Saturday, July 27, 2024

President Hichilema returns from Abu Dhabi


President Hakainde Hichilema has today returned from his visit to Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

The President who was attending the Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week (ADSW) arrived this afternoon at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport at 15:05hrs, via the Presidential Jet.

And speaking on arrival, President Hichilema described his trip to Abu Dhabi as very fruitful and beneficial to the country following agreements made for investments and development of various sectors.

The Head of State disclosed that all MoUs signed in the UAE will take effect immediately and that discussions and preparations for implementation are currently underway between officials from the UAE and the Zambian officials from the Ministries of Energy, Green Economy and ZESCO

President Hichilema added that the MoUs signed have an added joint development agreements which are expected to aid the speedy implementation.

“This is a fundamentally different agreement. We signed the MoU and then it was accompanied by what we call the joint development agreement. So we have concluded the negotiations. The commencement is like tomorrow. In fact my team has remained. They are now working on the implementation plan,” he said

He further disclosed that the government signed additional agreements with the UAE for the support of the growth of Small to Medium Enterprises who he described as key to the economic growth of the country and job creation.

“In addition to that we have also been able in this very fruitful trip to have been able to reach agreements with the United Arab Emirates funding support for specifically target Small, Medium Enterprises. That equally is important for our small and medium businesses that will help to bring the people in the low levels to the medium class,” he added

While in Abu Dhabi the President held meetings with stakeholders on the sidelines of the ADSW including a meeting with the management of the Etihad Rail Company and the Board Chairperson of the International Holding Company IHC among others.

The President further witnessed the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding MoU and Landmark Joint Development Agreement between Zambia and the United Arab Emirates aimed at facilitating massive investment in the country’s energy sector.


  1. We want to see the results of these useless deals. Anyone can sign MoUs. It’s is another story for them to have beneficial effects on the average man and woman. Tizawona

    • Is it that country where they cut journalists in pieces or what’s the difference?
      And I see a woman without hijab, what the fvck!?

  2. African leaders with their Presidential jets…..cutting personal deals and pretending like he’s doing it for Zambia….no accountability and his praise singers will be jumping up and down…..meanwhile the guy is loading his Bank accounts together with his minions

  3. We were also “given” roads,flyovers and health clinics by ECL from his deals.He then left us the pain of massive debts so Bwana HH don’t give us sweet anesthesia so we can be raped again.

  4. The real devil is in the details of this MOU ,just like ECL sold Zambians into debt slavery under the guise of “investment deals”

    • President Hakainde has yawned today. This was on his way from the airport to community house. The President then coughed. Afterwards he blinked. He actually blinked all the way home.

  5. @ Mulibe volemba
    Imagine….the other news was President Hichilema leaves for Abu Dhabi….
    And now President Hichilema returns from Abu Dhabi….
    So probably the next news headline should be President Hichilema is driven to his house…..and then President Hichilema arrives at his house….
    Lusaka Times is becoming useless

    If they want to make it news they found how much million dollars were wasted and size of his entourage and personal shopping that was done by his entourage with looted taxpayers money

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