Saturday, July 27, 2024

Lusambo‘s unlawful wounding case set for February 20, 23 next year for conclusion, judgement


The Luanshya Magistrate Court has set 20th to 23rd February 2023 as the dates for concluding and passing judgement in the case in which former Kabushi Member of Parliament Bowman Lusambo who is facing  two counts of unlawful wounding and assault on two National Democratic Congress (NDC) members respectively. This is in a matter in which Lusambo allegedly assaulted Mary Musonda and wounded Mathews Musukwa both of Mpatamato Township in separate incidents, during the April, 11th, 2019, Roan Parliamentary by-election. Luanshya Resident Magistrate Penstone Chiluba warned Lusambo that he risks his trial being heard without legal representation if his lawyers continued to abscond court on set dates of hearing. Magistrate Chiluba observed that the continued failure by the defense team to appear in court on dates set by themselves was a ploy attempting to derail justice. He was speaking today when the matter came up of setting of a date for trial, after the case failed to take off on 19thDecember, 2022 owing to the absence of his lawyers before court. “From November last year, there has only been one adjournment on the instance of the state while the defense team has had several adjournment applications on the matter, both Lawyers in this case Makebi Zulu and Jonas Zimba are seasoned lawyers who know these things and should have treated this matter seriously, when we agree on a date, there will be no any other justifiable reason to wait, the accused will be heard without a lawyer” Magistrate Chiluba added. He said the matter has taken long and needed to be concluded during the set dates that were agreed upon between the state and the defence. The Defence from Makebi Zulu and Associates presented a judicial notice that the accused person stands trial in other cases before the Lusaka Magistrate Court, the Constitutional Court, Lusaka Magistrate Court, the Ndola High Court, Ndola Magistrate Court including the recent party to an election petition and the fast-track court for financial crimes. But Magistrate Chiluba advised the defence lawyer to put on record the dates of hearing for the other cases to avoid future problems of the defence being committed to other courts. “Am avoiding a situation where we hear that the accused will be appearing in this court when you actually are not appearing, so please put the dates on record for the court to be clear, we need to conclude this matter,” he advised. Tembo, however, proposed 20th and 21st February 2023 as preferred date for continuation of trial, but Magistrate Chiluba insisted that the matter was to be concluded asking the defence to allow for additional dates. He further advised the prosecution team to be ready with the last witness as the matter will be concluded on the next date of hearing. The matter has been set for February 20, 21, 22nd and 23, 2023 for hearing the last witness, submission by the defence team and passing of Judgement. The matter has been before court since November, 2021 and so far, 14 witnesses out of 15 have testified in the matter.


  1. So all these PF bandits ill-gotten wealth has been justified….how come UPND now is trying to divert attention from fighting corruption to silly cases that doesn’t make any sense…or is it because UPND bandits are now busy looting….ALL POLITICIANS ARE USELESS AND ALL POLITICIANS ARE THIEVES….LUNGU WAS A THIEF AND HH AND HIS MINIONS ARE ALL THIEVES

    • Ohh………the financial cases against lusambo are live and well…………

      One at a time………….

      After the assault cases , the murder case of obert katongo will be brought up…………

      Then the financial cases where lusambo got dubious wealth with no tax records…………

      Will be read……….

      Inthe meantime , let’s see how much lusambo has for lawyer fees………case after case after case……

    • I don’t think anyone can argue against this credibly assessment. HH, Lungu and plenty other politicians are all thieves. None of them can explain their wealth and they are still stealing. Politicians are as bad as gangsters whom the police can’t investigate

  2. Malawians have accepted…they’ve just realized that they were duped by smooth-talking Chakwera….and now they want to get back US$300 billion dollars stolen by US based mining company

    • All these politicians are in it only for the money. They dupe us into thinking they want to work for us but they just want to make sure of a secure source of income. How can anyone stand for president for 25 years- to come and do what? Yet theres nothing different he is doing from previous presidents. They just steal more money.
      HH cant explain his wealth and neither could Lungu. Politicians are as bad as gangsters.

  3. This man is a murderer and a criminal. With blood in his hands. He must be glad that death sentence is being abolished. He deserves to be hanged.

  4. This sounds like the magistrate is begging the Bowman’s lawyers to stick to the dates…this is what happens when you have money to hire top thieving lawyers like Makebi Zulu and Jonas Zimba. Zambian courts are indeed for the poor peasants, Bowman is laughing away and will get away with just a clap on the wrist.

  5. Look at all the f00Iish tonga upnd disaporans desperately commenting because they know how much of a thread bowman is.bowman is more popular than f00Iish hh.

    The Zambian economy is in a comma , and yet this joker HH is busy posting condolences about pele, a Brazilian footballer. Lack of priorities.

  6. Iwe KZ, stop being a tribalist. Is that what they teach you in East London and For your own information the real KZ is out on bail and will soon follow you there and sue you for impersonating him. Zip it n enjoy you cup of tea in cold east London flat.

    • When you fail to respond to my points you become coward and accuse me of being in uk. Buy me a ticket I would gladly move to East London than stay in zambia under hh with this economic mismanagement. Fark off!

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