Saturday, July 27, 2024

Musokotwane calls on investors to partner in hydro-energy, renewable energy, mining, tourism and agriculture development


At the ongoing World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland, Minister of Finance and National Planning Dr. SITUMBEKO MUSOKOTWANE has called on investors to partner with Zambians and invest in hydro-energy, renewable energy, mining, tourism, and agriculture development in order to help develop the country and create jobs for the youth.

In a series of meetings with investors and prospective industrial developers, Dr. MUSOKOTWANE highlighted Zambia’s abundant natural resources and urged investors to collaborate with local entrepreneurs to mobilize the capital needed for the development of hydro-energy, renewable energy, tourism, mining, and agriculture ventures that support out-grower schemes.

Dr. MUSOKOTWANE also addressed the power supply emergency currently facing the country and reassured investors that President HAKAINDE HICHILEMA has appointed an expert group to deal with the crisis and implement a long-term power sustainability strategy through public-private-partnerships.

To facilitate accelerated investments in the energy sector, the Minister announced that the government is revising the business sustainability conditions for the sector, to ensure commercial viability. He also invited interested parties to submit public-private-partnership proposals focused on building power generation establishments, particularly in the country’s northern region where rains are concentrated and above the annual average recorded by any other region of Zambia.

Overall, Dr. MUSOKOTWANE is optimistic about the potential for growth in Zambia, and encourages investors to come and invest in the country to help create jobs for the youth, build wealth for citizens and investors, and contribute to the overall development of the nation.


  1. Same trap as PF getting excited with non-binding pledges and announcing them really fast in quick and real time, a semblance of working, which infection has also gone to some law enforcements who are announcing arrests very fast with no convictions. Too much talk and little action on the ground

  2. These are just pronouncements to distract us from the plans already agreed by this government. This man is preparing us for the proposals made by the IMF to swap our debt or secure it against our resources. The same thing as putting your house against a debt and then the lender will use all sorts of complicated methods to ensure you never pay back. Investment with this government is a secret code for debt. How do you propose partnering with investors in sectors which the local people have little or no access? So basically you are calling for harvesters rather than investors. Please first build home grown capacity to manage assets well before calling for investment.

    • These men need to remember that the assets they are so eager to auction belong to our future generations. We have been let down by generation after generation but the Zambian youths today are better equipped with information to change direction. Enough is enough.

  3. HH promised shortcuts to prosperity without telling Zambians how to get things done and now he has realized that it is not as simple as it looked,,,,no wonder HH can’t explain the source of his wealth….the guy is dumb just a big crook

  4. Which serious country is developed without investors… why do some people fear investors and investments… there is a role for investor and a role for the government which wants to attract and retain investors.. Stop wasting time on none issues..

    • USA, they invented the game called investment that’s why they can play it better than everyone. Only China has managed to beat them at their own game.

    • A group of Zambians has constructed a Hydro Power Station in Luapula. It has taken them over 5years. Now Zesco and the Hyped Hypocrite wants to nationalise by acquiring 100% from its owners. Meanwhile they are busy soliciting for FOREIGN INVESTORS in this sector. ISN’T THIS VERY HYPOCRYTICAL ?

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