Saturday, July 27, 2024

IMF Is Responsible For The Death Of Many Zambians On The Copperbelt-Lusambo


Former Lusaka and Copperbelt Province Minister Hon. Bowman Chilosha Lusambo has labeled IMF as crooks who are incapable of transforming the country’s economy.

Hon Lusambo said IMF has put the country in distress adding that a lot of lives were lost in the past due to what IMF did to the mining sector.

He said this when he featured on KBN TV’s “State of the Nation” yesterday

Recently, President Hakainde Hichilema boasted that his administration is the one that gave IMF conditions on which the bailout package should be based.

Speculations from stakeholders however suggest that the opposite is true as some attribute the high cost of living the country is grappling with to the IMF conditions.

When asked if he was calling IMF crooks, Lusambo exclaimed “yes! They are crooks. Me I have worked with them. Kaunda tried, he came back running. Chiluba tried, they destroyed our economy. Chiluba went back to China, Kaunda went back to China. Mwanawasa eve straight he just went to China. Rupiah Banda straight, he went to China, Mr Sata straight, China, Mr Lungu straight China.”

“When we wrote that letter, we took that letter to her officer here in Lusaka. We received a reply from her. and the reply we received was shocking because we wanted to find out something. We told her that abanobe kuno balefisa. Twebe fili my agreement. Aisalanda ati aba lingila kumweba ni government yenu. Twaisamweba Situmbeko Msokotwane mu Parliament, twebe, afilwa. Twakonkela again Situmbeko, twebe, afilwa. And we told President Hakainde Hichilema that those boys and girls in Washington that there is nothing they will do to turn around the economy because they are just crooks. We know them.”

Following the recent visit by the IMF Managing Director, Ms Kristalina Georgieva and US Secretary of the Treasury Ms. Janet Yellen, Lusambo fumed at the duo and said their visit was a talk show.

“Those guys are crooks. When they came to Zambia, knowing that we want to know the agreement content, they have not even mentioned about that. We don’t know the content of the agreement and can’t just start speculating about our country. This is our country. The people in power we just gave them an opportunity to preside over our affairs, why should we guess? They are supposed to tell us,” he said.

“That Yellen when she came here, first of all, she came for a talk show. She came for, we can call it fashion show. There is nothing tangible which they came to do. Tell me what they have done. Just to tell the people that no your government is on the track, not today but tomorrow you’ll see the benefit. You Ellen, do you know the suffering of our people in communities? You don’t know.”

Hon Lusambo blasted the IMF saying they don’t have integrity, especially to Zambians.

“And you come here you start talking about things like talk show. We don’t eat talk shows. We know those people, IMF from Kaunda’s time, Chiluba, if it was Chiluba worse. And what they are supposed to do those guys when they came, they are supposed to apologise first of all to the people of Zambia that we came through Kaunda, we failed you. We came through Chiluba, we failed you. And we have failed you with the Hakainde Hichilema government,” he said.

“IMF are crooks and they are not even supposed to be our spokespersons. They don’t have integrity, especially to the Zambian people. People died through depression as a result of what IMF did to the mines.”

Hon Lusambo also insisted that President Hichilema needs to pay China an official visit if he is to succeed with his economic recovery program.

“What the President is supposed to do is let him pack his bags, asende ba pilot na gulfstream he should go to China. The problem which we have, international relations needs someone who can understand them nicely. Ulya mwaiche Kakubo, the Kapiri boy, he has no capacity to advise the President on international relations,” he said.


  1. IMF are just money lenders like a bank. If you borrow from the bank then you suffer deductions you don’t start saying the bank is a crook. No one forced you to borrow from them.

  2. And so is hh for his role in privatisation which he benefited at the expense of poor Zambians. Many are dead now

    • How did he privatize when he was not in government? what was the minister of mines doing and the permanent secretary? No one will fall for these cheap politics from nursery school

  3. IMF and Co are a coverup organisation whose main purpose changed to destabilise any progress made by Africans. They only show up when you are doing well and completely ignore you when you are at war. One wonders why we keep going back to these cr00ks.

  4. Bally is counting ma pledge as investments to Zambia.

    If he was a girl, he would count every kiss as a promise of marriage

  5. No My friend Kaizar Zulu. You miss the point. The root cause of hunger and many deaths on the Copperbelt and the country as a whole is thefts from both upnd and pf. That is why low educated people like Lusambo and you are now boasting of being rich. But at the expense of poor Zambians.


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