Saturday, July 27, 2024

Five escape death in road accident


Five people narrowly escaped death when the vehicle they were in flipped and plunged into a stream along Mwinilunga -Solwezi road.

The incident occurred on 02 February 2023 at around 12:30 hours in Makangu area about 65 kilometres east of Mwinilunga Central Business District.

North Western Province Police Commanding Officer, Dennis Moola confirmed the incident in a statement availed to to the media

Mr Moola explained that the incident occurred when the driver of a saula truck registration number BAG 6075 Anshel Katumba 31, of Chingola mining area, while driving from the north to south direction lost control of his motor vehicle and plunged into Ngoma stream due to excessive speed.

“He lost control of the motor vehicle, hit into the culverts and flipped into a stream” said the Commanding Officer.

He said in the process four people sustained injuries among them Arnold Mphundu aged 39 of Chililabombwe who sustained broken right wrist, suspected fractured legs and deep cut on the head, Womba Kapusa aged 40 of Ikeleng’i area who sustained deep cut on the forehead and
complained of painful ribs.

Mr Moola named others injured as Chishala Jones aged 33 of Chingola who sustained a bruised face and right elbow and the driver, Jeff Kaheu 31, of Kabundi area in Chingola, complained of painful back bone and bruised left hand while the driver Anshel Katumba sustained deep cut on the left hand and complained of painful both ribs.

He said the motor vehicle is extensively damaged adding that the driver is to blame and will be charged with the offence of dangerous driving once he is discharged from the hospital.

“The motor vehicle is extensively damaged, and the driver is to blame, he will be charged with dangerous driving” he said.

Mr Moola said all the casualties have been admitted at Mwinilunga district hospital where they are receiving treatment.


  1. The country is under an evil spirit of Death since upnd started ruling

    Yes I have changed my name to reflect the level of anger I feel towards this failed upnd government experiment.

    • Are you normal you useless chap…what kind of user name is that…learn to have respect for elders even if you don’t agree with them…what kind of madness are you afflicted with you cretin that used to call yourself Kaiser Zulu.

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