Saturday, July 27, 2024

UPND Alliance partners praise President Hichilema for foreign trips, calling for support from well-meaning Zambians.


The UPND Alliance partners have praised President Hakainde Hichilema for his recent foreign trips, stating that such travels are important and beneficial for the Republic of Zambia. The partners believe that for the country to attract the much needed Foreign Direct Investment (FDIs), the undertaking of such trips are inevitable.

The Presidential travels, with the recent one being to Senegal, are important for further economic growth, strengthening of bilateral ties and for the fostering of global economic integration and synergies. The partners have stated that it is unfair for some rogue opposition elements to continue to disparage the trips whose benefits the nation is already witnessing.

As Upnd Alliance partners, they have no doubt that Zambia will benefit tremendously from the trips. It is abundantly clear that the opposition is not happy on how President Hichilema is interacting with different stakeholders on the international scene, hence the condemnation on the trips.

The partners have emphasized that Zambia is not an island and cannot therefore develop without the support from well-established conglomerates. They have also stated that the New Dawn Administration wants to agenda to restore Zambia’s lost economic fortunes that were left hanging by the previous regime.

The President has emphasized that 2023 is a year for unlocking the domestic economy hence the need for Cabinet Ministers to rise to the occasion and follow this directive and ensure that Zambia attracts private players to chart the development path of this great Nation.

Furthermore, the partners have urged the opposition not to trivialize the trips made by the President, but to look at the holistic picture in terms of how the country will benefit in the long run. They have also highlighted that the Head of State has reduced the size of his entourage when he travels out of the country besides the Ministry responsible for the assignment.

The UPND Alliance partners have called on all well-meaning Zambians to support these foreign trips. The statement was issued by Emmanuel Malite, NDC Spokesperson.


  1. MOUs and Pledges have been there from time immemorial!! Why look for solutions outside when you can deal with problems locally.

    Do you need MOU from Senegal to reduce the price of mealie meal.

    You can support anything when you are looking for a job. Zambians are suffering ba UPND alliance m@t0le yenu.

  2. What else can these Alliance partners say apart from bootlicking as long as they have jobs in govt and access to contracts and power…without them they are briefcase parties even if they are so called millionaires

  3. They should be ashamed of themselves…anyway what do you expect because they’re busy receiving brown envelopes…”umwine wachisushi” in Kambwili’s voice

  4. President without portfolio, it seems his own house is haunted because soon he will be in the air again. Now we know why he insisted of selling the more expensive jet. He wants to continue exploring the world. This one will be relegated soon to Sunday league.

  5. In other countries alliances disolve after 2 years but these guys will cling on like Nakacinda did claiming to be MMD when he was clearly not…I mean what can old chaps like Felix Mutati do the man has been in every got since the 90s he makes a living out of being in ruling govts!!

    • @Tarino Orang mwana go through his CV and then seek an audience in privacy with Felix Mutati. If you are honest enough you will come and apologise for your prejudice after that.

  6. Very important and wish Dr Fred and brother Emmanuel Mwamba and Tayali can join us in seeing great value in mobilising intra Africa trade and global business to unlock the Zambian economy through trade. Expecting CTPD and the Zambia Tax platform can join the call and define the power of trade and avoid debt. The cso debt alliance should engage with conversation to suggest solutions and intra Zambia trade and intra Africa trade and global business provide windows for local job creation and economic transformation

  7. Fellow Zambians, let’s prepare ourselves for the tsunami of opportunities these tripes are about unleash. Times are tough, but lets keep our on eyes on the “ball.”

  8. The way Politicians fight to become leaders you might think they’re really interested in developing the country…just look at how they fight in USA and how much billions they spend on campaigns…look at South African Politicians fighting each other everyday trying to be leaders….and it’s because they know that there’s free and easy money in Politics…60 years after independence day Lusaka is full of uncollected garbage…poor drainage and zero sanitation…feces all over town…unsightly mobile money booths all over town….street vendors have taken over all the sidewalks…..

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