Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Daunting Challenges Ahead: Is HH Aligned


By Chibamba Kanyama

Zambia is facing daunting economic challenges. The bird’s eye-view points to an increase in the cost of living, loadshedding that is crippling industrial performance, shortage of medicines in hospitals and slow delivery of agricultural inputs, a threat to food security.

The Kwacha has continued to lose value against major currencies, a situation that threatens macroeconomic stability, particularly on inflation, interest rates and economic growth. Critical issues with potential positive impacts remain unresolved. These include problems around Konkola Copper Mines and Mopani.

Zambia qualified for the International Monetary Fund (IMF) programme (Extended Credit Facility) that should signal economic stability in the medium to long term. However, the sovereign risk still hangs over our shoulders as we seek to restructure the external debts.

Looking ahead, there is little optimism by many an economist about Zambia continuing with economic resilience the way it did in 2022. The external environment continues to be problematic. The geopolitics (Russia-Ukraine war), instability in the global financial markets, COVID 19 problems, slow growth in China and climate change seem to now have an impact on the Zambian economy.

On the other hand, Zambian citizens seem impatient about solutions that will reduce the cost of living, a prospect that may be farfetched without a strategic approach to resolving the problems. These are issues that I am sure President Hakainde Hichilema is fully aware of. It is a question of whether he is properly aligned with practical solutions.


Many believe the New Dawn government does not have a strategy that should help solve these problems. I have followed closely the actions of the President and his team and can confidently state that the strategy is very clear and we know about it.
My understanding is that government seeks to resolve the problems by firstly, creating the appropriate environment for the private sector to thrive. The private sector has a way of answering a country’s problems: unemployment, inflation, subdued growth, poverty as well as beefing up government coffers through taxation.

Under this strategy, government seeks to induce high domestic and foreign direct investment. This message has been well articulated by the Minister of Finance, Situmbeko Musokotwane in the 2023 national budget. The mining sector is central to all these initiatives and explains some fiscal policy considerations. (There has been an argument the deteriorating exchange rate is a result of the concessions given to the mining companies. My counterargument is that even when these concessions were non-existent and mineral loyalty taxes non-deductible for corporate income taxes, the exchange rate still deteriorated!)

Second, government believes a disciplined approach to financial management will be enough to accumulate resources for social investment. Third, enhancing international partnerships would help restructure Zambia’s high external debt.
Forth, given that the first three can take time to consolidate and bear fruits, government is focused on executing low-lying fruits that provide immediate relief to citizens (expanding social cash transfers, employing thousands into the civil service, enlarging empowerment funds, including decentralizing Constituency Development Funds).

In short, government has a strategy, anchored by the 8th National Development Plan. It is now a question of whether it is the appropriate strategy that answers to current problems and those ahead of us.


Economics is not a science of one plus one is equal to two. You can lay out strong policies and possess a robust economic master plan. Unfortunately, if you are dealing with economic agents, whose behaviour is unpredictable, you should always anticipate some level of disappointment. For example, if there is no firm contract with the existing and prospective mining companies that they should increase investment with relaxation of fiscal policy, the mines may still not invest at anticipated levels.

The President has been aggressive in wooing domestic and foreign investment for Zambia. Whatever the level of investment, we still rely on those boardrooms to make the final decision. Is this a gamble? Not really. Given where we are coming from, Zambia should make significant breath-taking decisions to get the private sector to respond. Genuine private sector that sinks in long term capital requires significant assurances and evidence of robust policy change to invest in any economy, especially one that has experienced numerous policy reversals.

If there are any Zambians who thought the mining companies or any other prospective investors would jump into the country upon change of leadership, I encourage them to think again. A lot of things must happen in this country to win the confidence of investors and the President has shown signs of understanding what is to be resolved, such as ironing out rigidities associated with investment lead time.

But there are encouraging signs things are playing out. The expected visits by the United States Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and the IMF boss, Kristalina Georgieva-Kinova this month are signals Zambia is doing something right to win the confidence of international business decision makers. Having worked at the IMF, I know exactly what went on behind doors to get that visit from the head of the institution.

Some will argue that links with the USA government and the IMF are of an imperialistic nature and not useful for Zambia. In every relationship, what matters is the preparedness of each counterparty to negotiate fruitfully for itself. Let us leverage these opportunities to make a difference for Zambia now and in future. (Unfair) historical circumstances cannot always be used as the basis to reject new opportunities.


Zambia has a lot of problems, many of them of a legacy nature. Though the problems seem insurmountable, they are manageable. There has been a lot of learning from the distribution of agriculture inputs, shortage of medicines and loadshedding. I expect that Zambia will be different going forward.

The alignment the President and is team require is to fulfill the promises in a strategic manner. There is about three years remaining in the current mandate, not long enough to change many things but good enough to demonstrate that a strategic approach to issues will deliver economic growth. The culture in the public service has to change; private sector should respond, and the President will need to remain firm and focused.

Not an easy road ahead but seems President Hichilema thrives in challenges. There are certainly no quick fixes to problems of this magnitude.


  1. President HH should take his 2-4 weeks vacation. Its over a year now. Iyi Zambia will always be there. He’s doing great work and we’re proud of him and his team.

    Strategically CK is going to DC because HH needs a strong person there after signing important MOU’s. Bally is smart. CK please help our Bally. And go well. Blessings to you.

    • A UPND Carder cannot do what CK is capable of doing. We need a strong Economist who can speak well and represent Bally. There’s hope for Zambia. Let’s move NI FORWARD!

  2. HH’s failures on the economic front shall stem from his very strong belief that only the West hold Zambia’s key to economic growth. An economy isn’t like a train headed in the direction that the steam engine pulls, it’s a cocktail. His failure to honestly deal with China shall continue to have a negative effect. The earlier he realizes that the better. Apart from the nkongole we owe, China is once of the major trade partners for Zambia. Just check how many Chinese products are on the market. The Chinese aren’t difficult, just engage them and you’d have solved half of our debt problems.

    • As much as Christians arbhor socialism, the fact remains capitalism is the biggest enemy of the religious doctrine because it thrives on greed. Capitalism is about exploiting and using man’s nature to want everything for himself. HH who is a christian must understand that he is advancing the devil’s agenda by encouraging capitalism. At least KK tried a hybrid

  3. HH has got the politics right. He’s now working towards getting the economy right. Unfortunately lots of people are economically and financially illiterate and think that u can get the economy right despite the state of your public finances.

  4. People can say whatever they want…. HH is not a team player. He’s a Mr Know It All.
    Yes he’s a successful businessman but he’s not been in government in his entire life.
    I don’t blame him. I blame those around who for fear of losing their jobs can’t politely advise him. SHALL WE TELL THE PRESIDENT AND WHO SHALL TELL HIM

  5. @J Stewart Milingo, how true! Christianity is the enemy capitalism wants to embrace. “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God ” Mathew 19: 24.

  6. So Ba Chibamba, what the sum of your message? Stating the obvious without telling us what is wrong or right with the trajectory taken my the HH Administration!!

  7. CK appointment is very strategical, independent mind with an array of intellectual skill and modern management eloquence is a sure plus for HH to lean on when dealing with big guys confidence in what the president has demonstrated so far. HH needs to spend more time on domestic issues highlighted by CK in this presentation which is crucial for ordinary Zambians.

  8. Really laughable.. Chibamba Kanyama has been thrown a bone to chew like Pilato…this is how corporations silence noisemakers look at Ms. Dambisa Moyo they even threw in a white hubby…no more Debt is bad blah blah books

  9. From the culture of free handouts from borrowed money…………

    Zambia is on track for a great recovery, bar a climatic catastrophe…………

    Everything depends on a strong economy……….

    I’m afraid for a better tomorrow…………

    it is work, after work after work and more work……..

    Forward 2031…………

  10. CK is trying to make things look good. But we are in problems. The truth things are not looking good. That’s why america and imf have come to help out. USA has no money for now.. China slowing down on its economy is affecting zambia badly. China has money. It’s the only big power with no major problem. The sooner HH realize the better.

    • Zambia will have to give up what’s left of its sovereignty to get any more money from China……..

      Apart from large population transfers, most large parastatals are eyed by the Chinese for anyone help………

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