’t approve of what HH is doing they’ll hold him accountable in 2026. Unfortunately our laws don’t provide for mid term elections or the recall of an irresponsible leader. I advise those that delivered that memorandum of demand to direct it at HH. Suppose the US Government doesn’t respond to their demands, what will they do?

  3. Who is next as Anti-Corruption Commission hands over properties worth over K19 million to government that were forfeited to the State in the case involving former Ministry of Health Chief Human Resource Officer Henry Kapoko.

  4. When Zambia was falling deep into the Chinese debt trap you were very quiet. The predatory lending by China which left Zambia with a $8 billion debt was very okay for you .
    Today a mere MOU signed between the DRC and Zambia in the US is now very dangerous.
    Please get a life.

  5. Thing is………….

    If it was MOU with the Chinese, these empty opposition will not see a problem………

    But because of it is white westerners it is a problem………..

    Either an inferiority complex or because the westerners are not as corrupt as the Chinese and opposition hoping for kickbacks in the future………..

    • You believe so much in the white people right. You should interact with them at a different level and you’ll understand what they think about us black people and Africa. In short, we don’t need a bailout from any country, we need to bailout ourselves, otherwise we shall remain slaves to our lenders and never ever be in a driving seat of our own resources and freedoms. If the past government made mistakes it doesn’t mean mistakes should continue being made!

    • @Sparka, If you think Mzungus care a rat’s behind about you, then you’re gravely mistaken. Before Africa started dealing with China, we had been dealing with the West for decades. What did we gain from our alliance with the West? Nothing!! Watch the documentary, “Stealing Africa–Why Poverty?” on YouTube and see how the Mzungus ripped off Zambia during privatization. China is not perfect, but it’s far much better than the West. HH is selling the Zambian people’s resources, and yet he’s not willing to disclose the full contents of the MOU. What does that tell you? Do you know the full contents of this MOU? Wake up, Mzungu worshipper!

    • @Spark, do you know what’s in the MOU? We have a right to know, as Zambians and owners of the resources your buddy HH is trying to give away for free to America. We know that you and HH are into Mzungu worship. Mzungus don’t care about Africa. Don’t tell us you don’t know what’s in the MOU, and yet you’re blindly supporting what HH did. That’s the definition of blind loyalty. I support HH, but it doesn’t mean I approve of everything he’s doing. If he goes of the rails, we have to bring him back on track.

  6. Collectively, all these moppets collected less than 1% of the total votes in last year’s polls, so which stakeholders are they representing? HH should just tell them to “foesek”.

  7. How can you perceived a document you have not read dangerous? Is it the US which dangerous or the MOU? Merry Christmas ?

  8. We have every right to know what is included in those MOUs especially the non disclosure clauses…you should thankful that these people are looking out for our interests instead of throwing insults at them.

  9. Why didn’t opposition PF demand info on themselves on how they drove Zambia into the ditch for 10yrs? Checking the speck in GRZ’s eye while you have a big log in your own eye.


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