Saturday, July 27, 2024

Man get one month in Prison with hard labour for stealing a chicken


The theft of a chicken valued at K130 has earned a 24-year-old Kapiri Mposhi man one-month imprisonment with hard labour.

Before Kapiri Mposhi Resident Magistrate was Emmanuel Mabiko, unemployed, of Ndeke compound who was charged with and pleaded guilty to one count of breaking into a building with the intent to commit a felony therein.

This is contrary to Section 303 of the Penal Code Chapter 87 of the Laws of Zambia.

Facts before court were that on December 29, 2022 at around 20:00 hours Iford Mpubulu, the complainant in this matter, secured his chickens in the poultry and retired to bed.

But on the following day around 06:00 hours the complainant discovered that one chicken was missing and the door to the poultry was tampered with.

The complainant inquired from the neighbours who later helped to apprehend the now convict in the neighborhood after he was found in possession of the stolen chicken.

The accused was later taken to Kapiri Mposhi Police Station where he voluntarily admitted having stolen the chicken.

In mitigation, Mabiko asked the court to exercise leniency regretting having broken into the poultry and stealing the chicken.

But in passing judgement Magistrate Kasongamulilo noted that breaking into a building and theft from therein was a serious offence which can aggravate and put the lives of both the owners of the property and convict at risk.

” See the danger you put yourself in what of if the owner harms you, what you did is very risking,” he said.

Magistrate Kasongamulilo however noted that the now convict was youthful and people at his age are prone to mistakes and as such he was entitled to lenience.

” I sentence you to one-month imprisonment with hard labour hoping you will use this period to reflect and repent to become a better person,” Magistrate Kasongamulilo said.


  1. Then you find big criminals claiming it’s a witch hunt when taken to court or investigated. Others protest even just being questioned.

  2. The mockery of the Zambian judicial system is that the person that stole K70,000 from the bank got a simple imprisonment that was even suspended while the one that stole a chicken worth K130 goes in with hard labour

  3. Not that I say its right,but stealing a Chicken,one month in prison? Stealing millions by top people and get away with a Smile and No punishment????

  4. He should have done a ka faith, surrender the stolen chicken and walk free, but what do I know? I am just broke nolumkumbwa.

  5. You steal a chicken valued at K130…you go to jail while Bowman Lusambo, Edgar Lungu, Chushi Kasanda, Chitotela, Chitalu Chilufya, Hakainde Hichilema, Kampyongo, Mtolo, Kambwili, Faith Musonda, Esther Lungu, Kakubo, Masebo, Thabo Kawana, Kabuswe, Malanji, Sunday Chanda, Kelvin Sampa, Musokotwane, GBM are all free and still looting and they want to steal more…. MICROMANAGED JUDICIARY…it’s true Politicians are a hindrance to our National Development

  6. Why not surrender the stolen chicken and walk away free! The precedent has been set by Chitotela and Mizinga Lungu . And the famous chick named Faith,

  7. Just thought about it, that is one heck of an expensive chicken. Seven dollars chicken meat= 30 days in jail. Instead of letting him off with a caution , they will provide food and accommodation worth more than seven dollars! Or my maths is rubbish!!

  8. Who cares about a criminal record, this guy will remain a labourer for the rest of his miserable life. Which employer checks criminal records of labourers? Give this man a break! Set him free now!!!!

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