Saturday, July 27, 2024

Nakacinda Accuses President Hichilema of Interfering with DPP, Calls for his Impeachment


Information and Publicity Chairperson for the opposition Patriotic Front (PF) party, Raphael Nakacinda, has accused President Hichilema of giving directives to the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), Gilbert Phiri, which he says is grounds for impeachment. The allegations were made on KBN State of the Nation program last evening.

According to Nakacinda, the President’s alleged interference in the actions of the DPP is a clear threat to the justice system of the country. He claimed that the President denied the existence of any immunity agreement with former KCM Provisional Liquidator Milingo Lungu at a press conference, and that the Minister of Justice, accompanied by the Attorney General and the President’s spokesperson, also stated that the DPP had no power to confer immunity on anyone.

However, just two days later, the DPP revoked Lungu’s immunity, a move that Nakacinda called “contemptuous.” He accused the President of appointing his own lawyer, who is an affiliate of the opposition United Party for National Development (UPND), as DPP in violation of the Constitution. Nakacinda also claimed that the President had already pronounced judgment on Lungu and others he deemed corrupt, and had instructed the DPP to arrest them.

Nakacinda stated that an impeachment motion against President Hichilema is being prepared, citing the President’s alleged multiple violations of the Constitution, including the latest alleged interference in the actions of the DPP.

The situation is further complicated by the fact that the matter of immunity is currently before the courts of law. The DPP’s decision to revoke Lungu’s immunity could be seen as a breach of the judicial process, and could have serious consequences for the credibility of the justice system.


  1. Expelled MMD member and now PF party spokesperson, meaning PF has a shortage of skilled manpower to run its affairs

    • How many MMD cars did that dirty Nakachinda steal? 16 vehicles alone, out of hundreds.
      I don’t understand why ACC never arrested it for theft in MMD.

  2. Always very petty, always witch hunting something, absolutely no objectivity. PF is surely going into oblivion, at this rate, this party will sink very quickly. No plans of saying should we be given an unlikely chance to come back this is what we will come to do for the people, no strategy, no rebranding and this party hopes to come back, How

  3. You wish to bounce back into office and you go and appoint a person who is preoccupied with trivia and pettiness!! Well, good luck with the rebranding and all that!! This issue was already clarified by the DPP. All the time you spend on non-issues, you could be raising relevant, well researched issues and offering alternative direction. Is that too much to ask of a party that was in office for a good number of years?

  4. This scruffy-looking luny.You wouldnt believe that this was once a member of the cabinet of the Government Republic of Zambia. These are creatures of that serpent-eating bas*ard

  5. Hh is the worst thing to ever happen to zambia. Those saying nakcinda is scruffy, when last did hh and Anthony bwalya cut their hair including their vuzi

  6. These PF scums are thinking like college students. impeach , impeach, impeach is all they know!! The president is not leading a student’s college union. Tell voters to get UPND out at the next general election, not impeachment!! Wake up!!

  7. Former DPP Lilian Siyuni wrote a letter to the Supreme Court informing it that she had discharged the case of Katele Kalumba and his co-accused.The Chief Justice Mumba Malila trashed the letter.
    It was a very strange letter that she wrote given that both Magistrate and High courts agreed with the prosecutions evidence and convicted the accused for corruption.
    So Lilian Siyuni was cutting deals with criminals.

  8. What are they afraid of? We all know that the previous DPP was their cover and now the blankets have been pulled. He who sleeps without clothes shall be exposed. 2023 will be a busy year for the PF crooks…strap in and hold on tight, it will be a bumpy ride.

  9. *****s like Nakachinda baffle me… he had believed Lungu’s tribal line that Bally could never be president…??

  10. This guy reminds me of “Mushala” who used to terrorize the north western province. Many stories were told, even KK was scared of Mushala.

  11. Spent half his life fighting for the carcass of MMD with nevers mumba until lungu appointed him minister. Now busy trying to stay relevant in the carcass of PF.

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