Saturday, July 27, 2024

Increased copper theft reports in Chingola upsets IG


Increased copper theft reports at Konkola Copper Mine (KCM) and China Copper Mine (CCM) in Chingola has riled Inspector General of Police (IG) Lemmy Kajoba.

Speaking after familiarisation tours of KCM and (CCM) in Chingola yesterday, Mr Kajoba said the tour was aimed at assessing the security measures that had been put in place by Zambia Police following reports of copper theft.

He said the visit was an eye-opener as it enabled him to appreciate the security challenges that KCM and CCM were experiencing and devise what security measures should be put in place to curb the thefts.

The IG said going forward the police need to break the syndicate of copper theft by engaging transporters who move copper beyond the gates of the mine to the intended market but along the way the copper ends up being stolen.

Mr. Kajoba has assured both mines that the police will address their security concerns.

Meanwhile, Konkola Copper Mine (KCM) Acting Chief Executive Officer Enock Mponda said as custodians of the asset, it was a huge responsibility for them to keep the asset intact.

“We want to appreciate the visit by the IG as we appreciate the services from the State Police. We have 119 police from Mobile unity, anti-copper theft and other units, and we will do our best in terms of resources,” he said.

And China Copper Mine (CCM) General Manager Zhang Menatoa expressed gratitude for the support that Zambia Police is providing to the mine in terms of security.


  1. What Kajoba doesn’t know is that even the police (several)are involved in these thefts.
    Just look at the lifestyles of his officers.

  2. Kajoba doesn’t know Kopala Buju. Copper thefts won’t be curbed as long as the returns are very high and there’s ready market from local Chinese & Lebanese buyers. Further, establish even a mobile weighbridge at Chililabombwe – Solwezi turnoff. A single driver can’t steal a truckload of copper alone, it’s a syndicate. The greed for money has turned Zambia into a lawless country now. Money speaks louder than words

  3. Kajoba is fighting a battle he cannot win. The same police officers manning entry and exit points to the mines are the master minders of copper theft. They connive with former mine workers who know all the corners of the mine area. You can only minimize the damage but cannot fully eradicate the vice. Job well done though for the initiative.

  4. These chaps like Kajoba who do the answer to apart from the President…how is their performance measured? In other democracies these IGs and Provincial Commissioners have to report to public Committees. This guy is not competent.

  5. Theft and corruption has skyrocketed in Zambia ….slowly Zambia is becoming another Congo where almost everyone is a thief…and the rot starts from the head

  6. How are they stealing their own resources? surely it’s the mining companies who are stealing and using our police to protect them.

    • Mauritius is a small island with a has a small population basically has no choice but rely on tourism…not the best example to learn from.

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