Saturday, July 27, 2024

Handle local authority affairs with the utmost transparency, dedication to duty-Haamaundu


The Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development – Permanent Secretary for Administration – Maambo Haamaundu has told Town Clerks and Council Secretaries to handle local authority affairs with the utmost transparency, dedication to duty and a high sense of responsibility.

Mr. Haamaundu warned that his Ministry will take appropriate action against Town Clerks and Council Secretaries found to be unable to undertake their duties or to meet their deliverables.

He said transparency, dedication to duty and a high sense of responsibility are the bedrock for service to the Zambian people and have been continually emphasized by President Hakainde Hichilema.

Speaking when officially opening the Society of Local Authorities Chief Executives

(SOLACE) meeting in Ndola on Monday, Mr. Haamaundu said local government is at the centre of national development because all programs that government undertakes are implemented at the district and sub-district levels.

“This interaction provides a platform to discuss and share ideas on various issues key to the development of our nation through the local authorities. It provides an opportunity to reflect on how we are performing and how we can enhance our performance with regard to service delivery. You will agree with me that the local government is at the centre of national development in our country because all programs that the government undertakes are implemented at the district and sub-district levels. In this regard, the theme of this conference which states, “promoting inclusive local governance and local economic development through the devolution of functions with matching resources”, could not have come at a better time. This theme resonates with the government’s agenda to foster decentralisation and empower structures at the district and ward level to facilitate inclusive and meaningful development for our people,” Mr. Haamaundu.

“Government has demonstrated its commitment to decentralisation through the national decentralisation policy, which has recently been reviewed and is expected to enhance the ongoing devolution of functions. Additionally, the government has enhanced the constituency development fund as a tool for decentralisation and has continued to strengthen its policy and legislative framework to this effect. This entails that local structures are now empowered with the resources to effect participatory local development. The onus then is on you, our executive officers at the district level, to ensure speedy and transparent implementation of the cdf bearing in mind the cost, quality and timeliness of project delivery. At the core of the cdf implementation is effective monitoring and evaluation of the projects. Having commenced the implementation of the expanded cdf in 2022, the government will undertake to strengthen monitoring and evaluation of the cdf at national, provincial, district and ward levels,” he said.

Mr. Haamaundu announced that the Government has outlined a policy directive to promote local economic development in order to stimulate investments that will foster growth and improved standards of living for the local communities.

“We are cognisant that every district is endowed with various resources which must be leveraged on to unlock local potential to spur local economic development in all the districts in our country. As part of efforts to capacitate local authorities for effective performance and programme implementation, the ministry, working together with the local government service commission and cabinet office, has undertaken the following measures: Establishment of the human resource management committees in all local authorities across the country, in line with the statutory provisions of the service commissions act no. 10 of 2016;Filling of key human resource positions that remained vacant in most local authorities to enhance human capacity to handle the increased cdf allocation and the devolved functions from central government to districts.Delegation of approval of cdf projects to the province through the provincial cdf committee which will be anchored by the provincial local government officers. This will bring about efficient administration of cdf in all the districts. These measures put in place by the ministry, will ensure efficient and effective provision of social services to the people of Zambia,” Mr. Haamaundu said.

He called upon principle officers and senior local authority managers to uphold the national values and principles enshrined in the Zambian constitution to the highest degree.

“It is expected of all principal officers and executive officers of local authorities to undertake their duties and functions with the highest levels of diligence and transparency. You are called upon to uphold the national values and principles enshrined in the Zambian constitution to the highest degree. This is vital for efficient and effective service delivery for our people. The ministry has continued to reiterate the need for diligence and effective service delivery and is confident of its officers’ capacities to deliver. On the other hand, should any officer be found to be unable to undertake their duties or to meet their deliverables, appropriate action shall be undertaken,” he said.

“Solace president, this entails that your membership must handle local authority affairs with the utmost transparency, dedication to duty and a high sense of responsibility. These are the bedrock for service to our people and have been continually emphasized by the republican president, Mr. Hakainde Hichilema. As we undertake our duties, let us keep in mind that ours is to serve, not for our glory or gain, but for our people and our country. Let us always work together in one accord and remember that divided, we will fall but together, we will always stand. It is now my rare honour and privilege to declare the solace annual general meeting and symposium officially opened,” Mr. Haamaundu said.


  1. I have always wanted to know why the councils collect levies and property rates and what this money is meant for. Roads in townships are getting worse and not worthy the name road. The general upkeep of townships is non-existent. Is this money meant for salaries for people who can’t find employment outside manucipalities?
    Very frustrating.

  2. Maambo Hamaundu should familiarize himself with the history of local government in Zambia from colonial times. At the heart of local government is local taxation and local spending of money locally-generated from residents, that is, businesses and eligible humans, on public goods. In other words local authorities hv no right to tax anyone if they’re providing no public services in return.

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