Friday, October 25, 2024

OCiDA on the brink of division as Archbishop Mpundu denies issuing statement alleging President Hichilema’s government has failed


Civil Right Activist Brebner Changala has confirmed a deepening crisis in a Senior Citizens’ Organisation called Our Civic Duty Association – OCiDA after a statement purported to have been issued by OCiDA Chairman Archbishop Emeritus Telesphore Mpundu, that circulated on various social media platforms alleging that President Hakainde Hichilema’s led government has failed.

Mr Changala who is also a member of OCiDA said in a video footage released last evening, that he fears OCiDA is divided right at the centre and is on the brink of a total breakup unless members rise up and unite.

The division appears to have been caused by the said long statement allegedly issued by Archbishop Telesphore Mpundu outlining perceived failures by the government of President Hakainde Hichilema which has been in office for under a year and four months.

“We are divided for there is a group of senior members that think that we cannot hold the New Dawn Administration to account for their own reasons, and then there are some of us who have seen the short comings and have risen to the day that let’s speak about the challenges we face today, OCiDA might not be the same from today,” he said

And Mr Changala said that whatever Archbishop Telesphore Mpundu whatever to talk about was supposed to be done in private, adding that OciDA was formed as a civic organisation that will fight for various interest within the country but it’s unfortunate that some members of OCiDA think that the current government should not be held accountable for the many challenges being faced.

“In a nutshell, the press conference to be held by Archbishop Mpundu has been cancelled because there has been certain information that reached the Archbishop stating that he must not proceed, and I know that, that’s not the character of the Archbishop, he will re-organised himself and find a way and time to make the media because through you, he will speak to the President, for the President can’t see him personally for various reasons but he’s not the only person that the President doesn’t see, he sees a lot of people but there are certain people that he doesn’t seem to be available to see,” Mr Changala said

Mr Changala further said that the New Dawn Administration including the President Hichilema himself are beyond access, adding that nobody can see the President for various reasons and everybody is complaining about this, including the Alliance Partners, OCiDA, the Chiefs, they are all complaining.

Sources state that Bishop Mpundu has denied issuing the statement and pointed their accusing fingers at a M’membe protagonist Sishuwa Sishuwa, PF Presidential hopeful Emmanuel Mwamba and Brebner Changala.

And in responding as to whether carderism has been curbed and that the UPND are performing to the expectation of the people, Mr Changala mentioned that carderism cannot go away if the leadership has abandoned the very carders that pillard them for 23 years without giving them an alternative support, they will always find a way to survive,

“For instance, whatever the Patriotic Front – PF used to do is now back in Town, you can even see not too long ago Minister of Local Government Garry Nkombo trying to do what was decent but it was reversed at the apex, it shows you that certainly we are back to square one and it will not be too long before the carders come to disrupt this gathering, I heard Mwaliteta warning Kelvin Bwalya Fube commonly known as KBF the other day when he featured on a program and Mwaliteta warned KBF not to talk about President Hichilema as if his their Party President only, Hakainde Hichilema is a President of the Republic of Zambia, and he doesn’t belong to one section or function of a political party,” he stated

He further mentioned that there is failure in the management of human resources, and most importantly there is failure in communication on how the country is being governed, there is a belief that the UPND came on a platform of change, but what has changed?

“They keep telling people about the recruitment of over 40 thousand civil servants, they talk about the removal of carders which is debatable, but there is structural changes to the way people are governed which they should have started with, such as access to information, operationalisation of the public protector, the independence of the Anti-Corruption Commission, and the Drug Enforcement Commission which are all micro-managed by the Executive and yet Executive is the anchor and base of corruption and abuse of state institutions, so, it cannot control an institution that is supposed to curb corruption, if anything the ACC is now used as an attack dog for those with dissenting views or those in opposition, ACC rarely goes for the members of the Executive, when it should have been independent and that was going to be change that people fought for,” he disclosed

“What I can say in a nutshell is that the UPND is a replica of the Patriotic Front, as thy are mimicking the PF, the only thing is the faces that have changed anything else remains unchanged,” he further disclosed


  1. Yes we can see the man is probably ‘blinking’ because of too much sun in his eyes but the organisation might be on the ‘brink’ of division with such statements.

  2. Changala joining the ques of disgruntled PF blood suckers………..

    This is one unlucky man………always on the bottom looking for crumbs…….like tiyali.

  3. This article doesn’t strike the hot iron. Which source says that Archbishop Mpundu denied issuing the statement? If anything, the article establishes that Mpundu and Changala want to hold the government to account and others are refusing and that is the division.
    Furthermore, Changala confirms that Mpundu wanted to hold his conference but was being stopped.
    I suppose we have to wait to hear from Mpundu himself.
    Alas, does the UPND expect everyone who who critized PF to praise them now? We have seen them call Sishuwa, Changala and Sangwa as bitter, will they now label Mpundu as bitter too?

  4. Most watchdog organizations in Zambia fail because at formation they allow undesirables to join. It’s not surprising that OCiDA is on the brink. Many that joined did so for the narrow agenda of kicking the PF out of power and were possibly sponsored by the UPND. They can’t speak with food in their mouths. There was once the Oasis Forum. There’s so much poverty in Zambia that most people’s preoccupation is to eat and eat good food. In case you’re wondering why most NGOs that were vocal are now very quiet. It isn’t that they approve of what’s going on, they probably have food in their mouths or are still expecting pay cheques for their efforts

  5. Changala joining the ques of disgruntled PF b.lood suckers………..

    This is one unlucky man………always on the bottom looking for crumbs…….like tiyali.

  6. Changala joining the ques of disgruntled PF b.lood suc.kers………..

    This is one unlucky man………always on the bottom looking for crumbs…….like tiyali.

  7. What are you scared of? Everyone even a baby knows that hh has failed terribly.

    There isn’t a better feeling than making love to your own wlfe. I don’t understand why anyone would choose to cheat on their personal baby.

    Upnd you are making it hard for us to sleep with our wlves. How can you make love in the dark. We appreciate that your upnd wlves are ugly so darkness benefits you. Should we be thankful for reduced load shedding? Fuseke barfikarla

  8. Well, well, well Mr Changala you have come to the media to expose your dirt to the public. So, what gain will accrue to Brebner Changala? as he becomes irrelevant to the governance issues of the nation. Mr Changala should have paused and hear from the Archbishop than reacting to the article that is in the public domain already. “Aitaya apa” Changala.

  9. No one fails to run Government.
    Government can be run forward like HH is doing.
    Government can be run backward like PF did.
    Government can be run stationerilly like PF did
    Government can be run can be run at 45 Degree like PF did
    oh the champion PF!

  10. So people who have failed to run a simple association and instead are quick to come and air its dirty laundry in public feel competent to label someone who ran a national political party for years and is currently running a country a failure ? And they expect us to buy that? Laughable, Try harder. According to Changala, instead of the 40000 civil service jobs they should have started with the Access to Information bill? Yeah right – go and ask the teacher who was just employed after many years on the street if he would have rather had the Access to Information bill.

    • Iwe teachers were being recruited everyday. Where do you think the teachers we had came from? The announcement on recruitment was just a cover up for the promised job creation.
      Right there are thousands of trained teachers not employed…. perhaps to inverse your question: ask this teacher who was left out how he feels.

  11. I am sure the President has better and more productive things to do than meet with a priest for a chat.
    These so called civic leaders need to grow up.

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