Saturday, July 27, 2024

State House has responded to several accusations leveled against President Hakainde Hichilema by PF acting President Given Lubinda


State House has responded to several accusations leveled against President Hakainde Hichilema by Patriotic Front (PF) acting President Given Lubinda during the 2022 end-of-year media briefing held in Lusaka on Thursday.

At the briefing, Mr. Lubinda said President Hakainde Hichilema is a liar who has failed to fulfill his several campaign promises.

Mr. Lubinda said President Hichilema is a non-performer but a motivational speaker.

The former Justice Minister and Kabwata Member of Parliament said President Hichilema lied that his Government would reduce the cost of mealie meal, fuel and fertiliser.

“Those of us like me who have known Hakainde Hichilema for many years, know him as a motivational speaker but not a performer. Even then we knew what more Zambians are coming to know about him now that the man believes in his own lies. Once he tells lies, he believes it and convinces himself that it is true. I am not saying these from without. I don’t mean to demean the President but the truth of the matter is that he makes himself believe his lies. I will give a few examples in case someone wants to quarrel with me. Remember how convinced he was when he said these words:” Vote for me at 10:00 hours, at 14:00 hours the dollar will be at K10.” You know for some of us when you are saying something that you don’t believe in you can see it on the face but for Barry I have to respect him for the ability to tell lies in such a manner that he will convince you,” Mr. Lubinda said.

But President Hichilema’s spokesperson Anthony Bwalya has charged that the Patriotic Front (PF) should have taken the opportunity of their end of year Press Conference to account for their wrongs and take responsibility for the damage they caused to Zambia during their 10 year rule.

Mr. Bwalya said it is under the watch of the PF that the economy collapsed to negative growth, cost of living spiked and jobs were eroded; while the country’s debt profile, as well as credibility of the local currency degenerated.

“The Patriotic Front (PF) should have taken the opportunity of their end of year Press Conference to account for their wrongs, take responsibility for the damage they wrecked over their botched 10 year tenure of office, and render an apology to the Zambian people, as opposed to casting ridiculous aspersions against the phenomenal work President Hakainde Hichilema is doing of repairing the country. It is under the watch of the PF that the economy collapsed to negative growth, cost of living spiked and jobs were eroded; while the country’s debt profile, as well as credibility of the local currency degenerated. It is also under the watch of the PF that democracy crumbled, basic freedoms suppressed and out system of laws heavily abused to silence the opposition,” Mr. Bwalya said.

He said under President Hichilema Zambia is back to positive growth, inflation is under control, debt resolution well in sight, and that the stability of the Kwacha is back on course.

Mr. Bwalya said the Head of State will not be derailed by his critics.

“However, under the leadership of President Hichilema, Zambia is back to positive growth, inflation is under control, debt resolution well in sight, and the stability and credibility of the Kwacha is back on course. Zambia’s investment environment is booming again with investment inflows over the past one year having risen by an incredible 57%, indicating that investor confidence has been fully restored. It is also worth noting that under President Hichilema’s leadership, the credibility and sanctity of our democracy has been retained as demonstrated by the repealing of the criminal defamation of the President Law, to allow for much more extensive and robust democratic engagement by all. The President will not be derailed by his critics and is firmly focused on unlocking local rigidities to get the economy into high gear for more jobs and business opportunities for all, delivering better livelihoods,” Mr. Bwalya said.


  1. ‘Never argue with a f_o_o_l because people may not notice the difference.’ The good thing about democratic politics is that people do not need to be told how things are. They will know and they will vote likewise. 2026 August is coming. That is the day of the exam paper. If UPND did their homweork, they should not fear anything. They will pass ‘total pa total.’ Unlike the guys who got 9F in 2021.

  2. Lubinda and PF have no credibility on the issues they are raising. And this gutter Zambian politics of hailing offensive words indiscriminately: “lies; liar”, etc. Jeez man calm down.
    HH has not impressed as much as I expected him but he’s definitely better than Mr Lungu and the PF in many areas. He needs to work harder and move quicker. E g. he could have gotten rid of the entire Public Order Act, rather piece meals and drip feeding these reforms.
    As for Given Lubinda, the Kwacha did actually improve when HH came to power… obviously it was sugar spike. And the entire world economy is bleeding and on life support by the way with the Ukraine war and COVID-19. So it’s not just Zambia.

  3. The problem with PF is there is no credible leadership …everyone is barking no order..if they were organised Bo Lubinda would have asked about Thabo in that question as it also goes against HH’s principles but PF is like a bus station full of call boys. all wanting attention!!

  4. The opposition is wry useless, mostly because they did so much damage when they governed and the only way to come back is to try and make HH appear to be worse than they did.

  5. If HH was not a performer he would not be as rich as he his.
    I rest my case.
    I wonder what PF saw in Lubinda Ada leader.

  6. In well functioning countries Lubinda would not even work as a bus driver.
    Would what PF saw in him as a leader. Let him go back to his career as an agriculture extension officer

  7. The pf thieves are so shameless. They even have the guts to blame hh surely for the poor economy. Wat a joke. Wat can these thieves do beter wen all that they knew best was stealing govt money which they were showing off everyday.

  8. Ba Bwalya please take a leaf from Lungu’s last Press assistant, Isaac Chimpampe. The man never threw stones at opposition personalities on behalf of Lungu. He brought peace to this office. In a situation like this he would have handed this kind of response to UPND spokesperson. The Special assistant for press speaks on behalf of the Republican Presidency not on behalf of the UPND President.

    • I told you that these boys are inexperienced mediocre jokers. I am just laughing at Anthony’s approach. Let him enrol to a politics night school asap

  9. But uyu Anthony ni chlpuba chikulu. He has not responded or refuted any of the points given raised. The boy has not said a single thing. Alot of noise but nothing said. I am an experienced politician and I can tell you that Anthony is a rookie. Let him come to me I teach him how to respond to political correspondence without making a president look like a farking failure. This is embarrassing. I have even failed to finish drinking my whisky after reading this f00Iishness.

  10. UPND should start taking ownership and stop the blame game. Yes PF were drunk and abusive to Zambia but UPND are messing up in their own way. Zambian people are not going to eat investment. Zambian people are not going to eat when Americans setup a base in Zambia and start controlling the mines and distribution of our resources. Zambians will not eat and sleep when our president is busy doing closed door deals with architects of conflicts. Yes PF failed us but the people got them out to try another day. With UPND, we may lose our country entirely.

  11. The problem with Anthony Bwalya is that he meddles in party matters like an ordinary cadre. Maybe he wants to impress his employer for some reason.

  12. Kono Bo Lubinda kwaku zizilika, kanti ka sikokiana kapa kacipembe ka mufuta mang’i kaka kola cwana kaba selahani? Bayo itama bulikani ni tuBemba mucahabeli after the train quit their Bigot station and he thinks that he is doing the right thing. Ki kuloiwa ko!

  13. indeed lubinda a shameless and heartless abusar is supposed to apologize to the nation for his inhuman subjection of innocent and stranded widows , orphans , retrenchees and retirees who camped by his office, PUBIC OFFICE FOR months . ANY AM NOT SURPRISED WITH TTHE BEHAVIOR OF THE SO CALLED OPPOSITION LEADERS. MOSTOF THEM NOW TALK LIKE *****S AND EVVEN DOGS CANT learn anytanything from them. eg what wisdom ca you learn from tayali, imboela, nakachinda, and lubinda

  14. yes pr presdent of shaless liars,and confused party, what do you expect when the main cooperating partners and advisors of the party are people like tayali, imboela, nalchinda ,,,,,

  15. The law states that a government employee qualify to get a loan if they have served in government for a period of two years plus, these new doom chaps have been in government less than 2 years! therefore they don’t qualify. Check the terms and conditions for civil servants. This bufi party is disgrace and a serious danger. We can’t continue with bufi. And they are busy calling others corrupt! 1.3 million kwacha is a lot of money. I can build three houses. New doom this year man up and take responsibility starting from the top to the smallest in your party. A leader who tells lies every day is a disgrace.

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