Saturday, July 27, 2024

Zambians react sharply to the removal of Presidential Spokesperson Anthony Bwalya from State House


Zambians have reacted sharply to the removal of Presidential Spokesperson Anthony Bwalya from State House.

President Hakainde Hichilema has transferred Mr. Bwalya from State House to Tanzania as Deputy High Commission at the Zambian Embassy in East Africa.

Secretary to the Cabinet Patrick Kangwa announced in a statement on Wednesday that the appointment of Mr. Bwalya into the Diplomatic service is with immediate effect.

Media specialist and diplomat Anthony Mukwita said the transfer of Mr. Bwalya from State House to Tanzania should not be celebrated.

The former Ambassador to Germany said he has observed an unfortunate growing culture of celebrating other people’s pitfalls and challenges in Zambia.

“The culture of jealousy and spite- the case of Anthony Bwalya at State House. I don’t know whether it’s just me, but I have observed an unfortunate growing culture of celebrating other people’s pitfalls and challenges in Zambia. In Deutsch it’s called ´Schadenfreude´ or malicious joy. When someone who once held a privileged position in Zambia is either reprieved of the position or transferred, a large majority of Zambians take to social media to celebrate. It’s almost like a poverty cult thing inked in hate and jealousy,” Ambassador Mukwita said.

Mr. Bwalya had served as Presidential Spokesperson at State House since 2021 until his appointment as Deputy High Commission to Tanzania.

“Take the case of Anthony Bwalya, the immediate past spokesperson of the President of Zambia Mr Hakainde Hichilema, now redeployed to Tanzania as deputy head of mission. Social media is gas-lit with ´celebrations´, which is such a low-down dirty shame because Anthony is not dead; he is alive and still has a job. At a spry 50, Anthony will thrive in Dar-es-Salaam and beyond, while those celebrating his move from State House shall remain in their bottomless pit of pettiness, jealous and abject poverty. My clarion call to you good folks, as we start a new year is, let’s get steeped in love and supporting one another as Zambians, ´rise and fall, not get stuck in the moment of base jealousy and envy, it’s cheap. Today it’s Anthony, tomorrow it’s you. The job Anthony has left is not coming to you,” Ambassador Mukwita said.

Meanwhile, former Copperbelt University Students Union (COBUSU) President Humphrey Mwenya has said the transfer of Mr. Bwalya from State House to Tanzania amounts to demotion.

Mr. Mwenya said Zambia should not kill the political vision of young people.

“Presidential aid is equivalent to a deputy secretary to the cabinet, who is more senior than a permanent secretary. Deputy high commissioner is a civil servant equivalent to Asst Director in a Ministry. We should not kill the political vision of young people. If Zambia can’t nurture leaders, nature itself will nurture its own leaders,” Mr. Mwenya commented.

Meanwhile, Mr. Bwalya’s close friend and outspoken good governance activist Gershom Phiri has claimed that he anticipated his colleague’s exit from State House.

Mr. Phiri said indicators were there that Mr. Bwalya was no longer wanted at State House.

“Some good months ago, I told one of my friends that if Anthony Mukuka Bwalya’s Footprints will not disappear from State House aletola nobwapona, when he tried to argue, I told him kuti wadabwa mu neighboring country or Deputy D.G in one of the GRZ organizations. The Red Lights got too Red like UPND regalia that the Guy was somehow an unwanted plant and those in various ranks and files showed signs to the effect that the guy was alone. For the past few Days I have been receiving information about the same from friends but I thought it will be later than now and had few doubts,” Mr. Phiri said in a facebook statement.

“The guy is and was very competent even better than the current Chief Government Spokesperson, Tony (Anthony) is an excellent person for his previous Job, but from the Time he was continuously being left by the President in most of the trips to the extent Zambians noticing that the same was unjustified, we used our Political Lenses while wearing our Jackets as Ninjas and to us we are not surprised, while we cannot congratulate Mr Anthony Mukuka Bwalya, we wish him all the Best in his new position. We also wonder how such a well positioned and best suited person like him in his previous position can be re-assigned when those who are not competent are not being re-assigned. Go well Ninja Tony Tanzania is close so we shall be coming like we used to come to Lusaka,” he concluded.

Meanwhile, UPND Deputy National Youth Information and Publicity Secretary David Chikwanda has supported Mr. Bwalya’s transfer to Tanzania.

Mr. Chikwanda has since congratulated Mr. Bwalya on his new appointment as Deputy High Commission at the Zambian Embassy in Tanzania.

“Tanzania is a strategic trade partner to Zambia and I believe his Excellency Ambassador Anthony Bwalya will make us proud in that regard. Some may look at it as a demotion but I think this position will open Anthony to bigger opportunities which might have been difficult to pursue due to the tight schedules of the state house. Congratulations Anthony on your new assignment,” Mr. Chikwanda said.


  1. What a silly story! Ati react sharply. What is to react sharply? Ubufi bwekabweka. Anthony’s lamentatios are coming from his demise after a fake appointment by Lungu. Anthony just write another sucking up to HH this time You will be reappointed. Thats how political appointments are done in Zambia

  2. Congratulation to our HH for his good job hopping that other members in the cabinet will have opportunities to rule as the same Spoksperson did, and I pray that God give our reader wisdom to choose the one who will do the work perfect.

  3. Kawalala ni kawalala whether he was good at his job or not. The man should be investigated by anticorruption and should be charged for his crimes. Isn’t this the same dirty linen which 2H was proudly discharging ku ba zungu?

  4. Under UPND people pay attention to someone’s last name like never before…. why can’t we all work together as Zambians……HH should appoint people on merit…..looking at a Musonda or Kalunga or Bwalya as not being UPND enough should come to an end….Tribal and cadre appointment sgould come to an end….Only Kenneth Kaunda was a true one Zambia one Nation President….Rupiah Banda also was ok and i personally think Gary Nkombo can become good President just like Kenneth Kaunda or Rupiah Banda

  5. Wat a useless article. Ar u the one who appointed him. Go and buy feed for yo chickens.zats more valuable 2 u than writing down yo political emotions.

  6. Well said Tony………..

    I always liked the former German ambassador………..

    Sir, if you love zambia as you claim, join hands with this party in power………

    and help develop the place………

  7. useless article . so easy to see that emotions of political oportunism hammering someone’s head badly here. no lessons learnt frm too much dependence on govt cash? Look at yo age b4 you waste yo time on dependence on govt fortunes. move on you had yo chance and leav space for other citizens.

  8. If UPND goes for a convention i suggest that Gary Nkombo should challenge HH for party president…..Gary is more of a practical leader….I think Zambia will become just like modern day Rwanda…HH knows that Gary Nkombo is a likable person and Majority of Zambians will vote for him

  9. No facts here. It’s all speculation. No one is privy to the reasons why President HH has acted this way.

  10. Thank you @Gunner+in+Zambia. It appears wisdom is not very common place. People making categorical and inflammatory statements when they are not even privy to the reasons for Anthony’s movement. To some people it can only be about tribe! Perhaps that is the way they operated when in office?. When Patrick Kangwa was appointed, you never heard any outcry about tribe. So as long as HH appoints and keeps in position people from one region, all is well? Yell as much as you want but this country is not owned by people from one region alone!

  11. Some people’s resoning is strange. When a non Bemba is appointed, it’s tribalism. When a Bemba is appointed, it’s a well deserved appointment. Disgusting mentality

  12. Mmmm,” Reacting sharply” I hear no reaction or see it!! Well, let me put it this way; it’s like any other job, if you’re the boss of any establishment and you smell a rat, honestly; drastically measures should be einforced or it will come back to bite you!! but with the case of honourable A. bwalya it’s more like a reshuffles that have occurred he has not been sacked he still has a job he will be alright!!! i wish him all the best with his new appointment and new challenges aheard of him!!! bless!

  13. HH is a man of principles but pple have to understand that he cannot be everywhere to monitor fraud stars. Too bad for Tony, let him join me in the business of feeding the nation through agriculture.

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