Saturday, July 27, 2024

There is no need to amend the Public Order Act – Munir Zulu


Lumezi Member of Parliament Munir Zulu says there is nothing wrong with the Public Order Act as the problem has always been with the Executive, and all successful governments have abused the Public Order Act by deliberately choosing to misinterpret it.

Mr Zulu explained that the Public Order Act clearly states that one needs to notify the Police and not to seek permission to hold a public gathering but all previous governments including the United Party for National Development – UPND are saying notifying is equating to seeking permission which is not the case.
He added that the implementation is what is wrong with the Public Order Act, because notifying simply means just notifying the Police that a public meeting will be held at a certain location and time.

“Why they chose to deliberately misinterpret the word notify to eman seeking authority is something that I don’t really understand, because for me it’s the political will that has been lacking, and its a problem of those that had a privilege to lead the country, ” he said

“When you look at the content of the Public Order Act, what is it that the UPND are changing or do we need the Public Order Act in the first place, the only problem we might have is where someone us inciting civil disorder but speaking to your own people, do I need permission, how? So we need to interogate the content of the draft as it is what matters and if the comes to Parliament and I will look at it and if it means well for the people and all my competitors in Lumwezi Constituency if at all there are any, then I will support it but if this draft bill proposes to suppress the my rights and that of my competitors then I will push it down,” he added

And when commenting on the current high prices of mealie meal, Mr Zulu mentioned that the Minister of Agriculture has not been sincere in addressing the challenges under his Ministry, adding that most of the millers are also into supplying of fertilizer and they are being suspected to having been involved in the previous government way of doing things hence, being labelled to being thives and sponsoring the opposition political parties which should not be the case because they are expertise.

“You don’t fight business men, as much as the UPND would want to bring on board new business men,but they should have harmonized those that have the history of milling, supplying fertilizer, medicine, as the easiest man to deal with is a business man as there only interest is making profit, as long as the busienss man can make profit, forget about who they where dealing with yesterday but should you go against a business I can assure you that they can sabbotage the economy and I have a feeling that there is a sabboatge that is taking place because what is happening is not normal and there is n o way that pricess of mealie meal can be increasing every after two (2) days,” he said
Mr Zulu cited that the government made a mistake by exporting maize to Tanzania, Kenya and Democratic Republic of Congo, and local millers equally bought the maize but there where not milling and kept the maize in their sheds because they knew that when to mill.

He further cited that now that the country is having this problem, the millers know that whatever price they put their mealie meal at, citizens will have no option but to buy.
“I can tell you to say that come February 28, mealie meal will be at 300 Kwacha,” he said

Mr Zulu said that the best solution to addressing the high prices of mealie meal is for the government to engage the millers and humble themselves and they should also know that they are dealing with business men.


  1. When you inform someone, you are simply stating what you intend to do. Naturally, the person you are informing can tell you something that can hider you from doing what you intended.
    You see, law must be explicitly clear without any ambiguities hence the need to amend our POA.
    The law can be interpreted by Statutory interpretation by use of general principles or by recent trends, others will use the chevron/skidmore deference in the interpretation of ambiguous statute if the interpretation is considered reasonable. Either way, life must continue.

  2. An amendment is totally necessary even if what you are saying is true because if certain clauses or words can be inserted then the misinterpretation of what you are saying won’t be there. The sooner this is done the better not when there is elections that’s when you start looking at it.

  3. The story lacks enthusiasm and merely focused on “I” syndrome. If the issue(POA) was to be tackled effectively with positive results, its to pitch it with a robust debate in parliament exhibiting rationale for its amendment or non amendment of it. Busking on social media over this important piece of legislation is of non effect, since so much debates about POA in Zambia has been made and fatigued Zambians. Make use of parliamentary debate opportunity for once, to be effective than “I” syndrome mentality and perceived competitors/opponents.

  4. Munir Zulu is one of the beneficiaries from lawlessness promoted by Kaizar Zulu and the likes to those criminals who cannot even wash and kam their hair.

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