Monday, February 10, 2025

PF accuses President Hichilema of undermining judiciary in Zambia


The Information and Publicity Chairperson of the Patriotic Front (PF) in Zambia, Raphael Nakacinda, has accused President Hichilema and his United Party for National Development (UPND) of showing a “blatant disregard” for the judiciary in the country. In a recent television appearance, Nakacinda claimed that President Hichilema has a history of belittling the judiciary, both while in opposition and now as President, through verbal attacks and actions.

Nakacinda specifically took issue with the appointment of Gilbert Phiri as the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), claiming that Phiri is compromised and has brought the important office of DPP into disrepute. He cited Phiri’s handling of the Milingo Lungu case, in which Phiri was cited for contempt, as an example of how the DPP’s office has been “turned into a mockery”.

“This is the first time we have a DPP appearing for contempt, which is a criminal charge, when he is supposed to protect procedure as mandated by law,” Nakacinda said. “President Hichilema has had no regard for the judiciary even when he was in opposition. He always belittled the judiciary whether verbally or in action and this is the same attitude he has brought now that he is President. The attitude of bullying them.”

Nakacinda went on to point out that Phiri, while serving as DPP for the UPND while they were in opposition, “ran articles insulting the judiciary” during the time that current President Hichilema was undergoing contempt proceedings, which ultimately led to his suspension for six months.

The PF spokesperson called on President Hichilema to allow the judiciary to operate independently and for the doctrine of the separation of powers to be upheld. He also urged the judiciary to redeem itself, citing the “absolute embarrassment” of the Kabushi and Kwacha by-elections.

In other news, Nakacinda announced that the PF is undertaking reforms to its constitution as it prepares for a general conference later in the year. He stated that the current constitution has several lacunae that must be addressed in order to ensure that the election process is free and fair, and allows for the party to elect a leader who will inspire confidence among the membership and the general public. Nakacinda emphasized that the party is focusing on institutionalizing the party and moving away from the “big man syndrome”, with the goal of putting the party first and not individuals.


  1. I am in the byu byu with my beautiful Regina. Taking her out for dinner. Let us be proud of our wlves before our side chicks . Free advice unless you are gay

  2. We need to get rid of Jokers like Nakachinda….this guy is a jackass….useless attention seekers and they think they’re helping Zambia by acting like fools…..UPND IS USELESS AND THE OPPOSITION IS FULL OF USELESS CHAPS

  3. Why is it that PF is only concerned about the law when its thieving patners are in trouble you never hear them being worried about Joe Public it always has to someone today it Milongo Lungu the KCM Liquiditor who was transfering millions to his account. This Nakacinda should not play with people’s intelligence by stating that DPP’s office is in disrepute when the previous Lazy Lungu appointee has a rapsheet of abuse of office longer than my arm.

  4. Just surrender the diplomatic passport before many more cases impersonation as a national traitor can be handled by our able DPP. Remember the DPP removed an illegal immunity of thief Milingo Lungu. Ati Immunity from prosecution, PF thieves were a big joke, no wonder the loud chweeee, chweee.

  5. These morons they love attention….standing in front of cameras that’s all they dream about….useless opposition

  6. These dunderheards have nothing to offer.
    Mundubile, CK, Mwamba, Lvbinda, Nakachinda ……..etc , they are all no match for HH. The only politician who I think, is capable of taking down HH is KBF.
    Believe me, KBF is the only opposition leader who is working behind the scene building his Party`s structures and getting ready come 2026, while Mundubile is having lunch and creating alliances with Chilufya Tayali. And Fred is busy blogging. In short they are busy criticizing current government without offering solutions.

  7. Does the input of majority Zambians matter in national issues? Do majority Zambians deserve to decide on issues affecting them such as death penalty? Or should they remain silent because they may really not matter? What constitutional right do they have in this?

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